| + | B. actinacantha. Mart. Evergreen shrub, to 3 ft.: spines 4-7- parted: lvs. obovate to oblong. ½-1 in. long, spiny: fls. slender- stalked, in clusters. Chile. B.R. 31:55.—B. acuminate, Franch. Allied to B. Gagnepainii. Evergreen shrub: branches yellow, terete: Lvs. lanceolate, 4-7 in. long, acuminate, with numerous small spiny teeth: fls. fascicled; pedicels about 1 in. long. S.W. China. J.H.F. 1900:191.—B. acuminata, Stapf-B. Gagnepainii.—B. acuminate, Veitch-B. Veitchii.—B. aeinensis, Presl. Low, dense, deciduous shrub: branches yellowish gray, angular with numerous spines, about ½ in. long: Lvs. oblanceolate or obovate, spinose-serrate, ½-1½ in. long: racemes short, 8-14-fld. Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica.—B. aggregata, Schneid. Allied to B. polyantha. Lvs. oblong-obovate, spiny-toothed, ¾-1 in. long: panicles short and very dense, about ¾ in. long: fr. subglobose, salmon-red. W. China. — B. Andreana, Naudin-B. laurina. — B. angulosa, Wall. Deciduous shrub, to 4 ft. : young branchlets puberulous, angular, spiny: Lvs. oblong-obovate, ½-1½ in. long, whitish beneath, entire or sparsely sptnulose: fls. solitary or few, slender-stalked: fr. red. Himalayas. B.M. 7071. — B. Aquifolium, Pursh-Mahonia Aquifolium. —B. arguta, Ball -- Mahonia arguta. — B. Belstaniana, Hort.-B. virescens. — B. Bergmanniae, Schneid. Allied to B. Sargentiana. Evergreen shrub, to 6 ft.: Lvs. coriaceous, elliptic, indistinctly veined, 1-1½ in. long: fls. fascicled, many: fr. oblong-ovoid, black, bloomy. Cent, and W. China. Var. acanthophylla, Schneid. Lvs. to 2 in. long, sinuately spiny. W. China. Only the variety is in cult. — B. Bretschneideri, Rehd. Allied to B. koreana. Shrub, to 8 ft.: branches terete, reddish brown with few and small spines: Lvs. obovate-oblong, 1½-2½ in. long, setose-serrate: racemes about 1½ in. long: fr. oblong, purplish. N. China. S.T.S. 2:110. Hardy N.— B. brachypoda, Maxim. Allied to B. amurensis. Shrub, to 6 ft.: Lvs. elliptic-oblong, acute, pubescent on both sides, 1½-3½ in. long: racemes pubescent, slender, 2-3 in. long: fr. scarlet. Cent. China. — B. candidula, Schneid. (B. Wallichiana var. candidula, Schneid. B. Wallichiana var. pallida, Boiss.). Allied to B. verruculosa. Evergreen prostrate shrub: branchlets glabrous, yellowish: Lvs. elliptic with few spiny teeth, white beneath, about 1 in. long: fls. solitary. Cent. China. V.F. 15. — B. Caroli, Schneid. (B. integerrima var. stenophylla, Maxim.). Similar to B. Poiretii. Shrub, to 6 ft. : Lvs. oblanceolate, usually entire, ¾-1½ in. long: racemes 8-14-fld. Mongolia. Var. hoanghensis, Schneid. Racemes many-fld., 1-1½ in. long, pedicels ⅛ in. long: fr. subglobose, salmon-red. W. China. Only the variety is in cult. — B. cerasina, Schrad. Allied to B. sinensis, but Lvs. more often toothed, racemes shorter, hardly longer than the Lvs. and spines shorter, usually simple. Of unknown origin. — B. congestiflora, Gay. Allied to B. hakeoides. Lvs. oblong-ovate to orbicular, often entire: fls. in dense umbels on upright stalks ½-1 in. long. Chile. — B. crataegina, DC. Shrub, to 5 ft. : branches brownish red, nearly terete: Lvs. deciduous, oblanceolate to oblong-obovate, ½-1½ in. long, usually entire: racemes 6-20-fld., 1-2 in. long: fr. bluish black. Asia Minor. — The true B. crataegina does not seem to be in cult. — B. cretica, Linn. Deciduous shrub, to 3 ft.: branches purplish with numerous spines often nearly 1 in. long: lvs. lanceolate, ⅓-¾ in. long, usually entire: fls. 3-7, in short umbel-like racemes. S.E. Eu. Orient.—B. crispa, Gay. Allied to B. hakeoides. Branches puberulous: Lvs. thinner, ovate or oval, spiny-toothed, ½-1½ in. long: fls. 5-8, on slender pedicels, clustered. Chile.—B. dealbata, Lindl. Lvs. persistent, nearly orbicular, with few spiny teeth: racemes short, dense, nodding. Mex. B.R. 21:1750.—B. elegans, Hort.-B. Lycium.—B. emarginata, Willd. Possibly B. sibirica X vulgaris. Low shrub: spines 1-5-parted: Lvs. obovate to obovate-oblong, ½-1¾ in. long, setulose-dentate: racemes shorter than the Lvs., upright; petals usually emarginate. Of unknown origin. G.O.H. 62.— B. Fendleri, Gray. Allied to B. canadensis. Shrub, to 5 ft.: spines 3-5-parted: Lvs. obovate-lanceolate, ¾-1¾ in. long, lustrous, entire or spinulose: racemes dense, long-peduncled, pendulous. Colo. to New Mex. G.F. 1:462.—B. Fortunei, Lindl.-Mahonia Fortunei. —B. Fremontti, Torr.- Mahonia Fremontii.—B. glauca, Benth., not Kunth—B. Jamiesonii.—B. gracilis, Hartw.—Mahonia gracilis. —B. haematocarpa, Wooton- Mahonia haematocarpa.—B. Heterophylla, Juss. Allied to B. ilicifolia. Branches glabrous, yellowish Drown; spines 3-5-parted: Lvs. persistent, obovate to oblong, ½-1¼ in. long, entire, or with 2-4 spiny teeth: fls. solitary: fr. purplish black. Straits of Magellan. H.E. 1:14.—B. heterophylla, Zabel- Mahonia heterophylla.—B. Hookeri, Lem. (B. Jamiesonii. Hort., not Lindl. B. Wallichiana, Hook., not. DC.). Allied to B. Sargentiana. Branchlets angular, stout, pale yellowish brown: lvs. elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, sinuately spiny-toothed, 1-2 in. long: fls. 3-6; pedicels slender: fr. oblong, large, with 4-8 seeds. Origin uncertain; probably Himalayas. I.H. 6:207. B.M. 4656.—B. Hutchinsonii, Rehd.-Mahonia arguta.—B. Jamiesonii, Lindl. (B. glauca, Benth., not Kunth). Evergreen shrub: branches terete, brownish red: Lvs. oblong, 2-3 in. long, entire or with few teeth, lustrous, pale green beneath: fls. in close panicles; pedicels ½ in. long. Peru.—Often confused with B. Hookeri and B. Verschaffeltii.—B. japonica, Spreng.-Mahonia japonica.—B. Knightii. Hort.-B. Wallichiana var. latifolia.—B. laurina Billbg. (B. Andreana, Naudin). Allied to B. buxifolia. Shrub, to 5ft.: branches glabrous, terete; spines to lin. long: Lvs. oblanceolate, 1-3 in. long, entire, pale beneath: racemes pendulous, to 5 in. long: fr. black, bloomy. S. Brazil. R.H. 1899, p. 9.—B. laxiflora. Schrad. Allied to B. amurensis. Lvs. oval to oval- elliptic, obtuse, serration less dense, grayish green beneath: racemes pendulous, 2-3½ in. long. Of unknown origin.—B. Liechtensteinii, Schneid. Deciduous shrub, to 5 ft.: branches slightly angled, purplish with strong spines: lvs. ovate to lanceolate, sinuately spiny, light green beneath, ½-2 in. long: fls, in racemes 1-1½ in. long: fr. globose, red, with 2 seeds. W. China.—B. loxensis, Benth. Lvs. persistent, oblong-obovate, entire or sometimes with a few spiny teeth, lustrous: fls. small in peduncled, loose racemes. Peru. F.8. 6, p. 69.—B. lucida, Schrad. Allied to B. vulgaris. Lvs. elliptic to elliptic-oblong, dark green and lustrous above, obtuse, remotely and finely serrate: racemes spreading, about 2 in. long: fr. red. Of unknown origin; possibly variety of B. vulgaris.—B. Lycium, Royle (B. ruscifolia, Hort., not Lam. B. elegans, Hort.). Shrub, to 6 ft. or more: branches terete, yellowish gray: Lvs. sub-persistent, obovate- lanceolate, ¾-2 in. long, entire or spinulose: racemes sessile, longer than the Lvs., drooping: fr. violet. Himalayas. B.M. 7075.—B. macrophylla, Hort.-B. Wallichiana var. latifolia.—B. macracantha, Schrad. Possibly B. aristata X vulgaria. Branches yellowish gray: Lvs. elliptic, acutish, remotely spiny-toothed, 1-2 in. long: racemes nodding, 1½-2½ in. long: fr. red. Of unknown origin.—B. microphylla var. terrata, Hort.-B. serrata.—B. Mouillacana, Schneid. Deciduous shrub, to 10 ft.: branches grooved, purplish, with simple spines: Lvs. obovate-lanceolate, obtuse, usually entire, light green beneath, ½-2 in. long: fls. in racemes, to 1½ in. long: fr. scarlet, with 2 seeds. W. China.—B. oblonga, Schneid. (B. heteropoda var. oblonga, Regel.). Allied to B. heteropoda. Branches angular: Lvs. obovate: racemes 10-20-fld., usually compound near the base; ovary with 2 sessile ovules: fr. oblong. Turkestan.—B. nepalensis, Spreng. -Mahonia nepalensis.—B. nervosa, Pursh-Mahonia nervosa.— B. pallida, Benth.-Mahonia pallida.—B. parviflora, Lindl.-B. ruscifolia.—B. parvifolia, Sprague. Allied to B. Wilsonae. Low shrub: Lvs. half-evergreen, oblanceolate, entire or occasionally spiny- toothed, glabrous and reticulate beneath: fls. fascicled, 3-6: fr. globose, terra-cotta color. W. China.—B. pinnata, Lag.-Mahonia pinnata.—B. Prattii, Schneid. Allied to B. polyantha. Shrub, to 10 ft.: Lvs. oblong-obovate, entire or with few spiny teeth, reticulate, thinner: panicles narrow, to 6 in. long: fr. globose, salmon-red. W. China. Var. recunata, Schneid. Raceme narrow, spike-like: fr. on reflexed pedicels. W. China.—B. pruinosa, Franch. Evergreen shrub: branches brownish yellow, nearly terete; spines to 1 in. long: Lvs. ovate-oblong, ¾-2 in. long, strongly spiny-toothed, whitish beneath: fls. 8-25, fascicled, rarely in a peduncled umbel: fr. bluish black. S. W. China.—B. Rehderiana, Schneid. Allied to B. koreana, but much smaller in every part, branches reddish brown, slightly angled; spines 3-5-parted: Lvs. obovate to oblong, spinose- serrate, ¾-1¼ in. long: fls. 8-15, in a peduncled raceme: fr. sub- globose, bright red. Origin unknown.—Hardy, graceful shrub; the fr. remains unchanged until the following spring.—B. repens, Lindl. -Mahonia repens.—B. rotundifolia, Hort.-Mahonia repens var. rotundifolia.—B. ruscifolia, Lam. (B. parviflora, Lindl.). Allied to B. buxifolia. Branches terete, yellowish gray: Lvs. oblong, entire or with a few coarse teeth, ½-1½ in. long: fls. in a 4-5-fld. peduncled raceme: fr. bluish black. Argentine. J.H.S. 2:243.—B. ruscifolia, Hort.-B. Lycium.—B. sanguinea Franch. Allied to B. Gagnepainii. Lvs. narrow-lanceolate, ¾-2 in. long, spinose-serrate, pale Beneath: fls. with red sepals, in fascicles of 2-4; pedicels ¾ in. long: fr. bluish black. W. China. V.F. 16.—B. serotina, Lange. Allied to B. sinensis. Lvs. light green, oblanceolate, usually entire: racemes short and dense. Origin unknown.—B. serrata, Koehne (B. microphylla var. serrata, Hort.). Low, deciduous shrub: branches grooved, reddish or yellowish brown: Lvs. oblong-lanceolate, ½-1 in. long, spinulose-serrate: racemes dense, short. Origin unknown.— B. sibrica, Pall. Deciduous shrub: branches angular, yellowish brown; spines 3-9-parted: Lvs. obovate, remotely toothed: fls. solitary or 2. short-pedicelled: fr. red. Siberia. B.R. 6:487.—B. Silva- Taroucana, Schneid. Deciduous shrub, to 10 ft.: branches grooved, brown; spines small or wanting: Lvs. oblong-lanceolate or obovate- oblong, obtuse, entire or with few small teeth, pruinose beneath, ½-2 in. long: racemes 1-2½ in. long; pedicels ⅓-¾ in. long: fr. globose-ovoid, scarlet, with 1-2 seeds. W. China.—B. subcaulialata. Schneid. Deciduous shrub: branches strongly angulate: Lvs. oblanceolate, ½-1 in. long, acute, rarely 3-pointed at the apex, whitish beneath: fls. in very short, 6-8-fld. racemes or rarely fascicled, nodding: fr. globose, red. W. China.—B. tenuifolia, Lindl.-Mahonia tenuifolia.—B. thibetica, Schneid. Deciduous shrub: branches angular, purplish, bloomy: Lvs. obovate-lanceolate, ½-1 in. long, rounded or acutish, mucronulate. entire, whitish beneath: fls. in 1-5-fld. fascicles; pedicels about ⅓ in. long. W. China.—B. Tischleri, Schneid. Allied to B. diaphana. Shrub, to 8 ft.: branches angled, gray, spiny: Lvs. obovate to oblong, obtuse, spinulose-serrate, pruinose beneath, ½-1¾ in.: racemes 4-15-fld.; pedicels ½-1 in. long: fr. oblong, with a distinct style, pale red, pruinose. W. China.—B. toluacensis, Hort.-Mahonia heterophylla.—B. triacanthophora, Fedde. Allied to B. Gagnepainii: evergreen shrub, to 5 ft.: branches terete, brown: Lvs. linear-lanceolate with 2 to 5 spiny teeth on each side or entire, glaucescent beneath. 1-2 in.: fls. 2-5, slender- stalked: fr. black, ovoid, with sessile style. Cent. China.—B. trifoliata, Hartw.-Mahonia trifoliolata.—B. trifoliolata, Moric.-Mahonia trifoliolata.—B. trifurca, Forbes— Mahonia japonica var. trifurca.—B. umbellata, Wall. Deciduous shrub: branches angular, gray: Lvs. oblanceolate, usually entire, rarely sparsely serrulate: racemes long-peduncled, usually umbel-like, sometimes elongated. Himalayas. B.R. 30:44.—B. Veitchii. Schneid. Allied to B. levis. Evergreen shrub: Lvs. narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, sinuately toothed with long and strong spines, 2-4 in. long: fls. 5-8, slender- stalked: fr. ovoid, bluish black. Cent. China.—B. Verschaffeltii, Schneid. (B. Jamesonii, Lem., not Lindl.). Evergreen shrub: lvs. oblong, 2-3 in. long, sparingly spiny-toothed: fls. orange in drooping panicles. Ecuador. I.H. 6:201.—-B. virescens. Hook. Deciduous shrub, 2-5 ft.: branches yellowish red or red, lustrous, terete: lvs. obovate, ½-1¼ in. long, spiny-toothed or entire, light green, whitish beneath: fls. pale yellow, few, fascicled or in peduncled umbel-like racemes: fr. purple, bloomy. Himalayas. B.M. 7116.—Graceful shrub. Hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.—B. Wallichiana, DC. Allied to B. Sargentiana. Evergreen shrub, to 10 ft.: branches grooved, spiny: Lvs. elliptic to lanceolate, spiny-serrate with numerous small teeth, lustrous above, light green beneath, reticulate, 2-4 in. long: fls. 10-20; pedicels about ½ in. long: fr. ovoid, black, with usually 1 long-stalked seed. Himalayas. P.F.G. 1, p. 79. Var. latifolia. Hook. f. & Thorns. (B. Knightii, Hort., not. Koch. B. macrophylla, Hort.). Branchlets less grooved: Lvs. broader, thinner.— B. Wallichiana, Hook.-B. Hookeri.—B. yunnanensis, Franch. Allied to B. diaphana. Branches grooved, gray: Lvs. obovate-oblong, 1 in. long, entire, glaucous beneath: fls. 3-5, fascicled. S.W. China. —Has been confused with B. diaphana. See page 3566. |