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708 bytes added ,  09:59, 14 December 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Lychnis dioica, Linn. (L. diurna, Sibth.). Red or Morning Campion. Fig. 2226. Coarse, hairy and usually somewhat viscid, 1-2 ft. tall, forking above: lvs. ovate-lanceolate…'
Lychnis dioica, Linn. (L. diurna, Sibth.). Red or Morning Campion. Fig. 2226. Coarse, hairy and usually somewhat viscid, 1-2 ft. tall, forking above: lvs. ovate-lanceolate or oblong, the cauline ones broad- based or clasping: fls. normally red (varying to pink and white), in loose, elongating or forking clusters (or at first single on the ends of the branches), opening in the morning, not fragrant, more or less dioecious; calyx oblong, reddish, not exceeding ½in. length: fr. or caps, large and globose, wide-mouthed, the teeth recurved. Eu. and Asia.—Frequent in old gardens, and also run wild in waste grounds in the eastern states. There are double- fld. forms. G.C. III. 48:105 (double).


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