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Rubus phoenicolasius, Maxim. Wineberry. Fig. 3492. Canes long and recurving, furnished with straight, weak prickles and densely clothed with red-brown glandular hairs, prop, by "tips:" lfts. usually 3, broad-ovate to round-ovate, apiculate-toothed and sometimes indistinctly lobed at top, white-tomentose beneath: fls. in dense, small, shaggy-haired clusters which spring from the uppermost axils and form a large, loose, leafy panicle; petals shorter than the long, bristly calyx-lobes, the latter enlarging after flowering and inclosing the growing frs. in a bur but spreading apart as the fr. matures: fr. usually small and soft, cherry-red, acid or usually insipid. Japan and China. B.M. 6479. G.C. II.26:365; III.11:269; 28:137. J.H.III. 29:210. Gt. 52, p. 565. G. 19:235. A.G. 12:205; 15:435. Gng. 3:263.—Interesting as an ornamental plant, and also recommended for its fr. In the N. it often kills to the ground, but the strong young recurving canes and white- bottomed foliage make it a handsome plant. Sparingly run wild in the E. U. S.
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