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661 bytes added ,  10:59, 7 January 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Mimusops kauki, Linn. (M. dissecta, Hook. M. Hobkeri, A. DC. M. Bojeri, A. DC. Kaukenia Kauki, Kuntze). Tree, 20-35 ft., the young branches gummy, lightly pubescent: lvs. …'
Mimusops kauki, Linn. (M. dissecta, Hook. M. Hobkeri, A. DC. M. Bojeri, A. DC. Kaukenia Kauki, Kuntze). Tree, 20-35 ft., the young branches gummy, lightly pubescent: lvs. crowded at ends of branches, obovate- elliptic, or ovate, 4 in. long, long-petioled, obscurely nerved, silky-white beneath: fls. clustered on tomentose twin or solitary pedicels not exceeding the petiole; corolla 1/3 in. long, with 18 narrow acute lobes or petals, the exterior narrower; calyx-lobes 6; staminodes 6-8, lobed or serrate; stamens 6-8; ovary 6-7- celled: berry about 4seeded, to 1 in. diam., obovoid and smooth. Burma to Malaya. B.M. 3157. Cultivated in West Indies.


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