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L. liliifolia should be planted in well-drained soil; a shady bank is preferable. L. Laeselii delights in a wet situation, just at the edge of the water.
L. liliifolia should be planted in well-drained soil; a shady bank is preferable. L. Laeselii delights in a wet situation, just at the edge of the water.
L. atropurpurea, Lindl. Plants 1 ft. or more high: lvs. 2-4, nearly round, acuminate plicate, near together at the upper part of the St.: raceme manv-fld. ; fls. chocolate-purple; lip oblong, obtuse, recurved. June. Ceylon. B.M. 5529. — The most ornamental of the genus. — L. Caillei. Finet. Dwarf: racemes several- fld.; scape 4-winged: lvs. membranous, not plicate. French Guinea. —L. Lacerata, Ridl. Racemes about 8 in. long; sepals and petals yellowish, oblong, obtuse; lip orange-red. Borneo. — L. nana, Rolfe. Plant very small: fls. dark purple, remarkable in having a very broad, nearly straight column. Annam. — L. rhodochila, Rolfe. Scape many-fld.; sepals and petals light green; lip reddish crimson. Java. — L. tabularis, Rolfe. Raceme lax; fls. purple; dorsal sepal oblong-lanceolate, the lateral oblong; petals filiform; lip reniform, denticulate. Penang. B.M. 8195.— L. triollosa, Reichb. f. Raceme loosely many-fld., the rachis red; sepals strap-shaped, lemon-yellow; petals filiform, arched, red; lip nearly orbicular, golden yellow, red-striped. Malay Penin. B.M. 7804. — L. Warpuri, Rolfe. Only a few inches high: scape 1- or 2-fld.; fls. light green, with dark green disk. Madagascar.


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