Lotus uliginosus

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Lotus uliginosus
Lotus uliginosus.jpg
Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Tribe: Loteae
Genus: Lotus
Species: L. uliginosus

Binomial name
Lotus uliginosus

Lotus uliginosus or Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil is a member of the Pea Family (Fabaceae). It occurs in damp locations throughout Europe. As the common name suggests, it is a larger plant than the related Common Bird's-foot Trefoil, growing to 20-80 cm tall, with larger (particularly broader) leaflets 10-25 mm long and 10-20 mm broad. The flowers are very similar.

Other names include the synonym Lotus pedunculatus, and the common names Greater Birdsfoot trefoil, Big Trefoil, Large Bird's-foot Trefoil.

External links