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Created page with '{{Inc| Lychnis viscaria, Linn. German Catchfly. Interesting hardy perennial, 6-20 in. high, glabrous but with viscid patches beneath the fl.-clusters: lvs. long-linear, the lower…'
Lychnis viscaria, Linn. German Catchfly. Interesting hardy perennial, 6-20 in. high, glabrous but with viscid patches beneath the fl.-clusters: lvs. long-linear, the lower ones tapering toward the base: fls. not large, red, in opposite short-stalked clusters, which form an interrupted glomerate panicle; calyx ¾in. long, reddish, usually somewhat swollen above the middle, with short teeth. Eu., N. Asia. G. C. III. 20:122.—Sometimes seen in old gardens, and a useful plant with a tufted habit; a most profuse bloomer in sunny places. Var. alba, Hort. Fls. white. G. M. 56:455. G. 30:401. Var. splendens, Hort., has rose-pink fls. Var. elegans, Hort., has scarlet and white-striped fls. There are double-fld. forms. G. 25:347.


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