| Leaves minute, bract-like, on lf.-like branches (cladodia) which are alternate, leathery, persistent, and sessile: fls. small, fascicled in the middle of the upper, rarely lower surface of the cladodia, dioecious: berry globose, pulpy, and indehiscent.—Three to 5 species, Eu., Madeira, and Caucasus. The foliage of this plant (Fig. 3511) is composed of lf.-like branches or clado-phylls, as in the florists smilax. Dried, bleached, and colored sprays (mostly dyed red) are now much used in florists' decorations. | | Leaves minute, bract-like, on lf.-like branches (cladodia) which are alternate, leathery, persistent, and sessile: fls. small, fascicled in the middle of the upper, rarely lower surface of the cladodia, dioecious: berry globose, pulpy, and indehiscent.—Three to 5 species, Eu., Madeira, and Caucasus. The foliage of this plant (Fig. 3511) is composed of lf.-like branches or clado-phylls, as in the florists smilax. Dried, bleached, and colored sprays (mostly dyed red) are now much used in florists' decorations. |
| + | R. androgynus, Linn.=Semele androgyna, Kunth. R. Hypoglossum, Linn., has been highly commended in Germany as a decorative subject. This species and R. Hypophyllum, Linn., are both natives of S. Eu., where they have been studied by several botanists, some of whom distinguish them by various characters, while others unite them into a single species. J. G. Baker considers R. Hypoglossum a variety of R. Hypophyllum, differing in having the costa under the cluster of fls. in the form of a large leafy bract lacking entirely the texture of the phyllocladium. In B.M. 2049, R. Hypophyllum is shown with minute white fls. and handsome red berries nearly 1/3in. thick. R. racemosus, Linn.= Danae racemosa, Moench. |