Wisteria brachybotrys

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Read about Wisteria brachybotrys in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Wisteria venusta, Rehd. & Wils. (W. brachybotrys var. alba, Mill.). Silky Wisteria. Tall, reaching 30 ft. or more, the young growth pubescent: lfts. usually 5 pairs (from 4-6 pairs), velvety both sides, oblong-lanceolate or elliptic- to ovate-oblong, short-acuminate, at the base subcordate or rounded or truncate, entire: raceme pendulous, 6 in. or less long including the short peduncle, broad, the rachis densely appressed-villous; fls. very large, white, on nearly horizontal spreading pedicels; standard suborbicular, truncate at apex and auricled at base, clawed; upper calyx-teeth subulate: pod compressed, densely velvety. China, province Chi-li.—More or less planted in Eu. and U. S., but only recently distinguished. Var. plena (forma plena), Rehd. & Wilson. With double white fls., occasionally offered by Japanese dealers; the only double-fld. white wisteria known.

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