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The caraganas are deciduous unarmed or spiny shrubs with yellow, rarely whitish or pinkish flowers axillary and solitary or fascicled, followed by linear pods. The cultivated species are quite hardy, except a few Himalayan species. They grow in almost any soil, but best in a sandy soil and sunny position, and are well adapted for shrubberies. C. arborescens is the only one which grows into a small tree, and is of upright habit, like C. frutex, which is about half as high and more graceful; most of the other species are low shrubs, of usually spreading habit. C. arborescens is one of the best hedge shrubs for the prairies of the Northwest.
The caraganas are deciduous unarmed or spiny shrubs with yellow, rarely whitish or pinkish flowers axillary and solitary or fascicled, followed by linear pods. The cultivated species are quite hardy, except a few Himalayan species. They grow in almost any soil, but best in a sandy soil and sunny position, and are well adapted for shrubberies. C. arborescens is the only one which grows into a small tree, and is of upright habit, like C. frutex, which is about half as high and more graceful; most of the other species are low shrubs, of usually spreading habit. C. arborescens is one of the best hedge shrubs for the prairies of the Northwest.
Propagation is by seeds sown in fall or in spring; if kept dry during the winter, soaking in tepid water for two or three days before sowing will be of advantage; also increased by root-cuttings and layers, or by grafting on seedling stock of C. arborescens in spring.
Propagation is by seeds sown in fall or in spring; if kept dry during the winter, soaking in tepid water for two or three days before sowing will be of advantage; also increased by root-cuttings and layers, or by grafting on seedling stock of C. arborescens in spring.
C. Altagana, Poir.=C. microphylla.—C. arborteacens arenaria, Hort.=C. microplylla. —C. arenaria, Dipp.=C. aurantiaca, Koehne. —C. aurantiaca, Koehne. Allied to C. pygmaea. Fls. orange-yellow; calyx as long as broad; ovary glabrous. Siberia.—C. Boisii, Schneid. (C. microphylla var. crasse-aculeata, Bois). Allied to C. arborescens. Shrub, to 6 ft.: lfts. 10-12, obovate or narrowly obovate, about ½in. long, silky pubescent beneath at least when young, whitish beneath: stipules spiny: fls. solitary. W. China. V.F. 57.—C. brevispina, Royle (C.trifiora,Lindl.). Spines 2-3 in. long: lfts. 12-16, pubescent: fls. 2-4, on a common peduncle. Himalayas. P.F.G. 2: 184.—C. decorticans, Hemsl. Allied to C. microphylla. Shrub or small tree, spiny: lfts. 8-12, oval, less than ½ in. long: fls. 1-2. Afghanistan. H.I. 18:1725.—C. frutenscens, DC. =C. frutex.-C. Gerardiana, Royle. Spines 1½-2 in. long: stipules large, scarious: lfts. 8-12, densely pubescent: fls. 1-2, short - pedicelled. Himalayas.—C. gracilis, Hort.=C. pygmaea. — C. grandiflora, DC. Allied to C. pygmaea. Lfts. cuneate-oblong, glabrous or pubescent: fls. 1¼ in. long; calyx gibbous at the base. Caucasus.—The plant sometimes cult. under this name is a variety of C. frutex.—C. jubata, Pall. Sparingly branched shrub with very thick, spiny and villous branches: stipules large, scarious: lfts. 8-14, linear-oblong, villoua beneath: fls. whitish, 1 in. long, short-pedicelled. Siberia. F.S. 19:2013. L. B.C. 6:522. Gt. 10:331. A very distinct and curious-looking species: hardy.-C. sophoraefolia, Bess. (C. arborescens X C. microphylla. C. cuneifolia, Dipp.). Lfts. usually 12, oblong to elliptic, cuneate, acute: pods ¾in. long. Garden origin.—C. spinosa, DC. Spines 1 in. long: lfts. 4, rarely more, approximate, cuneate-lanceolate, glabrous: fls. solitary, short-pedicelled. Siberia.—C. spinosiasima, C. Koch=C. spinosa.—C. tragacanthoides, Poir. Spiny: lfts. 4-8, cuneate, oblong, pubescent: fls. solitary, short-pedicelled: calyx villous-pubescent. Himalayas.—C. triflora, Lindl.=C. brevispina. —C. vulgaris, Hort.=C. arborescens.  Alfred rehder.

Revision as of 16:32, 5 June 2009

Read about Caragana in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 


The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Caragana pygmaea foliage and flowers
Caragana pygmaea foliage and flowers
Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Genus: Caragana

See text

Caragana is a genus of about 80 species of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae, native to Asia and eastern Europe.

They are shrubs or small trees growing 1-6 m (3-20 ft) tall. They have even-pinnate leaves with small leaflets, and solitary or clustered mostly yellow (rarely white or pink) flowers and bearing seeds in a linear pod.

Caragana species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Dark Dagger.

Selected species
