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547 bytes added ,  18:24, 26 January 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Aruncus sylvester, KosteL (A. Aruncus, Karsten. Spiraea Aruncus, Linn.). Tall (5-7 ft.), erect branchy herb: Lvs. large, 2-3-pinnate; Ifts. ovate to lanceolate, sharply an…'
Aruncus sylvester, KosteL (A. Aruncus, Karsten. Spiraea Aruncus, Linn.). Tall (5-7 ft.), erect branchy herb: Lvs. large, 2-3-pinnate; Ifts. ovate to lanceolate, sharply and doubly serrate, 1-2½ in. long: fls. about ⅛ in. across: follicles deflexed in fr. May-July. Rich woods, N. Amer., N. Eu. and Asia.—A desirable hardy border plant of easy cult. Var. Kneiffii, Zabel. Lfts. linear- lanceolate, irregularly serrate or incised, long-acuminate: fls. as in the type. M.D.G. 1897:260.—Very graceful form with its finely cut foliage.


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