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Azara (I. N. Azara, a Spanish promoter of science, especially of botany). Flacourtiaceae. Ornamental shrubs or small trees grown for their handsome evergreen foliage and also for their fragrant flowers.
Leaves evergreen, alternate, short-petioled, entire or serrate, with usually one of the stipules enlarged and If .-like: fls. small, in axillary peduncled racemes or clusters, apetalous; sepals 4-5; with glands between the stamens and the sepals opposite the latter; stamens numerous, rarely 5; ovary superior, 1-celled, with numerous ovules; style simple, elongated: fr. a many- seeded berry.—About 20 species in S. Amer., especially in Chile.
They are handsome evergreen shrubs, with small or medium-sized foliage, inconspicuous but fragrant flowers, and therefore called "aromo" in Chile.
They can be grown only in warmer temperate regions; the hardiest species is A. microphylla. They are sometimes cultivated as greenhouse plants and potted in a sandy compost of loam and leaf soil.
Propagation is by seeds or by cuttings of mature wood in autumn under glass with slight bottom heat.
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| name = ''Azara''


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