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Balsam, Impatiens Balsamina, Linn. (Balsdmina hortensis, DC. Balsamina Impatiens, Hort. Impatiens coccinea, Sims, B.M. 1256). Balsaminaceae. An erect, much-branched, half-succulent annual, long ago introduced from India, and now widely cultivated for its showy flowers.
Plant 1½-2½ ft.: Lvs. lanceolate, toothed, the lower ones being mostly in pairs: fls. clustered in the axils of the Lvs., on very short stalks; sepals and petals similarly colored and not easily distinguished, one of the sepals (of which there seem to be 3) long-spurred; petals apparently 3, but 2 of them probably represent 2 united petals, thus making 5; stamens 5. The pod, shown in Figs. 450 and 451, is explosive. It has 5 carpels and very thin partitions, and seeds borne on axile placentae. When the caps. are ripe, a pinch or concussion will cause the valves to separate and contract the seeds being thrown with considerable force. The balsam has varied immensely in the doubling, size and color of its fls. and in the stature of the plant. It was known to Gerarde in 1596. The balsam is sometimes called "lady slipper," although this name is properly confined to Cypripedium, and used for Calceolaria.
Practically all the garden balsams are now double or semi-double. The full-double forms are known as the camellia- flowered varieties. Fig. 452. In well-selected stock, the greater part of the flowers from any batch of seedlings should come very double. The colors range from white to dark blood-red, yellowish and spotted. Balsams are of very easy culture. They are tender, and should be started in thumb-pots or boxes indoors, or in the open when danger of frost is past. The seeds are large, and germinate quickly. The plants prefer a rich, sandy loam, and must not suffer for moisture Transplanting, and pinching-in the strong shoots, tend to make the plants dwarf and compact; two or three transplanting are often made. It is well to remove the first flower-buds, especially if the plants are not thoroughly established. Better results are secured when only a few main branches are allowed to grow, all the secondary and weak ones being pinched out. Sometimes they are pruned to a single stem, and if much room is given very large blooms are secured. The lower leaves may be removed if they obscure the flowers. Well-grown bushy plants should stand 2 feet apart each way, and the tall kinds will reach a height of 2 to 2½ feet. Good bloom is impossible if plants are crowded. For this reason, balsams do well in rows on the border of a garden where they may have room. Seed of the finest double strains is expensive, but inferior or common seed gives little satisfaction. Plants started early in May should give flowers in July, and should bloom until frost. A full-grown plant is shown in Fig. 453. At present, balsams are grown chiefly as flower-garden plants; but some years ago the flowers were largely used as "groundwork" in florists' designs, particularly the double white varieties. The flowers were wired to toothpicks, and were then thrust into the moss that formed the body of the design.
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| name = ''Impatiens''


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