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Rubus idaeus, Linn. European Raspberry. An erect, mostly stiff grower, prop. by suckers, the canes light-colored and bearing nearly straight slender prickles: lfts. ovate, white beneath, irregularly toothed and notched, usually somewhat plicate or wrinkled: fl.-clusters mostly long and interrupted, most of the peduncles dividing into 2 or 3 pedicels, the pedicels, as also the flowering shoots, petioles, and midribs, finely pubes cent, but not glandular, and sparsely furnished with firm recurved prickles: fls. small, white; calyx pubescent: fr. oblong or conical, dark red, yellow or whitish, produced more or less continuously throughout the season. Eu. and Asia.—Named for Mt. Ida, in Greece. Early intro. into this country, but now nearly driven from cult. by the hardier native species. The Antwerps, Fontenay, and Fastolf belong here. Rubus idaeus is not known to be native to N. Amer., but it is said to be sparingly escaped from cult.
The '''Raspberry''' or '''Red Raspberry''' (''Rubus idaeus'') is a [[plant]] that produces a [[tart]], sweet, red composite [[fruit]] in summer or early autumn. In proper [[botany|botanical]] language, it is not a [[berry]] at all, but instead an [[Fruit#Aggregate fruit|aggregate fruit]] of numerous [[drupe]]lets around a central core. In raspberry and other species of the subgenus ''Idaeobatus'', the drupelets separate from the core when picked, leaving a hollow fruit, whereas in [[blackberry]] the drupelets stay attached to the core.
The '''Raspberry''' or '''Red Raspberry''' (''Rubus idaeus'') is a [[plant]] that produces a [[tart]], sweet, red composite [[fruit]] in summer or early autumn. In proper [[botany|botanical]] language, it is not a [[berry]] at all, but instead an [[Fruit#Aggregate fruit|aggregate fruit]] of numerous [[drupe]]lets around a central core. In raspberry and other species of the subgenus ''Idaeobatus'', the drupelets separate from the core when picked, leaving a hollow fruit, whereas in [[blackberry]] the drupelets stay attached to the core.
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Raspberries are grown for two reasons: for the fresh market and for commercial processing. Traditionally raspberries were a late summer crop, but with new technology, varieties and innovations, raspberries can be enjoyed all year-round. Raspberries need a lot of sun and  ample amounts of water in order to develop to their fullest. Escaped raspberries frequently appear as garden weeds, spread by seeds found in the excrement of birds.
Raspberries are grown for two reasons: for the fresh market and for commercial processing. Traditionally raspberries were a late summer crop, but with new technology, varieties and innovations, raspberries can be enjoyed all year-round. Raspberries need a lot of sun and  ample amounts of water in order to develop to their fullest. Escaped raspberries frequently appear as garden weeds, spread by seeds found in the excrement of birds.
Raspberries are normally started in the winter from dormant canes. These should be planted 1m apart in fertile, well drained soil.  Prepare the soil before planting by digging deeply and incorporate plenty of organic matter, such as compost.
In the first year, remove all flowers to allow the plant to build up reserves and to grow bigger.  From the second year, previous year's canes will flower in the spring and the fruit will ripen in the summer.  Water and feed well in the spring and summer, but decrease water and food in the autumn.  This will harden the canes to survive the winter.
In the winter, prune out old flowered canes, down to the ground level.  Of the new canes, remove all small and weak ones.  Remove ones that are growing too close to each other - allow around 10-15cm between canes.  Most varieties will need to be staked.
Raspberries are very vigorous and can be a little invasive. They will sucker new canes some distance from the main plant. In the spring, mark out the boundary of the plant and push a spade straight down the boundary. This will sever the suckers. Then dig out the suckers that grow outside the boundary.
Pick the fruits when they have turned a deep red and drop off easily from the core when touched. This is when the fruits are most ripe and sweetest. Excess fruit can be made into raspberry jam or frozen.
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===Pests and diseases===
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Recent breeding has resulted in varieties that are thornless and upright (do not require staking).  Raspberries have also been crossed with other members of the Rubus genus, resulting in a number of hybrids, such as [[boysenberry]] and [[loganberry]].
A [[gold raspberry]], which is pale yellow, has been selected by [[horticulture|horticulturists]].
The '''[[black raspberry]]''', also called a '''blackcap''', is not the same plant, being a [[Variety (plant)|variety]] (usually) of ''Rubus occidentalis'', a [[North America]]n species.  Other ''Rubus'' species also called raspberries include:
*[[Arctic raspberry]] (''Rubus arcticus'')
*[[Flowering raspberry]] (''Rubus odoratus'')
*[[Wine raspberry]] (''Rubus phoenicolasius'')
*[[Rubus leucodermis|Whitebark raspberry]] or Western Raspberry (''Rubus leucodermis'')
Not all of these are included in the same subgenus.
{{photo-sources}}<!-- remove this line if there are already 3 or more photos in the gallery  -->
Image:Raspberry (red).jpg|raspberry (red) - watercolor 1892
Image:Raspberry (black).jpg|raspberry (black) - watercolor 1893
Image:Raspberries_Yellowjacket.jpg|Raspberries and a [[wasp]]
Image:Black_raspberry.jpg|Black Raspberries - (Rubus occidentalis)
Image:Wild_raspberries.JPG|Red,Purple,Black,Albino Raspberries
Image:Black Raspberries And Leaf Underside.JPG|Black Raspberry - The underside of a raspberry leaf is silver-white
Image:Blackberries And Leaf Underside.JPG | Blackberry - the underside of the leaf is green
Image:Red Raspberry 5 leaves.JPG | Wild Red Raspberry with 5 leaflets
Image:Purple Raspberries.JPG | Wild Purple Raspberries
Image:Albino Raspberries.JPG | Wild Albino Raspberries
Image:Purple Flowering Raspberry.JPG | Purple Flowering Raspberry
Image:Raspberry Plants.JPG | First year raspberry canes are larger and have no fruit
Image:Raspberry Leaves.JPG | Different size raspberry leaves
Image:Raspberry And Poison Ivy Leaves.JPG | Raspberry, Poison Ivy. Virginia Creeper leaves look similar
Image:Poison Ivy Berries.JPG | Poison Ivy berries look nothing like raspberries
==Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture==
Raspberry (from rasp, a tool resembling a file, and berry), a name applied to certain species of the genus Rubus, particularly to Rubus idaeus, R. strigosus, and R. occidentalis, from which have been derived common cultivated forms grown for their excellent edible fruits.
Raspberry (from rasp, a tool resembling a file, and berry), a name applied to certain species of the genus Rubus, particularly to Rubus idaeus, R. strigosus, and R. occidentalis, from which have been derived common cultivated forms grown for their excellent edible fruits.
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Among the more serious diseases of the raspberry are crown- gall, anthracnose. cane - blight, and orange-rust. When plants free from these diseases are set, very little trouble is likely to be experienced later from them. The means of control commonly employed when these diseases are found are eradication and destruction of plants affected by crown-gall and orange-rust, and the cutting out and removing from the field of all canes affected by anthracnose and cane-blight. Cane- borers are considered the most serious insect enemy of the raspberry. The adults lay their eggs in the tips of the canes. When these tips are seen to be withering and drooping, they should be cut off and burned. If the cut is made well below the point of injury, these tips will contain the eggs or young larvae of the borer.
Among the more serious diseases of the raspberry are crown- gall, anthracnose. cane - blight, and orange-rust. When plants free from these diseases are set, very little trouble is likely to be experienced later from them. The means of control commonly employed when these diseases are found are eradication and destruction of plants affected by crown-gall and orange-rust, and the cutting out and removing from the field of all canes affected by anthracnose and cane-blight. Cane- borers are considered the most serious insect enemy of the raspberry. The adults lay their eggs in the tips of the canes. When these tips are seen to be withering and drooping, they should be cut off and burned. If the cut is made well below the point of injury, these tips will contain the eggs or young larvae of the borer.
George M. Darrow.
Rubus idaeus, Linn. European Raspberry. An erect, mostly stiff grower, prop. by suckers, the canes light-colored and bearing nearly straight slender prickles: lfts. ovate, white beneath, irregularly toothed and notched, usually somewhat plicate or wrinkled: fl.-clusters mostly long and interrupted, most of the peduncles dividing into 2 or 3 pedicels, the pedicels, as also the flowering shoots, petioles, and midribs, finely pubes cent, but not glandular, and sparsely furnished with firm recurved prickles: fls. small, white; calyx pubescent: fr. oblong or conical, dark red, yellow or whitish, produced more or less continuously throughout the season. Eu. and Asia.—Named for Mt. Ida, in Greece. Early intro. into this country, but now nearly driven from cult. by the hardier native species. The Antwerps, Fontenay, and Fastolf belong here. Rubus idaeus is not known to be native to N. Amer., but it is said to be sparingly escaped from cult.
Raspberries are normally started in the winter from dormant canes. These should be planted 1m apart in fertile, well drained soil.  Prepare the soil before planting by digging deeply and incorporate plenty of organic matter, such as compost.
In the first year, remove all flowers to allow the plant to build up reserves and to grow bigger.  From the second year, previous year's canes will flower in the spring and the fruit will ripen in the summer.  Water and feed well in the spring and summer, but decrease water and food in the autumn.  This will harden the canes to survive the winter.
In the winter, prune out old flowered canes, down to the ground level.  Of the new canes, remove all small and weak ones.  Remove ones that are growing too close to each other - allow around 10-15cm between canes.  Most varieties will need to be staked.
Raspberries are very vigorous and can be a little invasive. They will sucker new canes some distance from the main plant. In the spring, mark out the boundary of the plant and push a spade straight down the boundary. This will sever the suckers. Then dig out the suckers that grow outside the boundary.
Pick the fruits when they have turned a deep red and drop off easily from the core when touched. This is when the fruits are most ripe and sweetest. Excess fruit can be made into raspberry jam or frozen.
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===Pests and diseases===
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Recent breeding has resulted in varieties that are thornless and upright (do not require staking).  Raspberries have also been crossed with other members of the Rubus genus, resulting in a number of hybrids, such as [[boysenberry]] and [[loganberry]].
A [[gold raspberry]], which is pale yellow, has been selected by [[horticulture|horticulturists]].
The '''[[black raspberry]]''', also called a '''blackcap''', is not the same plant, being a [[Variety (plant)|variety]] (usually) of ''Rubus occidentalis'', a [[North America]]n species.  Other ''Rubus'' species also called raspberries include:
*[[Arctic raspberry]] (''Rubus arcticus'')
*[[Flowering raspberry]] (''Rubus odoratus'')
*[[Wine raspberry]] (''Rubus phoenicolasius'')
*[[Rubus leucodermis|Whitebark raspberry]] or Western Raspberry (''Rubus leucodermis'')
Not all of these are included in the same subgenus.
{{photo-sources}}<!-- remove this line if there are already 3 or more photos in the gallery  -->
Image:Raspberry (red).jpg|raspberry (red) - watercolor 1892
Image:Raspberry (black).jpg|raspberry (black) - watercolor 1893
Image:Raspberries_Yellowjacket.jpg|Raspberries and a [[wasp]]
Image:Black_raspberry.jpg|Black Raspberries - (Rubus occidentalis)
Image:Wild_raspberries.JPG|Red,Purple,Black,Albino Raspberries
Image:Black Raspberries And Leaf Underside.JPG|Black Raspberry - The underside of a raspberry leaf is silver-white
Image:Blackberries And Leaf Underside.JPG | Blackberry - the underside of the leaf is green
Image:Red Raspberry 5 leaves.JPG | Wild Red Raspberry with 5 leaflets
Image:Purple Raspberries.JPG | Wild Purple Raspberries
Image:Albino Raspberries.JPG | Wild Albino Raspberries
Image:Purple Flowering Raspberry.JPG | Purple Flowering Raspberry
Image:Raspberry Plants.JPG | First year raspberry canes are larger and have no fruit
Image:Raspberry Leaves.JPG | Different size raspberry leaves
Image:Raspberry And Poison Ivy Leaves.JPG | Raspberry, Poison Ivy. Virginia Creeper leaves look similar
Image:Poison Ivy Berries.JPG | Poison Ivy berries look nothing like raspberries

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