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The flowers are in racemes or spikes, firm in texture, and white or in shades of green, yellow, brown or purple. Catasetums are not much cultivated, since most of the species are not showy, but they are interesting to the botanist and amateur because of the striking ejection of the pollen-masses. Gardeners often have trouble with catasetums, but they are not difficult to grow if given good care. They need a high temperature, long period of rest, and free supply of water during the growing season. They are grown in both pots and baskets. Readily propagated by dividing the plants at the base; also from very ripe pseudobulbs cut in pieces and put in sand. For culture, see Orchids.
The flowers are in racemes or spikes, firm in texture, and white or in shades of green, yellow, brown or purple. Catasetums are not much cultivated, since most of the species are not showy, but they are interesting to the botanist and amateur because of the striking ejection of the pollen-masses. Gardeners often have trouble with catasetums, but they are not difficult to grow if given good care. They need a high temperature, long period of rest, and free supply of water during the growing season. They are grown in both pots and baskets. Readily propagated by dividing the plants at the base; also from very ripe pseudobulbs cut in pieces and put in sand. For culture, see Orchids.
C. barbatum, Lindl. Fls. green, blotched with purple. Guiana. —C. callosum, Lindl. Odd: fls. with chocolate-brown, narrow-lanceolate sepals and petals; lip greenish, speckled with red. Venezuela. B.M. 4219, 6648.—C. Christyanum, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals usually chocolate; lip greenish yellow, purple fringed. S. Amer.(?). G.C. III. 18:617. B.M. 8007.—C. Classianum, Lind. & Cogn. Fls. greenish yellow; lip fringed along sides. Brazil. G.C. III. 44:211.—C. Cliftonii, Hort. Probably a form of C. Bungerothii. G.M. 54:593 (desc.).—C. Colmaniae, Hort. Fine yellow fl. with 3-lobed lip stained with deep crimson.-C. discolor, Lindl. Fls. purple. An old sort, now rarely seen. Brazil.—C. ebureum, Rolfe.

Revision as of 07:15, 16 June 2009

Read about Catasetum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Catasetum (Greek for downward or backward, and bristle). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic or terrestrial orchids, requiring hothouse conditions.

Stems short fusiform: lvs. plaited, membranaceous: scapes basal; fls. in racemes, globose or expanded; labellum fleshy; column erect, provided with sensitive appendages which, when touched, cause the pollen- masses to fly out; pollinia 2. The genus includes Monachanthus and Myanthus.—There are about 50 or 60 species in the American tropics.

The flowers are in racemes or spikes, firm in texture, and white or in shades of green, yellow, brown or purple. Catasetums are not much cultivated, since most of the species are not showy, but they are interesting to the botanist and amateur because of the striking ejection of the pollen-masses. Gardeners often have trouble with catasetums, but they are not difficult to grow if given good care. They need a high temperature, long period of rest, and free supply of water during the growing season. They are grown in both pots and baskets. Readily propagated by dividing the plants at the base; also from very ripe pseudobulbs cut in pieces and put in sand. For culture, see Orchids.

C. barbatum, Lindl. Fls. green, blotched with purple. Guiana. —C. callosum, Lindl. Odd: fls. with chocolate-brown, narrow-lanceolate sepals and petals; lip greenish, speckled with red. Venezuela. B.M. 4219, 6648.—C. Christyanum, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals usually chocolate; lip greenish yellow, purple fringed. S. Amer.(?). G.C. III. 18:617. B.M. 8007.—C. Classianum, Lind. & Cogn. Fls. greenish yellow; lip fringed along sides. Brazil. G.C. III. 44:211.—C. Cliftonii, Hort. Probably a form of C. Bungerothii. G.M. 54:593 (desc.).—C. Colmaniae, Hort. Fine yellow fl. with 3-lobed lip stained with deep crimson.-C. discolor, Lindl. Fls. purple. An old sort, now rarely seen. Brazil.—C. ebureum, Rolfe.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Catasetum saccatum
Catasetum saccatum
Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Cymbidieae
Subtribe: Catasetinae
Genus: Catasetum
Rich. ex Kunth

See text.

Catasetum Rich. ex Kunth 1822, is a genus of the Orchid family (Orchidaceae), subfamily Epidendroideae, tribe Cymbidieae, subtribe Catasetinae, with 166 species.

Species of the genus Catasetum occur from Mexico to tropical America, with the majority in Brazil.

They have thick, cigar-shaped pseudobulbs which are clustered. The leaves are pleated in the upper part and deciduous. The pseudobulbs become spiny after the leaves have dropped.

The inflorescence is borne on the basis. It consists of very fleshy flowers that are unisexual, which is exceptional for orchids. The colorful male and yellowish-green female flowers are typically situated on different plants. Which type of flower a plant produces is determined by the conditions under which it grows. There are rare cases in which a single plant in intermediate conditions will produce both male and female flowers. These flowers are markedly different in size and color. At first, taxonomists even thought they were dealing with different species. The male flowers have a remarkable technique for the ejection of the pollinia.


  • Catasetum aculeatum (Brazil)
  • Catasetum adremedium (Peru)
  • Catasetum alatum (Brazil)
  • Catasetum albovirens (Brazil)
  • Catasetum albuquerquei (Brazil)
  • Catasetum apertum
  • Catasetum arachnoideum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum arietinum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum aripuanense (Brazil).
  • Catasetum ariquemense (Brazil)
    • Catasetum ariquemense var. ariquemense (Brazil). Pseudobulb, epiphyte
    • Catasetum ariquemense var. viride (Brazil)
  • Catasetum atratum : Lustrous Black Catasetum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum barbatum : Bearded Catasetum (Trinidad to S. Trop. America).
  • Catasetum bergoldianum (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum bicallosum (S. Venezuela).
  • Catasetum bicolor : Two-colored Catasetum (Colombia to S. Venezuela)
  • Catasetum bifidum (Brazil)
  • Catasetum blackii (Brazil)
  • Catasetum blepharochilum (Colombia).
  • Catasetum boyi (Brazil ).
  • Catasetum brichtae (Brazil) .
  • Catasetum cabrutae (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum callosum : Callused Catasetum (S. Trop. America).
  • Catasetum carolinianum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum carrenhianum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum carunculatum (Peru).
  • Catasetum cassideum (SE. Venezuela to N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum caucanum (Colombia).
  • Catasetum caxarariense (Brazil).
  • Catasetum cernuum : Nodding Catasetum (Trinidad to Brazil).
  • Catasetum charlesworthii (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum cirrhaeoides : Cirrhaea-like Cataseum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum cochabambanum (Bolivia).
  • Catasetum collare (Venezuela to Ecuador and N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum colossus (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum complanatum (Brazil) .
  • Catasetum confusum : Confused Catasetum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum coniforme (Peru).
  • Catasetum cotylicheilum (Peru).
  • Catasetum crinitum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum cristatum : Comb-like Catasetum (N. South America to N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum cucullatum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum decipiens (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum deltoideum (Guianas).
  • Catasetum denticulatum : Small-toothed Catasetum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum discolor : Differently Colored Catasetum (S. Trop. America).
  • Catasetum × dunstervillei ( = C. discolor × C. pileatum) (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum dupliciscutula (Bolivia).
  • Catasetum expansum :

'Expansive Catasetum (Ecuador).

  • Catasetum fernandezii (Peru).
  • Catasetum ferox (S. Venezuela to Brazil).
  • Catasetum fimbriatum : Fringed Catasetum ((S. Trop. America).
  • Catasetum finetianum (Colombia).
  • Catasetum franchinianum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum fuchsii (Bolivia).
  • Catasetum galeatum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum galeritum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum georgii (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum gladiatorium (Brazil)
  • Catasetum globiflorum : Spheroid-flowered Catasetum (Brazil)
  • Catasetum gnomus : Gnome-like Catasetum (S. Venezuela to N. Brazil)
  • Catasetum gomezii (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum × guianense (= C. longifolium × C. macrocarpum) (Guianas).
  • Catasetum hillsii (Peru.
  • Catasetum hoehnei (Brazil)
  • Catasetum hookeri (Brazil)
  • Catasetum incurvum : Bent Catasetum (Ecuador to Peru).
  • Catasetum integerrimum : Intact Catasetum (Mexico to C. America).
  • Catasetum interhomesianum (Bolivia).
  • Catasetum × intermedium (Brazil).
  • Catasetum × issanensis(= C. longifolium × C. pileatum) (Brazil).
  • Catasetum japurense (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum jarae : Jara's Catasetum (Peru).
  • Catasetum juruenense : Rio Jurua Catasetum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum justinianum (Bolivia).
  • Catasetum kempfii (Bolivia).
  • Catasetum kleberianum : Kleber's Catasetum (Brazil)
  • Catasetum kraenzlinianum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum laminatum : Scaled Catasetum (C. & SW. Mexico).
  • Catasetum lanceatum (Brazil) .
  • Catasetum lanxiforme (Peru).
  • Catasetum lehmannii (Colombia)
  • Catasetum lemosii (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum lindleyanum (Colombia).
  • Catasetum linguiferum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum longifolium (N. South America to N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum longipes (Brazil) .
  • Catasetum lucis (Colombia).
  • Catasetum luridum : Pale-yellow Catasetum (Guyana to E. Brazil).
  • Catasetum macrocarpum : Monkey Goblet, Monkshead Monk's Head Orchid, Large-fruited Catasetum (Trinidad and Tobago to N. Argentina).
  • Catasetum macroglossum : Large-lipped Catasetum (Ecuador.
  • Catasetum maculatum : Spotted Catasetum (C. America to Venezuela).
Catasetum maculatum
  • Catasetum maranhense (NE. Brazil).
  • Catasetum maroaense (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum matogrossense (Brazil)
  • Catasetum meeae (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum mentosum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum merchae (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum micranthum (Brazil) .
  • Catasetum microglossum (Ecuador to Peru).
  • Catasetum mojuense (Brazil)
  • Catasetum monodon (Brazil
  • Catasetum monzonense (Peru).
  • Catasetum moorei : Moore's Catasetum (Peru).
  • Catasetum multifidum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum multifissum (Peru).
  • Catasetum nanayanum (Peru).
  • Catasetum napoense (Ecuador to Peru).
  • Catasetum naso : Nose Catasetum (Colombia to Venezuela).
  • Catasetum ochraceum : Ochre-yellow Catasetum (Colombia).
  • Catasetum ollare (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum ornithoides (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum osakadianum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum osculatum (Brazil) .
  • Catasetum palmeirinhense (Brazil).
  • Catasetum parguazense : Paraguaza River Catasetum (Venezuela).
  • Catasetum pendulum : Pendant Catasetum (W. Mexico).
  • Catasetum peruvianum (Peru).
  • Catasetum pileatum : Mother of Pearl Flower, Felt-capped Catasetum (Trinidad to Ecuador).
  • Catasetum planiceps (N. South America to Brazil).
  • Catasetum platyglossum (Colombia).
  • Catasetum pleidactylon (Peru).
  • Catasetum × pohlianum(= C. hookeri × C. trulla) (Brazil)
  • Catasetum poriferum (Guyana).
  • Catasetum pulchrum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum punctatum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum purum : One-colored Catasetum (Brazil)
  • Catasetum purusense (Peru.)
  • Catasetum pusillum (Peru)
  • Catasetum randii (Brazil).
  • Catasetum regnellii (Brazil).
  • Catasetum reichenbachianum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum richteri (Brazil)
  • Catasetum ricii (Bolivia).
  • Catasetum rigidum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum rivularium (Brazil).
  • Catasetum rohrii (S. Brazil).
  • Catasetum rolfeanum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum rondonense (Brazil)
  • Catasetum rooseveltianum : Roosevelt's Catasetum (Brazil)
  • Catasetum × roseoalbum (Guianas).
  • Catasetum saccatum : Sack-Shaped Catasetum (S. Trop. America).
  • Catasetum samaniegoi (Ecuador).
  • Catasetum sanguineum : Red Catasetum (Colombia to Venezuela).
    • Catasetum sanguineum var. sanguineum (Colombia to Venezuela). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Catasetum sanguineum var. viride (Colombia to Venezuela).
  • Catasetum schmidtianum : Schmidt's Catasetum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum schunkei (Peru).
  • Catasetum schweinfurthii (Peru).
  • Catasetum seccoi (Brazil).
  • Catasetum semicirculatum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum socco ((SE. Brazil).
  • Catasetum × sodiroi (= C. expansum × C.macroglossum) (Ecuador).
  • Catasetum spitzii : Spitz's Catasetum (Brazil).
    • Catasetum spitzii var. album (Brazil). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Catasetum spitzii var. christyanum (Brazil). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Catasetum spitzii var. sanguineum (Brazil). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Catasetum spitzii var. spitzii (Brazil). Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Catasetum splendens (Venezuela to N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum stenoglossum (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum stevensonii (Ecuador to Peru).
  • Catasetum tabulare : Table-Like Catasetum (Colombia).
  • Catasetum taguariense (Brazil).
  • Catasetum × tapiriceps (N. Brazil).
  • Catasetum taquariense (WC. Brazil).
  • Catasetum tenebrosum : Dark-brown Catasetum (Ecuador to Peru).
  • Catasetum tenuiglossum (Peru).
  • Catasetum thompsonii (Guyana).
  • Catasetum tigrinum : Tiger-striped Catasetum (Brazil).
  • Catasetum transversicallosum (Peru).
  • Catasetum trautmannii (Peru).
  • Catasetum tricolor (Guatemala).
  • Catasetum tricorne (Colombia).
  • Catasetum triodon (S. Brazil).
  • Catasetum tuberculatum (Colombia to Peru).
  • Catasetum tucuruiense (Brazil).
  • Catasetum uncatum (Brazil) .
  • Catasetum variabile (Brazil).
  • Catasetum vinaceum (WC. Brazil).
    • Catasetum vinaceum var. album (Brazil) Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Catasetum vinaceum var. splendidum (Brazil). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Catasetum vinaceum var. vinaceum (Brazil) . Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Catasetum × violascens : Purple Catasetum (W. South America).
  • Catasetum viridiflavum : Green-yellow Catasetum (C. America).
  • Catasetum × wendlingeri (Venezuela to Guyana).
  • Catasetum yavitaense (Venezuela).

Further reading

  • Dressler, Robert L. (1993) : Field guide to the orchids of Costa Rica and Panama, Cornell University Press

External links


The Catasetum, Mormodes and Coryanthes Site