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About 60 widely distributed herbs, with tuberous roots, and a spathe rolled in or convolute about the spadix below, and often arched over it: fls. unisexual, the pistillate on the lower part of the spadix, and each consisting of a 1-loculed ovary, and generally ripening into a showy berry. Some species are native, and several of them are hardy in the open; others are cult. under cover, as recommended for Arum (which see). Monogr. by Engler in De Candolle's Monographic Phanerogamarum, Vol. II.
About 60 widely distributed herbs, with tuberous roots, and a spathe rolled in or convolute about the spadix below, and often arched over it: fls. unisexual, the pistillate on the lower part of the spadix, and each consisting of a 1-loculed ovary, and generally ripening into a showy berry. Some species are native, and several of them are hardy in the open; others are cult. under cover, as recommended for Arum (which see). Monogr. by Engler in De Candolle's Monographic Phanerogamarum, Vol. II.
Other species are: A. anomalum, Hemsl. Lfts. 3, broad-ovate, acuminate: spathe small, purplish and streaked, arching over the short spadix: suggests A. triphyllum. Malaya. B.M. 7211. —A. concinnum, Schott. Lf. solitary, with 10 or more lfts.: spathe colored, tailed. India. B.M. 5914.—A. curvatum, Hook.-A. tortuosum.—A. Fargesii, Bouchet. Spathe striped longitudinally with broad purple-brown bands alternating with bands of silvery white. W. China.—A. flavum, Schott. Lvs. pedate: spathe green to yellow. Himalaya. B.M. 7700.—A. galeatum, N. E. Br. Lf. solitary, with 3 lfts.: spathe purple inside. India. B.M. 6457.— A. Griffithii, Schott. Lvs. 2; lfts. 3, nearly orbicular: spathe very large with a spreading and wrinkled limb several inches broad, and rich purple with green veins. India. B.M. 6491.—One of the handsomest of all arisaema.—A. japonicum, Blume. Lvs. pedate: spathe green, white striped. B.M. 7910.—A. nepenthoides. Mort. Lf. pedate, of 5 narrow Ifts. : spathe auricled. India. B.M. 6446.—A. ringens, Schott. Lfts. 3, ovate-acuminate: spathe purple, arched. Japan. Perhaps hardy in the open. Gn. 37, p. 577. G. 17:182.—A. Sieboldii. De Vriese.-A. ringens.—A.speciosum, Mort. Lfts. 3: spathe large and very dark purple; spadix with a very long, string-like tip. India. Gn. 37:576. B.M. 5964. G.C. II. 12:585.—A. tortuasum, Schott. Lvs. usually 2, with several or many lfts.: spathe purple outside; spadix long-tailed but erectish, greenish. India. B.M. 5931 (as A. curvatum).—A. utile. Hook. Lvs. 2. with 3 crenate lfts.: spathe reddish, green-ribbed; spadix purple: tubers eaten by natives in India. B.M. 6474.—A. viridiflorum, Franch., baa recently been offered in Eu., from China. It has pedate lvs.. and a striped spathe.— A. Wrayi, Hemsl. Lf. solitary, pedate, the lfts, lanceolate: spathe green or whitish; spadix slender, recurved. India. B.M. 7105.


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