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|common_name=Silver Birch
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Betula pendula, Roth (B.verrucosa, Ehrh. B. alba, Linn., in part). Figs. 548, 549. Tree, to 60 ft., with slender, in older trees usually pendulous, branches: young branchlets usually glandular: Lvs. rhombic-ovate,¾- 2½ in. long, glutinous  is when young, glabrous, usually cuneate, sometimes truncate at the base, acuminate, doubly serrate; petioles slender, about 1 in. long: strobiles cylindric, about 1 in. long, slender-peduncled, usually pendulous: wings of nutlet about one and a half to two and a half times as broad as its body. Eu. to Japan. H.W. 2:15, p. 20. W.B. 76. Var. "Tauschii, Rehd. (B. japonica, Sieb. B. alba var. Tauschii, Shirai. B. pendula var. japonica, Rehd.). Lvs. broadly ovate, truncate or sometimes subcordate at the base, sometimes puberulous beneath and often with tufts of hairs in the axils. S.I.F. 1:21. Var. dalecarlica, Schneid. (B. laciniata, Wahl. B. hybrida, Blom). Lvs. more or less deeply lobed with irregularly serrate-acuminate lobes: branches on older trees pendulous.—A very graceful tree. Var. fastigiata, Koch (B. alba fastigiata, Carr. B. pendula pyramidalis, Dipp.). With straight upright branches, forming a narrow columnar pyramid. G.C. III. 41:151. M.D.G. 16:164. Var. tristis, Schneid. With very slender, strongly pendulous branches, forming a round regular head. Var. Youngii, Schneid. (B. alba pendula Youngii, Moore. B. pendula elegans, Dipp. B. alba elegantissima pendula, Hort.). Branches very slender, strongly pendulous; primary branches spreading or recurved, forming an irregular picturesque head; similar in habit to the weeping beech. F. 1873, p. 60. R.H. 1869, p. 136. Gn. 6, p. 528. Var. gracilis, Rehd. (B.alba laciniata gracilis pendula, Hort. B. elegans laciniata, Hort.). Habit like the preceding, with laciniate Lvs. Much slenderer and smaller and of slower growth than var. dalecarlica. Var. purpurea, Schneid. (B.vulgaris purpurea, Andre. B. alba atropurpurea, Lauche. B. pubescens atropurpurea, Zabel). Lvs. dark purple. R.B. 4:185.
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