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The genus Lycaste is closely allied to Maxillaria and has a similar geographical range, being found from Mexico and the West Indies to Peru and southeastern Brazil. Notwithstanding this wide distribution, however, they readily subject themselves to one general mode of treatment, and may be grown in a bright cool portion of the cattleya or warm end of the odontoglossum department, where they should receive plenty of indirect solar light, moisture and sufficient ventilation to ensure an active atmosphere. During winter, the night temperature should range from 50° to 55° Fahr. and that of the day from 60° to 65°, or a few degrees higher, with sun heat and ventilation. In summer, the air should be as cool as possible, and contain plenty of moisture. When lycastes are growing they need a good supply of water at the roots, and should never be allowed to remain dry for a long time, even when at rest. Light syringing overhead is beneficial at all times in bright weather when air can be admitted. The deciduous species, however, must be carefully watered when at rest, for it must be remembered that in casting their foliage they lose most of their active radiating surface, thus reducing evaporation to a minimum.—For special treatment, they maybe divided into three groups, L. aromatica, L. costata and L. tetragona forming good types. The L. aromatica section embraces, besides the type, L. candida, L. cruenta, L. Deppei, L. lasioglossa, L. macrobulbon and kindred sorts, all more or less deciduous. These grow best in pots in a mixture of equal parts chopped peat fiber and sphagnum moss, with a small quantity of leaf-mold added. About one-third of the pot space should be devoted to drainage of broken charcoal or potsherds, and the compost must be carefully and rather firmly pressed in about the roots, leaving the base of the pseudobulbs on a level with or a little below the rim of the pot. The best time for transplanting is just after the plants start into new growth, at which time give a more abundant supply of water.—The L. costata group includes, besides the type, such species as L. lanipes, L. locusta and L. Skinneri, which, excepting the last, are but semi-deciduous, large-growing species. They succeed best under pot culture, and should be grown in a compost of about equal parts chopped sod, from which some of the fine soil has been removed, and decomposed leaves, adding a little chopped live sphagnum to keep the soil porous and to retain moisture. The compost should become nearly dry occasionally to prevent it from becoming sour.—The L. tetragona section is small; all are sempervirent and grow best under basket culture in porous material consisting of chopped peat fiber and live sphagnum, well mixed and interspersed with nodules of charcoal. The compost should be pressed in moderately firm about the roots to keep the plant steady, and newly imported pieces should be held in place by copper or brass wire crossed between the pseudobulbs.—Lycaste stock is usually supplied by new importations, but plants may be increased by cutting through the rhizome between the pseudobulbs, two at least being left to each piece.
The genus Lycaste is closely allied to Maxillaria and has a similar geographical range, being found from Mexico and the West Indies to Peru and southeastern Brazil. Notwithstanding this wide distribution, however, they readily subject themselves to one general mode of treatment, and may be grown in a bright cool portion of the cattleya or warm end of the odontoglossum department, where they should receive plenty of indirect solar light, moisture and sufficient ventilation to ensure an active atmosphere. During winter, the night temperature should range from 50° to 55° Fahr. and that of the day from 60° to 65°, or a few degrees higher, with sun heat and ventilation. In summer, the air should be as cool as possible, and contain plenty of moisture. When lycastes are growing they need a good supply of water at the roots, and should never be allowed to remain dry for a long time, even when at rest. Light syringing overhead is beneficial at all times in bright weather when air can be admitted. The deciduous species, however, must be carefully watered when at rest, for it must be remembered that in casting their foliage they lose most of their active radiating surface, thus reducing evaporation to a minimum.—For special treatment, they maybe divided into three groups, L. aromatica, L. costata and L. tetragona forming good types. The L. aromatica section embraces, besides the type, L. candida, L. cruenta, L. Deppei, L. lasioglossa, L. macrobulbon and kindred sorts, all more or less deciduous. These grow best in pots in a mixture of equal parts chopped peat fiber and sphagnum moss, with a small quantity of leaf-mold added. About one-third of the pot space should be devoted to drainage of broken charcoal or potsherds, and the compost must be carefully and rather firmly pressed in about the roots, leaving the base of the pseudobulbs on a level with or a little below the rim of the pot. The best time for transplanting is just after the plants start into new growth, at which time give a more abundant supply of water.—The L. costata group includes, besides the type, such species as L. lanipes, L. locusta and L. Skinneri, which, excepting the last, are but semi-deciduous, large-growing species. They succeed best under pot culture, and should be grown in a compost of about equal parts chopped sod, from which some of the fine soil has been removed, and decomposed leaves, adding a little chopped live sphagnum to keep the soil porous and to retain moisture. The compost should become nearly dry occasionally to prevent it from becoming sour.—The L. tetragona section is small; all are sempervirent and grow best under basket culture in porous material consisting of chopped peat fiber and live sphagnum, well mixed and interspersed with nodules of charcoal. The compost should be pressed in moderately firm about the roots to keep the plant steady, and newly imported pieces should be held in place by copper or brass wire crossed between the pseudobulbs.—Lycaste stock is usually supplied by new importations, but plants may be increased by cutting through the rhizome between the pseudobulbs, two at least being left to each piece.
L. Balliae-L. Skinneri X L. plana var. Measuresiana. Sepals terra-cotta with a rosy flush; petals rose, fading, to white at tips; lip white, irregularly carmine-spotted. O.R. 11:80. G.M. 46:356; 55:210.—l. Barringtoniae. Lindl. Fls. green to tawny yellow; sepals and petals ovate-lanceolate; lip 3-lobed, the front lobe ovate; fimbriate. W. Indies.—L. Cappei—L. Skinneri xL.plana.—L. Charlesworthii-(?).—L. Dyeriana, Sander. Fls. pale green; lip obscurely 3-lobed, the front lobe elliptic, denticulate, reflexed, obtuse. Peru. B.M. 8103.—L. eisgrubensis-L. Skinneri x L, lasioglossa.—L. Formosa-(?). Fls. large, cream-white, with red spots at the base of the petals.—L. fulvencens. Hook. Sepals and petals lanceolate, acuminate, red-brown, paler at base; lip orange- brown, oblong, obtuse. Colombia. B.M. 4193.—L. Groganii-L. aromatica x L. Deppei.—L. Henniseana , Kranzl. Allied to L. lasiogloesa. Fls. large; petals nearly white; lip quite glabrous, white or cream-colored; column pure white, hairy above the middle. Colombia.—L. hybrida-L. Skinneri X L. Deppei. Fls. in size between the two parents, cream-color, minutely dark-spotted.— L. Imschontiana, Lind. & Cogn.—L. Skinneri X Maxillaria nigrescens. Sepals pale yellow, red-spotted; petals pale yellow, smaller, less spotted; lip yellow, dark purple at base. Lind. 410. J.H. III. 62:425.—L. lata, Rolfe. Allied to L. Barringtoniae. Fls. white, except sepals and apex of petals which are green. Peru.—L. Lucianiana-L. Skinneri X L. lasioglossa.—L. macrophylla, Lindl.—L. plana.—L. Micheliana, Cogn. In general aspect much resembling L. aromatica, but with the floral segms. broader. Mex.—L. peruviana, Rolfe. Sepals and petals light brown, becoming paler at base, lip nearly white. Peru.—L. Pourbaixiana-L. Skinneri var. superba x L. Deppei.—L. Rogersonii-L. Skinneri x L. plana.—- L. tricolor, Reichb. f., var. albens. Sepals pale green; petals white with greenish tinge at ends. Tunstillii-(?). Sepals rose-colored; petals white with rose-pink spots; lip ruby-red, with white markings. G.C. III, 54:415.—L. xytriophora, Reichb. Sepals light greenish brown, with a horny point on the under side: petals yellowish green at base, white above; lip small, white, sometimes stained rose- pink. Peru (?).


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