Habit | tree
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Lifespan: | ⌛ | perennial |
L. > |
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Terminalia is a genus of large trees of the flowering plant family, Combretaceae, comprising around 100 species distributed in tropical regions of the world. This genus gets it name from Latin terminus, referring to the fact that the leaves appear at the very tips of the shoots.
Trees of this genus are known especially as a source of secondary metabolites, e.g. cyclic triterpenes and their derivatives, flavonoids, tannins, and other aromatics. Some of these substances have antifungal, antibacterial, anti-cancer and hepatoprotective indications.
ExpandRead about Terminalia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
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- Selected species
- Terminalia acuminata
- Terminalia alata (T. elliptica, T. tomentosa) – Indian Laurel
- Terminalia altissima (T. superba) – White afara
- Terminalia amazonia (T. hayesii, Chuncoa amazonia) – White Olive
- Terminalia angustifolia (T. bentzoë, T. bentzoin, T. mauritiana)
- Terminalia arborea (T. citrina)
- Terminalia arbuscula
- Terminalia archipelagi
- Terminalia arostrata
- Terminalia arjuna (Pentaptera arjuna, Pentaptera glabra) – Arjuna, Koha, White Marudah
- Terminalia australis – Palo amarillo, Tanimbú
- Terminalia avicennioides
- Terminalia bellirica (Myrobalanus bellirica) – beleric
- Terminalia bialata – Indian Silver Greywood, Silver Greywood
- Terminalia brachystemma
- Terminalia brassii
- Terminalia bucidoides
- Terminalia buceras (Bucida buceras) – Black olive
- Terminalia bursarina - Bendee
- Terminalia calamansanai
- Terminalia catappa – Indian almond, Tropical almond, Umbrella tree
- Terminalia chebula (T. reticulata) – Black Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Inknut
- Terminalia cherrieri
- Terminalia ciliata
- Terminalia citrina
- Terminalia copelandii (T. procera)
- Terminalia corticosa (T. mucronata)
- Terminalia eddowesii
- Terminalia edulis (T. microcarpa)
- Terminalia elliptica - Indian-laurel (T. alata, T. tomentosa)
- Terminalia eriostachya
- Terminalia erythrophylla (T. erythrophyllum)
- Terminalia ferdinandiana — Kakadu plum
- Terminalia foetidissima (T. ovocarpa)
- Terminalia franchetii (T. triptera)
- Terminalia glabrescens
- Terminalia glaucifolia
- Terminalia hararensis
- Terminalia hecistocarpa
- Terminalia intermedia
- Terminalia ivorensis – Idigbo, Black Afara, Blackbark, Brimstone Wood, Shingle Wood
- Terminalia januariensis
- Terminalia kaernbachii (T. okari) – okari nut
- Terminalia kangeanensis
- Terminalia kuhlmannii
- Terminalia latifolia
- Terminalia mantaly - Madagascar almond
- Terminalia molinetii (Bucida molinetii)
- Terminalia muelleri
- Terminalia myriocarpa
- Terminalia nitens
- Terminalia novocaledonica
- Terminalia oblongata
- Terminalia obovata
- Terminalia oliveri
- Terminalia paniculata
- Terminalia parviflora
- Terminalia pellucida
- Terminalia phanerophlebia
- Terminalia phellocarpa
- Terminalia prunioides - Purple pod terminalia
- Terminalia reitzii
- Terminalia rerei
- Terminalia schimperiana
- Terminalia sericea - Silver terminalia
- Terminalia seriocarpa - Damson
- Terminalia subspathulata
- Terminalia superba – Limba
- Terminalia tripteroides
- Terminalia volucris - Rosewood
Terminalia bellerica leaves being eaten by Semi-looper from Noctuidae family
Terminalia bellerica leaves being eaten by Semi-looper from Noctuidae family
Terminalia catappa flowers with a Hoverfly
Terminalia muelleri in Talakona forest, in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Terminalia muelleri in Talakona forest, in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Terminalia. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Terminalia QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)