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Iboza riparia, N. E. Br., or Moschosma riparium, Hochst. Stout, 2-5 ft., perennial, the st. branching and obtusely 4-angled: lvs. broadly ovate, most of them notched at base and otherwise toothed: fls. very numerous, in erect panicles above the foliage and therefore conspicuous although small, creamy white with dark anthers. G.C. III. 31:122; 35:31. Gn. 61, p. 121; 65, p. 37; 69, p. 69. Gn.W. 20:90. G. 24:30.—An excellent bloomer under glass Dec.-Feb. After blooming, the plants may be cut back and good shoots secured for cuttings for the next winter's bloom. It is handled much like salvias and the species of coleus.
Iboza riparia, N. E. Br., or Moschosma riparium, Hochst. Stout, 2-5 ft., perennial, the st. branching and obtusely 4-angled: lvs. broadly ovate, most of them notched at base and otherwise toothed: fls. very numerous, in erect panicles above the foliage and therefore conspicuous although small, creamy white with dark anthers. G.C. III. 31:122; 35:31. Gn. 61, p. 121; 65, p. 37; 69, p. 69. Gn.W. 20:90. G. 24:30.—An excellent bloomer under glass Dec.-Feb. After blooming, the plants may be cut back and good shoots secured for cuttings for the next winter's bloom. It is handled much like salvias and the species of coleus.


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