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710 bytes added ,  17:28, 20 February 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Oenothera pumila, Linn. (Kneiffia pumila, Spach). Sun- Drops. Slender erect biennial or perennial, 1-2 ft. high, simple or branched: Lvs. oblanceolate or oblong, usually g…'
Oenothera pumila, Linn. (Kneiffia pumila, Spach). Sun- Drops. Slender erect biennial or perennial, 1-2 ft. high, simple or branched: Lvs. oblanceolate or oblong, usually glabrous, entire, the radical spatulate: fls. an inch or less across in a loose, leafy spike or raceme, the calyx- tube shorter than the ovary, the petals obcordate: caps. mostly clavate, short-stalked or sessile. Newfoundland, south and west. OE. Pilgrimii, Hort., appears to belong with this species. It is very like OE. fruticosa var. Youngii horticulturally, but in established plants it is apparently somewhat taller and more branching, and the fls. not so large and color not so deep; it may be an offshoot of OE. fruticosa.


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