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|genus=s: Ribes
|species=: R. sanguineum
|common_name=Pink Winter Currant, redflower currant,blood currant, winter currant, and pink-flowering currant
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|features=deciduous, fire resistant
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Latest revision as of 05:35, 26 December 2013

Ribes sanguineum 5724.JPG

Plant Characteristics
Habit   shrub
Exposure: part-sun
Features: deciduous, fire resistant
USDA Zones: on"on" is not a number. to on"on" is not a number.
Scientific Names

Grossulariaceae >

[[s: Ribes]] >

[[: R. sanguineum]] >

Read about Ribes sanguineum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ribes sanguineum, Pursh (Calobotrya sanguinea, Spach). Shrub, to 10 ft., more or less glandular and aromatic: branchlets pubescent and glandular while young: lvs. cordate or nearly truncate, reniform-orbicular, 3-5-lobed with obtuse irregularly dentate lobes, dark green and puberulous above, whitish-tomentose beneath, 2—4 in. broad; petioles pubescent and glandular: racemes many-fld., pubescent and glandular; bracts oblanceolate; fls. red, pubescent; ovary glandular; calyx-tube about 1/5in. long, sepals slightly longer; petals white or reddish: fr. blue-black, bloomy, slightly glandular. Brit. Col. to N. W. Calif. B.M. 3335. B.R. 1349. Gn. 51:208, fig. 1. H.U. 6:260.—Of this handsome shrub several varieties are in cult. Var. atrorubens, Loud. (var.atrosanguineum, Kirchn.). Var. splendens, Barbier. Fls. dark blood-red, larger than those of the preceding variety. R.H. 1913:428. G.35:363. Var.carneum, Dipp. (R. carneum grandiflorum, Carr.). Fls. pink. Var. albescens, Rehd. (R. sanguineum var. albidum, Hort., not Kirchn.). Fls. whitish. Gn. 51:208, fig. 2 (as R. album). G.M. 53:125. This variety is usually confused with R. glutinosum var. albidum, Jancz. (R. albidum, Paxt.), which differs chiefly in the glabrescent under side of the more deeply lobed and more sharply serrate lvs., in the more pendulous racemes with the pedicels 1/4-1/3in. long, longer than the recurved narrower bracts. Var. flore-pleno, Hort. With double red fls. P.M. 12:121. F.S. 1, p. 247. G.C. II. 14:144. Var. Brocklebankii, Bean. With yellow foliage. Gn. 78, p. 311.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

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