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Lilium roseum, Wall. (L. Thomsonianum, Lindl. Frtil- laria Thomsoniana, Royle). A peculiar plant, suggesting Hosta, Anthericum, Ornithogalum. and similar things: st. erect, about 1 1/2 ft.: leaves like a Hemerocallis, linear- acuminate and grassy, mostly crowded at the base of the st.: flowers as many as two dozen, pale mauve, about 1 1/2 in. long, and nearly as broad at the mouth, bell- shaped, the 6 segms. free to the base; anthers deep purple, oblong; stigma 3-lobed. W. China to N. India (Himalaya). (var. multiflorum. Leicht.).— Little cultured abroad; may be desirable in milder parts of this country.
Lilium roseum, Wall. (L. Thomsonianum, Lindl. Frtil- laria Thomsoniana, Royle). A peculiar plant, suggesting Hosta, Anthericum, Ornithogalum. and similar things: st. erect, about 1 1/2 ft.: leaves like a Hemerocallis, linear- acuminate and grassy, mostly crowded at the base of the st.: flowers as many as two dozen, pale mauve, about 1 1/2 in. long, and nearly as broad at the mouth, bell- shaped, the 6 segms. free to the base; anthers deep purple, oblong; stigma 3-lobed. W. China to N. India (Himalaya). (var. multiflorum. Leicht.).— Little cultured abroad; may be desirable in milder parts of this country.
Lilium albanicum, Griseb. Very similar to L.Jankae. Albania.—L. Alexandrae, Baker (L. japonicum var. Alexandrae, Hort.). St. 2-3 ft. high: leaves scattered, 5-6 in. long, 1/2 - 3/4 in. wide: flowers trumpet-shaped, usually solitary, semi-erect, 5-6 in. long, nearly as wide, delicately fragrant., with waxy, pure white segms. shaded green at the base. Late June. July. Liu Kiu Isls. Possibly a hybrid between L. auratum and L. longiflorum.—L. Bakeri, Purdy (L. Purdyi, Waugh). Bulb similar to that of L. columbianum: st. 2-5 ft. high: leaves mostly verticillate: flowers 1-10, horizontal or semi-pendulous, slightly fragrant, with reflexed orange-red segms., spotted deep purple. Wash. and Brit. Col — L. Bakerianum ~ L. Lowi. — L. Berensii, Hort. A garden hybrid between L. testaceum and L. chalcedonicum: st. 3-4 ft. high: flowers fragrant, similar to those of L. testaceum in size and shape, but brighter, and richer in color. Aug., early Sept.—L. Biondii, Hort. Resembles L. Maximowiczii: st. 3-4 ft. high: leaves scattered, linear: flowers several, pendulous, 2 1/2 in. across, with reflexed segms., orange-red spotted deep purple-black with reddish brown anthers. —L. claptonense, Hort. ~ L. primulinum. —L. davidii, Duch. Allied to L. concolor; st. 2-3 ft. high, with narrow, scattered leaves; flowers erect, solitary, star-shaped, orange, spotted purple. Thibet. L. Delavayi, Franch. flowers rosy crimson; belongs in subgenus Archelirion. China.—L. Daei, Hort. A garden hybrid, resembling L. longiflorum. desc, —L. Duchartrei, Franch. St. about 3 ft. high, smooth: leaves lanceolate, acuminate, 2 1/2  in. long, 1/2 in. wide: flowers 1-7, pendulous, 3 in. diam., white, tinged rose outside, finely spotted inside. W. and S.W. China. —L. Fargesii. Franch. A Martagon with small yellow flowers China. —L. Farquhari, Hort. ~ L. Sargentiae. —L. formasum, Franch. flowers erect, white, similar to those of L. elegans. China, —L. Glehnii, F. Schmidt. Differs only slightly from L. cordifolium. Japan. —L. Heldreichii, Baker. Intermediate between L. carniolicum and L. chalcedonicum: St. 2-3 ft. high, with narrow, scattered leaves and 1-4 bright orange-red flowers tinged yellow outside. Late June, July. Greece. —L. kewense, Hort. A garden hybrid between L. Henryi and L. Browni var. Chloraster; resembles a small L. auratum in habit of growth and form of flowers, but the leaves are similar to those of L. Henryi; Flowers rich cream-color, fading to nearly white and with a deep creamy-yellow band through the center of each segm. July, Aug. — L. lankongense, Franch. Flowers purple, spotted black. Belongs in subgenus Martagon. Yunnan, China.—L. lophaphorum, Franch. A Martagon about 1 ft. high, with canary-yellow flowers Western China. —L. Lawi, Baker (L. Bakerianum, Coll. & Hemal.). St. 2-3 ft. high: leaves scattered, narrow, erect: flowers 1-3, pendulous, bell-shaped, 3—4 in. long, nearly as wide, with slightly recurved ivory-white segms. spotted or blotched purple near the base inside and tinged green outside. Yunnan and N. Burma. -L.Masseyi, Hyams. A southern form of L. philadelphicum, differing but slightly. N. C. —L. Miquelianum, Makino. Said to be an improved form of L. medeoloides. Japan. —L. mirabile, Franch. Similar to L. cordifolium. China.—L. occident, Purdy. Resembles L. maritimum, but the segms. of the flowers are more reflexed: bulb rhizomatous: st. 2-4 ft. high: leaves usually verticillate, lower ones sometimes scattered: flowers 1-15, orange-yellow, tipped red, spotted purple. Calif. —L. ochraceum, Franch. A yellow-flowered Martagon resembling L. monadelphum. China. —L. oxypetalum, Baker. 1-1 1/2 ft. tall: leaves 20-30, scattered, lanceolate-linear: fl. wide funnel-shaped or nearly rotate, purplish, tinged with green beneath, somewhat dotted inside. W. Himalayas. —L. papilliferum. Franch. A dwarf L. Maximowiczii, with orange-red flowers China.—L. Parkmannii. T. Moore. A hybrid between L. auratum and L. speciosum: St. slender, 2—4 ft. high: leaves scattered, alternate: flowers 8-12 in. diam. of the same shape as those of L. auratum, but colored like those of L. speciosum. —L. panticum, Koch. Resembles L. monadelphum, but is smaller, seldom over 2 ft. high. Asia Minor. — L. primullinum, Baker (L. claptonense, Hort.) flowers pure primrose- yellow, trumpet-shaped, intermediate in form between those of L. neilgherrense  and L. nepalense. N. Burma. .—L. Purdyi ~ L. Bakeri.—L. Rasthernii, Diels. Belongs in subgenus Martagon. China. —L. taliense, Franch. A tall-growing Martagon with white flowers China. L. thayerae, Wilson. Bulb 2-2 1/2 in. diam., ivory-white: st. 4 — 4 1/2ft. high, clothed with long, linear leaves and usually bearing 16 or 17 flowers. W.China.  Intro, as L. sutchuense.—L. tubiflorum, Wight. Closely resembles L. neilgherrense, except the leaves and perianth-segms. are narrower. Himalaya Mts. —L. Warei, Purdy. Said to be intermediate in character between L. pardalinum and L. Parryi: flowers fragrant, bright yellow, spotted deep purple. Calif. —L. willmottiae, Wilson (L. warleyense, Hort.). St. about 4 ft. high: leaves numerous, spirally arranged, linear, 3-5 in. long: flowers 20 or more, pendulous, 3 in. diam.. recurved, orange-red, spotted reddish brown. China. —L. yoshidaii, Leicht. Flowers fragrant, resembling those of L. Brownii. Philippine Isls. —L. yunnanense, Franch. St. 1-3 ft. high: flowers 1-3, small, pendulous, pink or nearly white. Yunnan, China.

Revision as of 07:31, 16 July 2009


Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Lilium roseum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lilium roseum, Wall. (L. Thomsonianum, Lindl. Frtil- laria Thomsoniana, Royle). A peculiar plant, suggesting Hosta, Anthericum, Ornithogalum. and similar things: st. erect, about 1 1/2 ft.: leaves like a Hemerocallis, linear- acuminate and grassy, mostly crowded at the base of the st.: flowers as many as two dozen, pale mauve, about 1 1/2 in. long, and nearly as broad at the mouth, bell- shaped, the 6 segms. free to the base; anthers deep purple, oblong; stigma 3-lobed. W. China to N. India (Himalaya). (var. multiflorum. Leicht.).— Little cultured abroad; may be desirable in milder parts of this country.

Lilium albanicum, Griseb. Very similar to L.Jankae. Albania.—L. Alexandrae, Baker (L. japonicum var. Alexandrae, Hort.). St. 2-3 ft. high: leaves scattered, 5-6 in. long, 1/2 - 3/4 in. wide: flowers trumpet-shaped, usually solitary, semi-erect, 5-6 in. long, nearly as wide, delicately fragrant., with waxy, pure white segms. shaded green at the base. Late June. July. Liu Kiu Isls. Possibly a hybrid between L. auratum and L. longiflorum.—L. Bakeri, Purdy (L. Purdyi, Waugh). Bulb similar to that of L. columbianum: st. 2-5 ft. high: leaves mostly verticillate: flowers 1-10, horizontal or semi-pendulous, slightly fragrant, with reflexed orange-red segms., spotted deep purple. Wash. and Brit. Col — L. Bakerianum ~ L. Lowi. — L. Berensii, Hort. A garden hybrid between L. testaceum and L. chalcedonicum: st. 3-4 ft. high: flowers fragrant, similar to those of L. testaceum in size and shape, but brighter, and richer in color. Aug., early Sept.—L. Biondii, Hort. Resembles L. Maximowiczii: st. 3-4 ft. high: leaves scattered, linear: flowers several, pendulous, 2 1/2 in. across, with reflexed segms., orange-red spotted deep purple-black with reddish brown anthers. —L. claptonense, Hort. ~ L. primulinum. —L. davidii, Duch. Allied to L. concolor; st. 2-3 ft. high, with narrow, scattered leaves; flowers erect, solitary, star-shaped, orange, spotted purple. Thibet. L. Delavayi, Franch. flowers rosy crimson; belongs in subgenus Archelirion. China.—L. Daei, Hort. A garden hybrid, resembling L. longiflorum. desc, —L. Duchartrei, Franch. St. about 3 ft. high, smooth: leaves lanceolate, acuminate, 2 1/2 in. long, 1/2 in. wide: flowers 1-7, pendulous, 3 in. diam., white, tinged rose outside, finely spotted inside. W. and S.W. China. —L. Fargesii. Franch. A Martagon with small yellow flowers China. —L. Farquhari, Hort. ~ L. Sargentiae. —L. formasum, Franch. flowers erect, white, similar to those of L. elegans. China, —L. Glehnii, F. Schmidt. Differs only slightly from L. cordifolium. Japan. —L. Heldreichii, Baker. Intermediate between L. carniolicum and L. chalcedonicum: St. 2-3 ft. high, with narrow, scattered leaves and 1-4 bright orange-red flowers tinged yellow outside. Late June, July. Greece. —L. kewense, Hort. A garden hybrid between L. Henryi and L. Browni var. Chloraster; resembles a small L. auratum in habit of growth and form of flowers, but the leaves are similar to those of L. Henryi; Flowers rich cream-color, fading to nearly white and with a deep creamy-yellow band through the center of each segm. July, Aug. — L. lankongense, Franch. Flowers purple, spotted black. Belongs in subgenus Martagon. Yunnan, China.—L. lophaphorum, Franch. A Martagon about 1 ft. high, with canary-yellow flowers Western China. —L. Lawi, Baker (L. Bakerianum, Coll. & Hemal.). St. 2-3 ft. high: leaves scattered, narrow, erect: flowers 1-3, pendulous, bell-shaped, 3—4 in. long, nearly as wide, with slightly recurved ivory-white segms. spotted or blotched purple near the base inside and tinged green outside. Yunnan and N. Burma. -L.Masseyi, Hyams. A southern form of L. philadelphicum, differing but slightly. N. C. —L. Miquelianum, Makino. Said to be an improved form of L. medeoloides. Japan. —L. mirabile, Franch. Similar to L. cordifolium. China.—L. occident, Purdy. Resembles L. maritimum, but the segms. of the flowers are more reflexed: bulb rhizomatous: st. 2-4 ft. high: leaves usually verticillate, lower ones sometimes scattered: flowers 1-15, orange-yellow, tipped red, spotted purple. Calif. —L. ochraceum, Franch. A yellow-flowered Martagon resembling L. monadelphum. China. —L. oxypetalum, Baker. 1-1 1/2 ft. tall: leaves 20-30, scattered, lanceolate-linear: fl. wide funnel-shaped or nearly rotate, purplish, tinged with green beneath, somewhat dotted inside. W. Himalayas. —L. papilliferum. Franch. A dwarf L. Maximowiczii, with orange-red flowers China.—L. Parkmannii. T. Moore. A hybrid between L. auratum and L. speciosum: St. slender, 2—4 ft. high: leaves scattered, alternate: flowers 8-12 in. diam. of the same shape as those of L. auratum, but colored like those of L. speciosum. —L. panticum, Koch. Resembles L. monadelphum, but is smaller, seldom over 2 ft. high. Asia Minor. — L. primullinum, Baker (L. claptonense, Hort.) flowers pure primrose- yellow, trumpet-shaped, intermediate in form between those of L. neilgherrense and L. nepalense. N. Burma. .—L. Purdyi ~ L. Bakeri.—L. Rasthernii, Diels. Belongs in subgenus Martagon. China. —L. taliense, Franch. A tall-growing Martagon with white flowers China. L. thayerae, Wilson. Bulb 2-2 1/2 in. diam., ivory-white: st. 4 — 4 1/2ft. high, clothed with long, linear leaves and usually bearing 16 or 17 flowers. W.China. Intro, as L. sutchuense.—L. tubiflorum, Wight. Closely resembles L. neilgherrense, except the leaves and perianth-segms. are narrower. Himalaya Mts. —L. Warei, Purdy. Said to be intermediate in character between L. pardalinum and L. Parryi: flowers fragrant, bright yellow, spotted deep purple. Calif. —L. willmottiae, Wilson (L. warleyense, Hort.). St. about 4 ft. high: leaves numerous, spirally arranged, linear, 3-5 in. long: flowers 20 or more, pendulous, 3 in. diam.. recurved, orange-red, spotted reddish brown. China. —L. yoshidaii, Leicht. Flowers fragrant, resembling those of L. Brownii. Philippine Isls. —L. yunnanense, Franch. St. 1-3 ft. high: flowers 1-3, small, pendulous, pink or nearly white. Yunnan, China.


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