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Meconopsis racemosa, Maxim. Very like M. aculeata, but with entire lvs.: perennial or biennial with thick elongated root, with yellow prickles, sts. erect or ascending, leafy below, 1-2 ½  ft.: lvs. glaucous, more or less prickly, the basal ones linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, entire or obscurely sinuate, the st.-lvs. contracted into short winged petiole: fls. deep purple to pale lilac, in long racemose cymes; petals 6 (5-8), obovate, spreading, nearly 1 in. long: caps, with small appressed setae. Cent. Asia to China, 14,000-15,000 ft. altitude. G.C.III. 42:31; 46:92. G. 34:161. Gn. 68, p. 384; 75, p. 510.—Offered abroad.
Meconopsis rudis, Prain. Annual (monocarpic). prickly, l½-3 ft., the spines spreading and pale straw- color, rhizome fusiform: lvs. prickly both sides, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute, almost entire or sparingly toothed, narrowed to a wide petiole, glaucescent beneath: fls. in raceme-like cymes, 2 ½ in. across, bright blue or pale purple, sometimes flushed with purple; petals 6-8, ovate-oblong, obtuse; stamens numerous, with blue filaments and yellow anthers: caps, sub- globose or oblong. S. W. China, 13,000-15,000 ft. B.M. 8568.
Meconopsis rudis, Prain. Annual (monocarpic). prickly, l½-3 ft., the spines spreading and pale straw- color, rhizome fusiform: lvs. prickly both sides, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute, almost entire or sparingly toothed, narrowed to a wide petiole, glaucescent beneath: fls. in raceme-like cymes, 2 ½ in. across, bright blue or pale purple, sometimes flushed with purple; petals 6-8, ovate-oblong, obtuse; stamens numerous, with blue filaments and yellow anthers: caps, sub- globose or oblong. S. W. China, 13,000-15,000 ft. B.M. 8568.


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