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- (This definition has been created by the Luc Mougeot of the [[International Development Research Centre]] and used in technical and training publications by UN-HAB ...s for the [[transportation]] of [[foodstuffs]]. According to [[San Diego's Community Forest Advisory Board]], a group that is promoting urban agriculture in the15 KB (2,204 words) - 14:22, 9 April 2007
- ===Mitigating the Impact of Urban Development=== mimic the natural water retention areas that occurred naturally before development of an area. The rain gardens for residential use were developed in 1990 in11 KB (1,750 words) - 15:55, 9 April 2007
- ...t aside as [[national park]]s to prevent them being spoilt by uncontrolled development. ...phasizes the open-space aspect of a park and which involves a low level of development, including picnic areas and trails.8 KB (1,323 words) - 05:12, 15 September 2007
- ...gist]], [[forester]], and [[environmentalist]]. He was influential in the development of modern environmental ethics and in the movement for wilderness preservat ...ociety's sovereign ownership over the land base – eclipsing any sense of a community of life to which humans belong. He felt the security and prosperity result8 KB (1,156 words) - 04:30, 15 September 2007
- Garden Cities. Instead of being a community in which gardens are the dominant feature, the garden- city form of urban d ...terprise, itself an evidence of the quality of the printing product of the community. (The Garden City, by C. B. Purdom; "printed in the Garden City at the Temp7 KB (1,159 words) - 10:14, 3 September 2009
- ...onomies was done by noted economist [[E. F. Schumacher]]. Those supporting development of a local food [[microeconomics|economy]] consider that since food is need ...els such as [[farmers' market]]s, [[cooperative|food cooperative]]s and [[community-supported agriculture]] plans.17 KB (2,667 words) - 15:01, 9 April 2007
- ...of applying [[ecology|ecological]] concepts and principles to the design, development, and management of [[Sustainable agriculture|sustainable agricultural syste ...of agronomy with the social sciences - include food sovereignty and rural development.9 KB (1,261 words) - 07:37, 16 September 2007
- ...xclusively to species composition. Perhaps the closest synonym is [[plant community]], but ''vegetation'' can, and often does, refer to a wider range of spatia ...s almost always described in relationship to the above-ground parts of the community.23 KB (3,283 words) - 04:10, 6 April 2007
- ...ref>MacNair, E., 2002. The Garden City Handbook: How to Create and Protect Community Gardens in Greater Victoria. Polis Project on Ecological Governance. Univer * for the ''community'' a better quality of urban life through the reduction of noise, the bindin21 KB (3,068 words) - 07:52, 9 September 2009
- ...ssion includes architectural design, [[site planning]], [[housing estate]] development, [[natural environment|environmental]] restoration, town or [[urban plannin ..., topography, vegetation, etc. This layering aspect eventually led to the development of modern GIS analysis of earth's surface, which is a tool now used by Land15 KB (2,138 words) - 14:57, 9 April 2007
- ...s between all users, current and future (a first approach to [[sustainable development]]) by avoiding despoiling. However, he does not take into account the costs ...en it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.''12 KB (1,719 words) - 07:44, 16 September 2007
- ...ign system applicable to [[food production]] and [[land use]]," as well as community design. It seeks the creation of productive and [[sustainable]] ways of liv ...and other animals. Plants grow at different heights. This allows a diverse community of life to grow in a relatively small space. Plants come into leaf and fru40 KB (5,903 words) - 15:34, 9 April 2007
- ...tems expected to last indefinitely, "[[sustainable development]]" would be development of economic systems that last indefinitely, and so on. A side discourse rel ...a/res/42/ares42-187.htm "Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development."] General Assembly Resolution 42/187, 11 December 1987. Retrieved: 2007-051 KB (6,974 words) - 03:19, 25 February 2010
- of habitat, brought on by [[overpopulation]] and [[urban planning|urban development]]. Because of their connection with the land and vested interest in increas ...lers and Hunters]] successfully lobbied to prevent cuts in funding for the Community Fisheries and Wildlife Involvement Program by 50%.17 KB (2,482 words) - 07:41, 16 September 2007
- ...riods of one or two days or a week, the time varying with the needs of the community and the character of the subject taught; or situations with vegetable-growe ...he merits of particular flowers or vegetables, or other question which the community needs to have worked out. A representative of the horticultural staff visit15 KB (2,442 words) - 12:56, 1 October 2009
- ...[[cell growth|growth]], [[reproduction]], [[metabolism]], [[morphogenesis|development]], [[phytopathology|diseases]], chemical properties, and evolutionary relat ...least 637 plants and discussed [[Plant morphology #Plant development|plant development]] from germination to death, describing the phases of [[plant growth]] and31 KB (4,237 words) - 22:06, 10 February 2010
- ...ifetz RM. 1986. Parental occupational and birth outcome in an agricultural community. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 12:51–54 </ref> ==Continuing development of pesticides==33 KB (4,652 words) - 04:14, 6 April 2007
- publisher=[[Chemeketa Community College]]| ...from many notable vintners, including [[David Lett]], who fear that such a development would dramatically alter the landscape of the region. Concern has also bee28 KB (4,067 words) - 08:02, 20 September 2007
- ...romote a uniform, rapid, and continuous growth, which is necessary for the development of the finest texture or flavor of the commercial crop. ...n and maintenance. On the other hand, if the stream supplies others in the community, there is liable to be trouble and expense in establishing and maintaining41 KB (6,895 words) - 22:44, 31 March 2010
- ...r mottled bean is the '''anasazi''', from the [[Basque Country (autonomous community)|Basque Country]] of northern [[Spain]]. ...r brother of the pea- weevil, and having nearly the same general habits of development. If only beans free from live weevils are used for seed in a given locality38 KB (6,527 words) - 23:15, 2 February 2010