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Although many methods have been adopted for the successful cultivation of the best species and varieties, failure has been the rule, so that at present few American collections contain even a single specimen. Plants introduced by collectors sometimes thrive for a few years and then fail, in spite of all efforts. Frequently they can be kept only a year or two.
Although many methods have been adopted for the successful cultivation of the best species and varieties, failure has been the rule, so that at present few American collections contain even a single specimen. Plants introduced by collectors sometimes thrive for a few years and then fail, in spite of all efforts. Frequently they can be kept only a year or two.
Several kinds are described and figured in foreign publications, but they are all fanciers' plants. Other names which appear in the American trade are: A. Dayana - (?) — A. Dawsoniànus - Haemaria.—A. Frederici-Augustii: Reichb. f. (A. xanthophyllus. Planch.). Lvs. dark velvety green, the broad orange stripe down the center covered with a network of gold. G. 10:675; 27:54.—A. Lowii. Hort.-Dossinia.—A. Petola. Hort.—Macodes.—A. Veitchianus, Hort.-Macodes.


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