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Aster shortii, Hook. Perennial, 3-4 ft., with a rough, usually slender paniculat.ely branched St.: Lvs. thick, usually quite smooth, the lower cordate, the upper lanceolate and quite entire and those of the small branches bract-like: heads very numerous, the 10-15 violet-blue rays showy and linear. S. E. U. S. G.F. 4:473. G.C. III. 32:269.—Cult. easy, even in dry rocky places.
Aster shortii, Hook. Perennial, 3-4 ft., with a rough, usually slender paniculat.ely branched St.: Lvs. thick, usually quite smooth, the lower cordate, the upper lanceolate and quite entire and those of the small branches bract-like: heads very numerous, the 10-15 violet-blue rays showy and linear. S. E. U. S. G.F. 4:473. G.C. III. 32:269.—Cult. easy, even in dry rocky places.


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