Origin: | ✈ | ? |
Exposure: | ☼ | ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property. |
Water: | ◍ | ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property. |
Read about Thysanotus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Thysanotus (Greek, fringed and ear, alluding to the 3 inner perianth-segms. which are fringed). Liliaceae. Perennials, suitable for the greenhouse. Rhizomes sometimes very short, sometimes stout and horizontal: lvs. radical, grass-like, flat or terete: scapes leafless, now erect and simple or paniculate above, now much branched or in one species twining: fls. sometimes densely fascicled, with 1 terminal fascicle or few at the top of the scape, sometimes variously panicled; perianth withering, persistent, segms. distinct, outer narrow, margin entire, inner with a broad colored margin, beautifully fimbriate-ciliate; stamens 6; ovary sessile or short-stipitate, 3-celled: caps. globose or ovoid.—About 21 species, Austral., one of which is also found in the Philippines and China. The difference in the inner and outer stamens and the absence of the latter in some species may not always be as constant as it would appear at first sight. The following species have been occasionally cult. They thrive in sandy loam and may be increased by offsets. T. dichotomus, R. Br. (T. intricatus, Lindl. T. tenuis, Lindl., not Endl.). Rhizome thick; sts. very variable, sometimes erect, branched, 1-2 ft. high, rarely almost twining: lvs. radical, few, short: fls. 1 or 2, rarely 3, in terminal umbels; perianth-segms. purple; stamens 6..—T. junceus. R. Br. Rhizome thick: sts. slender, loosely branched, erect or flexuous. 1-2 ft. high: lvs. radical, few, narrow-linear, short: fls. 1-3, in terminal umbels and sometimes 1 or 2 sessile along the lower branches; perianth-segms. purple, 5-6 lines long; stamens 6.—T. multiflorus, R. Br. Rootstock densely tufted: lvs. all radical, densely tufted, erect, rigid, much shorter than the scape: scapes simple, 6-18 in. high, bearing a single terminal, many-fld. umbel or rarely a second one lower down: perianth-segms. purple, the outer very acute, inner rather shorter; stamens 3. Var. prolifer, Hort. (T. proliferus, Lindl.), is a luxuriant form, with a large terminal umbel, frequently a second rather lower down: the lvs. sometimes exceeding the scape.—T. tuberosus, R. Br. (T. elatior, R. Br. T. isantherus, Lindl., not R. Br.). Roots swollen into tubers: lvs. radical, not numerous, narrow-linear, as long as the scape which is erect, rigid, terete and 6-12 in. (or more) high, branching into a loose, irregularly dichotomous panicle, each branch bearing a terminal 1-4-fld. umbel and sometimes a lateral sessile one: perianth purple, sometimes 6-7 lines long; stamens 6. CH
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Species includewp:
- Thysanotus acerosifolius Brittan
- Thysanotus arbuscula Baker
- Thysanotus arenarius Brittan
- Thysanotus asper Lindl. - Hairy Fringe-lily
- Thysanotus banksii R.Br.
- Thysanotus baueri R.Br. - Mallee Fringe-lily.
- Thysanotus bentianus Ewart & Jean White
- Thysanotus brachiatus Brittan
- Thysanotus brachyantherus Brittan
- Thysanotus brevifolius Brittan
- Thysanotus brevipes Endl.
- Thysanotus chinensis Benth.
- Thysanotus chrysantherus F.Muell.
- Thysanotus cymosus Brittan
- Thysanotus dichotomus (Labill.) R.Br. - Branching Fringe-lily
- Thysanotus exiliflorus F.Muell.
- Thysanotus fastigiatus Brittan
- Thysanotus formosus Brittan
- Thysanotus fractiflexus Brittan
- Thysanotus gageoides Diels
- Thysanotus glaucifolius Brittan
- Thysanotus glaucus Endl.
- Thysanotus gracilis R.Br.
- Thysanotus isantherus R.Br.
- Thysanotus juncifolius (Salisb.) J.H.Willis & Court
- Thysanotus lavanduliflorus Brittan
- Thysanotus manglesianus Kunth - Fringed Lily
- Thysanotus multiflorus R.Br. - Many-flowered Fringe-lily
- Thysanotus nudicaulis Brittan
- Thysanotus parviflorus Brittan
- Thysanotus patersonii R.Br. - Twining Fringe-lily
- Thysanotus pauciflorus R.Br.- Few-lowered Fringe-ily
- Thysanotus pseudojunceus Brittan
- Thysanotus pyramidalis Brittan
- Thysanotus ramulosus Brittan
- Thysanotus rectantherus Brittan
- Thysanotus sabulosus Brittan
- Thysanotus scaber Endl.
- Thysanotus sparteus R.Br.
- Thysanotus speckii Brittan
- Thysanotus spiniger Brittan
- Thysanotus tenuis Lindl.
- Thysanotus teretifolius Brittan
- Thysanotus thyrsoideus Baker
- Thysanotus triandrus (Labill.) R.Br.
- Thysanotus tuberosus R.Br. - Common Fringe-lily
- Thysanotus vernalis Brittan
- Thysanotus virgatus Brittan
- Thysanotus wangariensis Brittan
- Chlamyspermum F.Muell.
- Chlamysporum Salisb.
- Isandra F.Muell.
- Thysanella Salisb.
- Thysanothus Poir.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Thysanotus. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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