| Bombax malabaricum, DC. (B. Ceiba, Burme.). Fig. 591. Large deciduous tree, the branches in whorls, the trunk and branches spiny: Lvs. 5-7-foliolate, palmate, the Ifts. entire, cuspidate: fls. 6-7 in. long, clustered near the ends of the branches, red or scarlet, sometimes white: fr. A 5-valved caps., silky. India. — A very showy plant, excellent for warmhouse, but tender. Intro, in U. S. by Royal Palm Nurseries in 1912. | | Bombax malabaricum, DC. (B. Ceiba, Burme.). Fig. 591. Large deciduous tree, the branches in whorls, the trunk and branches spiny: Lvs. 5-7-foliolate, palmate, the Ifts. entire, cuspidate: fls. 6-7 in. long, clustered near the ends of the branches, red or scarlet, sometimes white: fr. A 5-valved caps., silky. India. — A very showy plant, excellent for warmhouse, but tender. Intro, in U. S. by Royal Palm Nurseries in 1912. |