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Bombax malabaricum, DC. (B. Ceiba, Burme.). Fig. 591. Large deciduous tree, the branches in whorls, the trunk and branches spiny: Lvs. 5-7-foliolate, palmate, the Ifts. entire, cuspidate: fls. 6-7 in. long, clustered near the ends of the branches, red or scarlet, sometimes white: fr. A 5-valved caps., silky. India. — A very showy plant, excellent for warmhouse, but tender. Intro, in U. S. by Royal Palm Nurseries in 1912.
Bombax malabaricum, DC. (B. Ceiba, Burme.). Fig. 591. Large deciduous tree, the branches in whorls, the trunk and branches spiny: Lvs. 5-7-foliolate, palmate, the Ifts. entire, cuspidate: fls. 6-7 in. long, clustered near the ends of the branches, red or scarlet, sometimes white: fr. A 5-valved caps., silky. India. — A very showy plant, excellent for warmhouse, but tender. Intro, in U. S. by Royal Palm Nurseries in 1912.


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