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|poisonous=Some species
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|image=2007-03-20Kalanchoe blossfeldiana13.jpg
|image_caption=Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
'''''Kalanchoe''''', also written ''Kalanchöe'' or ''Kalanchoë'' and {{pron-en|ˌkælənˈkoʊ.iː}},<ref>''Sunset Western Garden Book,'' 1995:606–607; {{OED|Kalanchoe}}</ref>  is a genus of about 125 species of [[tropical]], succulent [[flowering plant]]s in the Family [[Crassulaceae]], mainly native to the [[Old World]] but with a few species now growing wild in the [[New World]] following introduction.
Most are [[shrub]]s or [[Perennial plant|perennial]] [[herbaceous]] plants, but a few are [[annual plant|annual]] or [[biennial plant|biennial]]. The largest, ''[[Kalanchoe beharensis]]'' from [[Madagascar]], can reach 6 m tall, but most species are less than 1 m tall.
Members of Kalanchoe genus are characterized by opening their flowers by growing new cells on the inner surface of the [[petal]]s to force them outwards, and on the outside of the petals to close them.
These plants are cultivated as ornamental houseplants and rock or "succulent" garden plants. They are popular because of their ease of propagation, low water requirements, and wide variety of flower colors typically borne in clusters well above the vegetative growth. The [[section (botany)|section]] ''[[Bryophyllum]]'' - formerly an independent genus - contains species such as the "Air plant" ''[[Kalanchoe pinnata]]''. In these plants, new individuals develop [[Vegetative reproduction|vegetatively]] as plantlets, also known as bulbils or gemmae, at indents along the leaves. These young plants eventually drop off and take root. No males have been found of one species of this genus which does flower and produce seeds, and it is commonly called, the ''Mother of Thousands''.  These plants are the food plant of the caterpillars of Red Pierrot butterfly.  The butterfly lay its eggs on the leaf and after hatching the caterpillar go inside the leaf and eat the leaf from inside.
Kalanchoe (from Chinese name). Crassulaceae. Sometimes spelled Calanchoe. Succulent glasshouse herbs or subshrubs, with interesting foliage and flowers.
Kalanchoe (from Chinese name). Crassulaceae. Sometimes spelled Calanchoe. Succulent glasshouse herbs or subshrubs, with interesting foliage and flowers.
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Any number of kalanchoes may appear in the collections of fanciers. Following are some of the more recent kinds, which may not be found in the regular manuals: K. angolsnris, N. E. Br. Lva. fleshy, to 4 in. long and half as broad: fls. bright yellow and numerous, variable in the number of its corolla-lobes. Trop. Afr. — K. Bentii(C. H Wright. St. 3 ft., unbranched, nearly 1 in. diam.: lvs. about 6 pairs near top of St., rigid and subcylindrical, 3-6 in. long: fls. white, in a loose erect panicle; calyx-lobes fleshy and spreading; corolla 1 ½  in. long, 4-angled, inflated at base, the limb nearly 1 in. across. Arabia. B.M. 7765. — K. diversa. N. E. Br. St. 1 ½ -2 ft high: lvs. lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, to 5 in. long, toothed, glabrous  fls. with a green tube ½ in. long and vermilion-orange shorter lobes. Somaliland. — K. Dyeri, N. E. Br. A fine species. 2-2 1/2 ft. high, glabrous: lvs. elliptic and spreading, 4-7 in. long, coarsely toothed, petiole to 3 in. long: infl. corymbose-cymose, to 1 ft. long; fls. with a pale green tube 1 ½ in. long, and a pure white spreading limb of lanceolate-acute lobes 1 in. long. Trop. Afr. B.M. 7987. — K. Elizae, Berger. St. simple, about 8 in.: lvs. oblong, nearly 4 in. long, entire: fls. red, in axillary thyrse-like panicles; corolla almost 2-lipped, the tube nearly 1 in. long, the lobes linear and acute and about 1/2in. long. Trop. Afr. — K. felthamensis. Hort., is a hybrid of K. flammea and K. Kirkii. — K. kewensis, Hort., is a hybrid of K. Bentii and K. flammea. — K. latistpala, N. E. Br. Related to K. Dyeri, but lvs. sessile and fls. about half the size: st. about 2 ft.: lvs. obovate, 4-5 in. long: fls. white, in many-fld. terminal cymes; corolla-tube 1 ¼ in. long; lobes ½ in. long, ovate or elliptic-ovate. Trop. Afr. — K. Luciae, Hamet. St. stout, simple, erect: lvs. sessile, obovate or obovate-spatulate, 1-3 in. long: fls. (color not given) in a panicle-like cluster, the corolla urn-shaped and the segms. shorter than tube. Transvaal. — K. mdgnidens, N. E. Br. St. 2 1/2 ft. or more, glabrous, green and with no bloom: lvs. petioled, 3 1/2 in. or less long, the lower elliptic-ovate and with 3 or 4 large tect' either side: infl. loosely branched, the ultimate cymes com| 9-25-fld. ; corolla light salmon, the tube somewhat less than ! long. Uganda (Trop. Afr.}. — K. prasina, N. E. Br. Small, small and not attractive fls.: sts. leafy, about 1 1/2 in. long: obovate or epatulatc-obovate, 2-3 in. long, entire, or obscucrenate: fls. with a green tube less than ¼ in. long, and short  lobes with greenish center. Trop. Afr. — K. somaliensis, Ba Erect, shrubby: lvs. obovate. or oblong-obovate. 4-6 in. It toothed: fls. in a loose cyme to 10 in. long, white faintly tinged low; corolla-tube 2 1/2 in. long; lobes ovate-lanceolate. Somalila — K. sexangularis, N. E. Br. St. 6-angled, simple and strait about 3 ft. high: lvs. stalked, the lower ones elliptic or suborbicular about 3 in. long: fls. small, yellow, in a panicle about 8 in. long Probably Transvaal. L. H. B.
Any number of kalanchoes may appear in the collections of fanciers. Following are some of the more recent kinds, which may not be found in the regular manuals: K. angolsnris, N. E. Br. Lva. fleshy, to 4 in. long and half as broad: fls. bright yellow and numerous, variable in the number of its corolla-lobes. Trop. Afr. — K. Bentii(C. H Wright. St. 3 ft., unbranched, nearly 1 in. diam.: lvs. about 6 pairs near top of St., rigid and subcylindrical, 3-6 in. long: fls. white, in a loose erect panicle; calyx-lobes fleshy and spreading; corolla 1 ½  in. long, 4-angled, inflated at base, the limb nearly 1 in. across. Arabia. B.M. 7765. — K. diversa. N. E. Br. St. 1 ½ -2 ft high: lvs. lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, to 5 in. long, toothed, glabrous  fls. with a green tube ½ in. long and vermilion-orange shorter lobes. Somaliland. — K. Dyeri, N. E. Br. A fine species. 2-2 1/2 ft. high, glabrous: lvs. elliptic and spreading, 4-7 in. long, coarsely toothed, petiole to 3 in. long: infl. corymbose-cymose, to 1 ft. long; fls. with a pale green tube 1 ½ in. long, and a pure white spreading limb of lanceolate-acute lobes 1 in. long. Trop. Afr. B.M. 7987. — K. Elizae, Berger. St. simple, about 8 in.: lvs. oblong, nearly 4 in. long, entire: fls. red, in axillary thyrse-like panicles; corolla almost 2-lipped, the tube nearly 1 in. long, the lobes linear and acute and about 1/2in. long. Trop. Afr. — K. felthamensis. Hort., is a hybrid of K. flammea and K. Kirkii. — K. kewensis, Hort., is a hybrid of K. Bentii and K. flammea. — K. latistpala, N. E. Br. Related to K. Dyeri, but lvs. sessile and fls. about half the size: st. about 2 ft.: lvs. obovate, 4-5 in. long: fls. white, in many-fld. terminal cymes; corolla-tube 1 ¼ in. long; lobes ½ in. long, ovate or elliptic-ovate. Trop. Afr. — K. Luciae, Hamet. St. stout, simple, erect: lvs. sessile, obovate or obovate-spatulate, 1-3 in. long: fls. (color not given) in a panicle-like cluster, the corolla urn-shaped and the segms. shorter than tube. Transvaal. — K. mdgnidens, N. E. Br. St. 2 1/2 ft. or more, glabrous, green and with no bloom: lvs. petioled, 3 1/2 in. or less long, the lower elliptic-ovate and with 3 or 4 large tect' either side: infl. loosely branched, the ultimate cymes com| 9-25-fld. ; corolla light salmon, the tube somewhat less than ! long. Uganda (Trop. Afr.}. — K. prasina, N. E. Br. Small, small and not attractive fls.: sts. leafy, about 1 1/2 in. long: obovate or epatulatc-obovate, 2-3 in. long, entire, or obscucrenate: fls. with a green tube less than ¼ in. long, and short  lobes with greenish center. Trop. Afr. — K. somaliensis, Ba Erect, shrubby: lvs. obovate. or oblong-obovate. 4-6 in. It toothed: fls. in a loose cyme to 10 in. long, white faintly tinged low; corolla-tube 2 1/2 in. long; lobes ovate-lanceolate. Somalila — K. sexangularis, N. E. Br. St. 6-angled, simple and strait about 3 ft. high: lvs. stalked, the lower ones elliptic or suborbicular about 3 in. long: fls. small, yellow, in a panicle about 8 in. long Probably Transvaal. L. H. B.
| color = lightgreen
| name = Kalanchoe
| image = Kalanchoe.blossfeldiana.jpg
| image_width = 204px
| image_caption = ''[[Kalanchoe blossfeldiana]]''
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| ordo = [[Saxifragales]]
| familia = [[Crassulaceae]]
| genus = '''''Kalanchoe'''''
| genus_authority = [[Michel Adanson|Adans.]]
| subdivision_ranks = Species
| subdivision =
Around 125, see text.
| synonyms =
[[image:Kalanchoe_veg.jpg|thumb|right|196px|Production of new individuals along a leaf margin of the air plant, ''[[Kalanchoe pinnata]]''. The small plant in front is about 1 cm tall]]
'''''Kalanchoe''''' is a genus of about 125 species of [[tropical]], succulent [[flowering plant]]s in the Family [[Crassulaceae]], mainly native to the [[Old World]] but with a few species in the [[New World]].
Most are [[shrub]]s or [[Perennial plant|perennial]] [[herbaceous]] plants, but a few are [[annual plant|annual]] or [[biennial plant|biennial]]. The largest, ''K. beharensis'' from [[Madagascar]], can reach 6 m tall, but most species are less than 1 m tall.
The name is sometimes written "Kalanchoë" to indicate that the final 'e' is pronounced.
===Pests and diseases===
===Cultivation and uses===
These plants are cultivated as ornamental houseplants and rock or "cactus" garden plants. They are popular because of their ease of propagation, low water requirements, and wide variety of flower colors typically borne in clusters well above the vegetative growth. The [[section (botany)|section]] ''[[Bryophyllum]]'' - formerly an independent genus - contains species like the "Air plant" ''[[Kalanchoe pinnata]]''. In these, curiously, new individuals develop [[Vegetative reproduction|vegetatively]] at indents along the leaf, after the leaf has broken off the plant and is lying on the ground and not seldom even when it is still attached to the plant. Such young plants eventually drop off and take root.
{{Main|List of kalanchoe diseases}}
Selected species:
==Selected species==
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
*''[[Kalanchoe adelae]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe adelae]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe arborescens]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe arborescens]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe beauverdii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe beauverdii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe beharensis]]'' - Velvet Leaf
*''[[Kalanchoe beharensis]]'' - Velvet Leaf, Felt Plant, Felt Bush
*''[[Kalanchoe bentii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe bentii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe blossfeldiana]]'' - Flaming Katy
*''[[Kalanchoe blossfeldiana]]'' - Flaming Katy
*''[[Kalanchoe bouvetii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe bouvetii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe bracteata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe campanulata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe campanulata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe crenata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe crenata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe daigremontiana]]'' - Devil's Backbone, Mexican-hat Plant
*''[[Kalanchoe crundallii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe delagonensis]]'' - Chandelier Plant
*''[[Kalanchoe daigremontiana]]'' - Devil's Backbone, Mexican-hat Plant, Mother of Thousands
*''[[Kalanchoe delagoensis]]'' - Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions, Mother of Thousands
*''[[Kalanchoe dinklagei]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe eriophylla]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe eriophylla]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe farinacea]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe farinacea]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi]]'' - Amethyst Scallops
*''[[Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi]]'' - Amethyst Scallops
*''[[Kalanchoe figuereidoi]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe flammea]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe flammea]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri]]'' - Donkey Ears, Life Plant
*''[[Kalanchoe glaucescens]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe glaucescens]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe gracilipes]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe gracilipes]]''
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*''[[Kalanchoe hildebrantii]]'' - Silver Teaspoons
*''[[Kalanchoe hildebrantii]]'' - Silver Teaspoons
*''[[Kalanchoe jongmansii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe jongmansii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe kewensis]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe laciniata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe laciniata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe laetivirens]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe lateritia]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe lateritia]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe laxiflora]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe laxiflora]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe linearifolia]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe longiflora]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe longiflora]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe macrochlamys]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe macrochlamys]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe manginii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe manginii]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe marnieriana]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe marnieriana]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe marmorata]]'' - Penwiper
*''[[Kalanchoe marmorata]]'' - Penwiper
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*''[[Kalanchoe miniata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe miniata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe nyikae]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe nyikae]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe obtusa]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe orgyalis]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe orgyalis]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe peltata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe peltata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe petitiana]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe petitiana]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe pinnata]]'' - Life Plant, Miracle Leaf
*''[[Kalanchoe pinnata]]'' - Life Plant, Miracle Leaf, Air Plant, Goethe Plant
*''[[Kalanchoe porphyrocalyx]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe porphyrocalyx]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe prolifera]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe prolifera]]''
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*''[[Kalanchoe quartiniana]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe quartiniana]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe rhombopilosa]]'' - Pies from Heaven
*''[[Kalanchoe rhombopilosa]]'' - Pies from Heaven
*''[[Kalanchoe robusta]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe rolandi-bonapartei]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe rolandi-bonapartei]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe rosei]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe rosei]]''
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*''[[Kalanchoe schizophylla]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe schizophylla]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe serrata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe serrata]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe sexangularis]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe streptantha]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe streptantha]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe suarezensis]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe suarezensis]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe synsepala]]'' - Cup Kalanchoe, Walking Kalanchoe
*''[[Kalanchoe synsepala]]'' - Cup Kalanchoe, Walking Kalanchoe
*''[[Kalanchoe thyrsiflora]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe synsepala f. dissecta]]'' - Cup Kalanchoe, Walking Kalanchoe
*''[[Kalanchoe thyrsiflora]]'' - Paddle Plant, Flapjacks, Desert Cabbage, White Lady, Geelplakkie, Meelplakkie, Plakkie
*''[[Kalanchoe tomentosa]]'' - Panda Plant
*''[[Kalanchoe tomentosa]]'' - Panda Plant
*''[[Kalanchoe tubiflora]]'' - Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions, Mother of Thousands
*''[[Kalanchoe uniflora]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe uniflora]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe velutina]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe viguieri]]''
*''[[Kalanchoe viguieri]]''
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*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608  -->
==External links==

Revision as of 20:53, 8 April 2010

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Plant Characteristics
Poisonous: Some species
Scientific Names

Crassulaceae >

Kalanchoe >

Adans. >

If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!

Kalanchoe, also written Kalanchöe or Kalanchoë and pronounced /ˌkælənˈkoʊ.iː/,[1] is a genus of about 125 species of tropical, succulent flowering plants in the Family Crassulaceae, mainly native to the Old World but with a few species now growing wild in the New World following introduction.

Most are shrubs or perennial herbaceous plants, but a few are annual or biennial. The largest, Kalanchoe beharensis from Madagascar, can reach 6 m tall, but most species are less than 1 m tall.

Members of Kalanchoe genus are characterized by opening their flowers by growing new cells on the inner surface of the petals to force them outwards, and on the outside of the petals to close them.

These plants are cultivated as ornamental houseplants and rock or "succulent" garden plants. They are popular because of their ease of propagation, low water requirements, and wide variety of flower colors typically borne in clusters well above the vegetative growth. The section Bryophyllum - formerly an independent genus - contains species such as the "Air plant" Kalanchoe pinnata. In these plants, new individuals develop vegetatively as plantlets, also known as bulbils or gemmae, at indents along the leaves. These young plants eventually drop off and take root. No males have been found of one species of this genus which does flower and produce seeds, and it is commonly called, the Mother of Thousands. These plants are the food plant of the caterpillars of Red Pierrot butterfly. The butterfly lay its eggs on the leaf and after hatching the caterpillar go inside the leaf and eat the leaf from inside.

Read about Kalanchoe in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Kalanchoe (from Chinese name). Crassulaceae. Sometimes spelled Calanchoe. Succulent glasshouse herbs or subshrubs, with interesting foliage and flowers.

Usually robust erect plants: lvs. opposite, fleshy, sessile or stalked, varying from entire to crenate and pinnatifid: fls. yellow, purple or scarlet, in many-fld. terminal paniculate cymes, rather large and often showy; calyx 4-parted, the narrow lobes shorter than the corolla-tube, usually falling early; corolla 4-parted and mostly spreading, the tube usually urn-shaped; stamens 8: carpels, 4.—More than 100 species, in. the Old World tropics and in S. Afr., and 1 reported from brazil. A few species are prized by amateurs. The fls. are lasting in bouquets. For the general handling of this class of plants, see Succulents; also cotyledon and crassula. They prop, readily by seeds and cuttings.

Any number of kalanchoes may appear in the collections of fanciers. Following are some of the more recent kinds, which may not be found in the regular manuals: K. angolsnris, N. E. Br. Lva. fleshy, to 4 in. long and half as broad: fls. bright yellow and numerous, variable in the number of its corolla-lobes. Trop. Afr. — K. Bentii(C. H Wright. St. 3 ft., unbranched, nearly 1 in. diam.: lvs. about 6 pairs near top of St., rigid and subcylindrical, 3-6 in. long: fls. white, in a loose erect panicle; calyx-lobes fleshy and spreading; corolla 1 ½ in. long, 4-angled, inflated at base, the limb nearly 1 in. across. Arabia. B.M. 7765. — K. diversa. N. E. Br. St. 1 ½ -2 ft high: lvs. lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, to 5 in. long, toothed, glabrous fls. with a green tube ½ in. long and vermilion-orange shorter lobes. Somaliland. — K. Dyeri, N. E. Br. A fine species. 2-2 1/2 ft. high, glabrous: lvs. elliptic and spreading, 4-7 in. long, coarsely toothed, petiole to 3 in. long: infl. corymbose-cymose, to 1 ft. long; fls. with a pale green tube 1 ½ in. long, and a pure white spreading limb of lanceolate-acute lobes 1 in. long. Trop. Afr. B.M. 7987. — K. Elizae, Berger. St. simple, about 8 in.: lvs. oblong, nearly 4 in. long, entire: fls. red, in axillary thyrse-like panicles; corolla almost 2-lipped, the tube nearly 1 in. long, the lobes linear and acute and about 1/2in. long. Trop. Afr. — K. felthamensis. Hort., is a hybrid of K. flammea and K. Kirkii. — K. kewensis, Hort., is a hybrid of K. Bentii and K. flammea. — K. latistpala, N. E. Br. Related to K. Dyeri, but lvs. sessile and fls. about half the size: st. about 2 ft.: lvs. obovate, 4-5 in. long: fls. white, in many-fld. terminal cymes; corolla-tube 1 ¼ in. long; lobes ½ in. long, ovate or elliptic-ovate. Trop. Afr. — K. Luciae, Hamet. St. stout, simple, erect: lvs. sessile, obovate or obovate-spatulate, 1-3 in. long: fls. (color not given) in a panicle-like cluster, the corolla urn-shaped and the segms. shorter than tube. Transvaal. — K. mdgnidens, N. E. Br. St. 2 1/2 ft. or more, glabrous, green and with no bloom: lvs. petioled, 3 1/2 in. or less long, the lower elliptic-ovate and with 3 or 4 large tect' either side: infl. loosely branched, the ultimate cymes com

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



Pests and diseases


Selected species:



  1. Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607; Template:OED

External links