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564 bytes added ,  13:55, 11 December 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Lippia citriodora, Kunth (Aloysia citriodora, Ort.). Lemon Verbena. Small shrub, glabrous, the branchlets striate and more or less scabrous: lvs. in whorls of 3 or 4, lanc…'
Lippia citriodora, Kunth (Aloysia citriodora, Ort.). Lemon Verbena. Small shrub, glabrous, the branchlets striate and more or less scabrous: lvs. in whorls of 3 or 4, lanceolate, short-stalked, glabrous, densely covered beneath with glandular dots, entire or toothed at the middle, lemon-scented: spikes whorled and axillary or collected in terminal panicles, which may be 3 in. long and wide: fls. white, small, in summer and autumn. Uruguay, Argentina, Chile. B.M. 307 (as Verbena triphylla). Sometimes grown as standard and tree-like. G.C. II. 11:301.


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