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| latin_name = ''LATINNAME''  <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high = ?  <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ?  <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =    <!--- perennial, annual, biennial -->
| exposure = ?  <!--- full sun, part-sun, shade -->
| water = ?  <!--- frequent, regular, drought tolerant -->
| features =    <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, edible, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =    <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom =    <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ?  <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png  <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| familia =    <!--- Family -->
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| species =
| subspecies =    <!--- If this is a page for a subspecies, most are just listed on the species page -->
| cultivar =    <!--- If this is a page for a Variety/Cultivar, usually comes after "var." or is in 'single quotes' -->
Euphorbia (classical name; said by Pliny to be in honor of King Juba's physician; possibly from the Greek for fat). Eupharbiaceae. Milkweed (improperly) Wolfs-milk. Spurge. The last name, most often applied to the genus as a whole, belongs more properly to the common herbaceous species and especially to E. Lathyris. Of very diverse habit, from succulent cactus- like trees to low or prostrate herbaceous weeds; planted mostly in the open, but some kinds grown under glass as oddities and some as florist's plants.
Euphorbia (classical name; said by Pliny to be in honor of King Juba's physician; possibly from the Greek for fat). Eupharbiaceae. Milkweed (improperly) Wolfs-milk. Spurge. The last name, most often applied to the genus as a whole, belongs more properly to the common herbaceous species and especially to E. Lathyris. Of very diverse habit, from succulent cactus- like trees to low or prostrate herbaceous weeds; planted mostly in the open, but some kinds grown under glass as oddities and some as florist's plants.
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In tropical and subtropical regions many of the treelike or succulent euphorbias make fine outdoor ornamentals. The poinsettia is a magnificent landscape ornament in California, West Indies and so on. In Southern California the poinsettia is propagated by sticking canes 3 feet long in the ground from April on, these growing and blooming, often profusely, the first season. In the West Indies and Florida, some of the thorny tree-like forms, especially E. lactea, are grown as hedges, their thick, erect thorny branches making an almost impenetrable barrier. This and other species are grown also as specimen plants. See Succulents.
In tropical and subtropical regions many of the treelike or succulent euphorbias make fine outdoor ornamentals. The poinsettia is a magnificent landscape ornament in California, West Indies and so on. In Southern California the poinsettia is propagated by sticking canes 3 feet long in the ground from April on, these growing and blooming, often profusely, the first season. In the West Indies and Florida, some of the thorny tree-like forms, especially E. lactea, are grown as hedges, their thick, erect thorny branches making an almost impenetrable barrier. This and other species are grown also as specimen plants. See Succulents.
The following have been reported in cult. in Eu. but are not in the American trade.
E. aggregata Berger. A succulent grown like E. cereiformis.— E. aleppica. Linn. Annual of Tithymalus section.—E. amygdaloides, Linn. Perennial and almost woody. Common in England.— E. angularis, Klotzsch (E. fimbriata, Hort.). A 3-5-angled succulent. —E. aphylla, Brouss. Semi-succulent shrub, near E. Tirucalli. Gt. 37:277.—E. arbuscula, Balf. Semi-succulent shrub near E. xylo-phylloides.—E. balsamifera. Ait. Tropical shrub: Lvs. at end of branches. Allied to E. dendroides.—E. Berthelotii, C. Bolle. Subtropical shrub allied to E. Regis-Jubae; name used incorrectly in the trade.—E. Bojeri, Hook. (E. Breonii). Semi-succulent, slender, spiny shrub near E. splendens. Hook. B.M. 3527.—E. bubalina, Boiss. (Section Treisia). Low, slender, spineless succulent, leafy at apex. R.B. 209 (as E. oxystegia).—E. Cactus, Erenh. Succulent, spiny 3-angled shrub, near E. Hermentiana.—E. cattimandoo, Ell. Small, succulent, spiny, 5-angted tree.—E. cervicornis, Boisa.=E. hamata.—E. chamaesyce, Linn. Low, opposite-lvd. herb with corolla-like cyathia in clusters.—E. characias. Linn. Umbellate perennial herb near E. Wulfenii. Gn. 59, p. 447. G.C. II. 13:657.—E. collelioides, Benth. Low Mexican shrub: Lvs. opposite. Plants grown under this name may be E. pteroneura. —E. Dinteri, Berger. Spiny, 6-8-angled succulent shrub often grown under names of E. virosa and E. tetragona.—E. Dregeana, Mey. Spineless, almost Iea6ess shrub, near E. Tirucalli.—E. enopla, Boisa. Spiny succulent near E. heptagona, and confused with it.—E. erosa, Willd. Spiny succulent, near E. mammillaris. —E. falcata, Linn. Annual herb, near E. Aleppica.—E. fimbriata, Hort.=E. angularis.—E. hamata, Sweet (E. cervicornis, Boiss.). Low succulent shrub, leafy at apex, near E. clandestina.—E. helicothele, Lem. Spiny, succulent tree, leafy at apex, near E. neriifolia. I.H. 4, p. 100, desc.—E. helioscopia. Linn. Umbellate annual (Section Tithymalus). Rept. Mo. Bot. Gard. 11: pl. 26.—E. Intisy, Drake. Semi-succulent tropical shrub, near E. Tirucalli.—E. Logascae, Spreng. Annual, near E. pilosa.—E. Laro, Drake. Semi-succulent shrub near E. Tirucalli.—E. laurifolia, Juss. Tropical shrub, leafy at ends of branches, near E. atropurpurea.—E. Ledienii, Berger. Spiny succulent, near E. virosa, grown under the names of E. pentagona, E. coerulea, and K. coerulescens. B.M. 8275.—-E. Lemaireana, Boiss. Spiny succulent. Near E. grandicornis.—E. lophogona. Lam. Succulent with fringed angles, near E. Fournieri. B.M. 8076.—E. macroglypha, Lem. Spiny, 3-anglcd succulent.—E. Marlothii, Pax= E. Montieri.—E. mauritanica. Linn. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. melilfera. Ait. Tree, leafy at branch ends. Near E. dendroides. B.M. 1305.— E. Montieri. Hook. (E. Marlothii, Pax ). Succulent shrub, leafy at the apex, of Section Pseud-euphorbium. B.M. 5534.—E. Morinii, Berger. Spiny succulent, near E. cereiformis.—E. multiceps, Berger. Succulent. Near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. nivulia. Ham. Spiny, succulent shrub, leafy at apex. Near E. neriifolia.—E. Nylkae, Pax. Succulent tree with 2-angled joints.—E. obesa. Hook. Succulent. Near E. meloformis. B.M. 7888.— E. obtusifolia, Poir. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. officinarum, Linn. Succulent, spiny, 9-13-angled shrub. Near E. Beaumieriana.—E. Paralias, Linn. Perennial herb of Section Tithymalus.—E. parvimamma, Boiss. Low succulent, without spines. Near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. Phillipsiae, N. E. Br. Succulent, spiny, 9-angled shrub. Near E. Beaumierana.—E. pilulifera. Linn. Low annual with opposite Lvs. and inconspicuous cyathia in clusters: glands appendaged.—E. piscatoria, Ait. Tropical shrub: narrow Lvs. at end of branches. Near E. Regis- Jubae.—E. plumerioides, Teysmann. Tropical shrub similar to the previous one.—E. procumbent. Mill. (E. pugniformis, Boiss.). Succulent, not spiny. Near E. Caput-Medusae. B.M. 8082. R.B. 161.—E. punicea, Swartz. Tropical shrub. Near E. atropurpurea. B.R. 190. B.M. 1961. L.B.C. 20:1901. G.C. II. 15:529. —E. pyrifolia. Lam. Semi-succulent shrub, leafy at the apex. Near E. lophogona. — E. Sapinii, De Wild. Slender, spiny succulent. Near E. cereiformis. G.C. III. 45:66.—E. Schimperi. Presl. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. Schimperiana, Hochst. An African annual of Section Tithymalus. This name perhaps used erroneously for E. Schimperi.—E. Scolopendria, Don=E. stellata..— E. scopiformis, Boiss. = E. serpiformis. — E. serpiformis, Boiss. Section Arthrothamnus. Slender-branched semi-succulent shrub with opposite, rudimentary Lvs.—E. Sibthorpii, Boiss. Perennial herb. Near E. Wulfenii.—E. Sipolinii, N. E. Br. Slender succulent shrub with decurrent lf.-bases. Near E. pteroneura.—E. spinosa. Linn. Umbellate sub-shrub or herb of S. Eu. Section Tithymalus.—E. stapeliformis, Hort. =E. stapelioides, Boiss.(?). A plant near E. bupleurifolia.— E. Stapfii, Berger. Spiny, succulent, 4-angled shrub.—E. stelIaespina, Haw. Spiny 10-13-ribbed succulent. Near E. cereiformis. —E. stellata. Wind. (E. uncinata, DC., referred here according to N. E. Br.). Spiny succulent with branches V-shaped in cross- section, and clustered on a short thick st.—E. tetragona. Haw. Spiny, succulent 4-angled tree. R.B. 39.—E. trigona, Haw. Spiny, succulent, 3-angled shrub, near E. antiquorum.—E. tuberculata, Jacq. Low succulent, near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. uncinata -—K. stellata.
Other names used but not classified: E. Amelia, Hort.—E. articulata, Hort.—E. aurelia, Hort. (E. Amelia?).—E. Caput Commelinii, Hort. (E. Caput-Medusae?)—E. Caput-odorata, Hort.—E. Caput-Simiae, Hort.—E. capensis, Hort. (succulent).—E. colubrina, Hort.—E. cylindrica, Hort.—E. dentata, Hort.—E. de Smetiana, Hort.—E. erecta, Hort.—E. funalis, Hort.—E. gardeniaefolia, Hort. —E. gracilis, Hort.—E. Houlletiana, Hort.—E. Houlletii, Hort.—E. longifolia, Hort.—E. mangador, Hort. (E. mogador, Hort.?).—E. Milleri.—E. obtusa, Hort.—E. pavoensis, Hort.—E. pulchra., Hort. —E. Pulletiana, Hort.—E. Rebutii, Hort.—E. sahariensis, Hort.— E. waltoniensis,, Hort. J. B. S. Norton.
| image = Euphorbia February 2008-2.jpg
| image_caption = ''Euphorbia cf. serrata''
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| divisio = [[Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| subclassis = [[Rosidae]]
| unranked_ordo = [[Eurosids I]]
| ordo = [[Ericales]]
| ordo = [[Malpighiales]]
| familia = [[Euphorbiaceae]]
| subfamilia = [[Euphorbioideae]]
| tribus = [[Euphorbieae]]
| subtribus = '''Euphorbiinae'''
| genus = '''''Euphorbia'''''
| genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
| diversity_link = List of Euphorbia species
| diversity = c.2160 species
| type_species = ''[[Euphorbia serrata]]''
| type_species_authority =
| subdivision_ranks = [[Subgenera]]
| subdivision =
''[[Chamaesyce]]''<br />
''[[Esula]]''<br />
''[[Euphorbia (subgenus)|Euphorbia]]''<br />
''[[Rhizanthium]]''<br />
and see [[#Subgenera|below]]
| synonyms =
''Chamaesyce''<br />
''Elaeophorbia''<br />
''Endadenium''<br />
''Monadenium''<br />
''Synadenium''<br />
'''''Euphorbia''''' is a [[genus]] of [[plant]]s belonging to the  [[family (biology)|family]] [[Euphorbiaceae]]. Consisting of about 2160 [[species]], ''Euphorbia'' is one of the most diverse genera in the plant kingdom. Members of the family and genus are sometimes referred to ''Spurges''. The genus is primarily found in the [[tropical]] and [[subtropical]] regions of [[Africa]] and the [[Americas]], but also in [[temperate zone]]s worldwide. [[Succulent]] species originate mostly from Africa, the Americas and [[Madagascar]]. There exists a wide range of [[island|insular]] species, namely on the [[Hawaiian Islands]] where spurges are collectively known as '''''ʻakoko'''''{{Verify source|date=November 2007}}<!-- "a" does not seem to be macronized (kahakõ), but check to be sure - not in Pukui/Elbert pocket dictionary -->
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The [[common name]] "spurge" derives from the [[Middle English]]/[[Old French]] ''espurge'' ("to purge"), due to the use of the plants sap as a [[purgative]].
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The [[botanical name]] ''Euphorbia'' derives from [[Euphorbus (physician)|Euphorbus]], the [[Roman Greece|Greek]] [[physician]] of king [[Juba II]] of [[Numidia]] (52-50 BC - 23 AD). He is reported to have used a certain plant, possibly [[Resin Spurge]] (''E. resinifera''), as a [[herbalism|herbal]] remedy when the king suffered from a swollen belly{{Verify source|date=November 2007}}<!-- original text was jumbled - this is the best I can make of it. E. resinifera is apparently a powerful painkiller and may also act as a purgative; maybe Juba had a bad case of indigestion or flatulence -->. [[Carolus Linnaeus]] assigned the name ''Euphorbia'' to the entire genus in the physician's honor.<ref>Linnaeus (1753): p.450</ref>
===Pests and diseases===
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Juba II himself was a noted patron of the arts and sciences and sponsored several expeditions and biological research. He also was a notable author, writing several scholarly and popular scientific works such as treatises on natural history or a best-selling traveller's guide to [[Arabia]]. ''[[Euphorbia regisjubae]]'' ([[King Juba's Euphorbia]]) was named to honor the king's contributions to natural history and his role in bringing the genus to notice.  
The following have been reported in cult. in Eu. but are not in the American trade{{SCH}}.
== Description ==
E. aggregata Berger. A succulent grown like E. cereiformis.— E. aleppica. Linn. Annual of Tithymalus section.—E. amygdaloides, Linn. Perennial and almost woody. Common in England.— E. angularis, Klotzsch (E. fimbriata, Hort.). A 3-5-angled succulent. —E. aphylla, Brouss. Semi-succulent shrub, near E. Tirucalli. Gt. 37:277.—E. arbuscula, Balf. Semi-succulent shrub near E. xylo-phylloides.—E. balsamifera. Ait. Tropical shrub: Lvs. at end of branches. Allied to E. dendroides.—E. Berthelotii, C. Bolle. Subtropical shrub allied to E. Regis-Jubae; name used incorrectly in the trade.—E. Bojeri, Hook. (E. Breonii). Semi-succulent, slender, spiny shrub near E. splendens. Hook. B.M. 3527.—E. bubalina, Boiss. (Section Treisia). Low, slender, spineless succulent, leafy at apex. R.B. 209 (as E. oxystegia).—E. Cactus, Erenh. Succulent, spiny 3-angled shrub, near E. Hermentiana.—E. cattimandoo, Ell. Small, succulent, spiny, 5-angted tree.—E. cervicornis, Boisa.=E. hamata.—E. chamaesyce, Linn. Low, opposite-lvd. herb with corolla-like cyathia in clusters.—E. characias. Linn. Umbellate perennial herb near E. Wulfenii. Gn. 59, p. 447. G.C. II. 13:657.—E. collelioides, Benth. Low Mexican shrub: Lvs. opposite. Plants grown under this name may be E. pteroneura. —E. Dinteri, Berger. Spiny, 6-8-angled succulent shrub often grown under names of E. virosa and E. tetragona.—E. Dregeana, Mey. Spineless, almost Iea6ess shrub, near E. Tirucalli.—E. enopla, Boisa. Spiny succulent near E. heptagona, and confused with it.—E. erosa, Willd. Spiny succulent, near E. mammillaris. —E. falcata, Linn. Annual herb, near E. Aleppica.—E. fimbriata, Hort.=E. angularis.—E. hamata, Sweet (E. cervicornis, Boiss.). Low succulent shrub, leafy at apex, near E. clandestina.—E. helicothele, Lem. Spiny, succulent tree, leafy at apex, near E. neriifolia. I.H. 4, p. 100, desc.—E. helioscopia. Linn. Umbellate annual (Section Tithymalus). Rept. Mo. Bot. Gard. 11: pl. 26.—E. Intisy, Drake. Semi-succulent tropical shrub, near E. Tirucalli.—E. Logascae, Spreng. Annual, near E. pilosa.—E. Laro, Drake. Semi-succulent shrub near E. Tirucalli.—E. laurifolia, Juss. Tropical shrub, leafy at ends of branches, near E. atropurpurea.—E. Ledienii, Berger. Spiny succulent, near E. virosa, grown under the names of E. pentagona, E. coerulea, and K. coerulescens. B.M. 8275.—-E. Lemaireana, Boiss. Spiny succulent. Near E. grandicornis.—E. lophogona. Lam. Succulent with fringed angles, near E. Fournieri. B.M. 8076.—E. macroglypha, Lem. Spiny, 3-anglcd succulent.—E. Marlothii, Pax= E. Montieri.—E. mauritanica. Linn. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. melilfera. Ait. Tree, leafy at branch ends. Near E. dendroides. B.M. 1305.— E. Montieri. Hook. (E. Marlothii, Pax ). Succulent shrub, leafy at the apex, of Section Pseud-euphorbium. B.M. 5534.—E. Morinii, Berger. Spiny succulent, near E. cereiformis.—E. multiceps, Berger. Succulent. Near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. nivulia. Ham. Spiny, succulent shrub, leafy at apex. Near E. neriifolia.—E. Nylkae, Pax. Succulent tree with 2-angled joints.—E. obesa. Hook. Succulent. Near E. meloformis. B.M. 7888.— E. obtusifolia, Poir. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. officinarum, Linn. Succulent, spiny, 9-13-angled shrub. Near E. Beaumieriana.—E. Paralias, Linn. Perennial herb of Section Tithymalus.—E. parvimamma, Boiss. Low succulent, without spines. Near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. Phillipsiae, N. E. Br. Succulent, spiny, 9-angled shrub. Near E. Beaumierana.—E. pilulifera. Linn. Low annual with opposite Lvs. and inconspicuous cyathia in clusters: glands appendaged.—E. piscatoria, Ait. Tropical shrub: narrow Lvs. at end of branches. Near E. Regis- Jubae.—E. plumerioides, Teysmann. Tropical shrub similar to the previous one.—E. procumbent. Mill. (E. pugniformis, Boiss.). Succulent, not spiny. Near E. Caput-Medusae. B.M. 8082. R.B. 161.—E. punicea, Swartz. Tropical shrub. Near E. atropurpurea. B.R. 190. B.M. 1961. L.B.C. 20:1901. G.C. II. 15:529. —E. pyrifolia. Lam. Semi-succulent shrub, leafy at the apex. Near E. lophogona. — E. Sapinii, De Wild. Slender, spiny succulent. Near E. cereiformis. G.C. III. 45:66.—E. Schimperi. Presl. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. Schimperiana, Hochst. An African annual of Section Tithymalus. This name perhaps used erroneously for E. Schimperi.—E. Scolopendria, Don=E. stellata..— E. scopiformis, Boiss. = E. serpiformis. — E. serpiformis, Boiss. Section Arthrothamnus. Slender-branched semi-succulent shrub with opposite, rudimentary Lvs.—E. Sibthorpii, Boiss. Perennial herb. Near E. Wulfenii.—E. Sipolinii, N. E. Br. Slender succulent shrub with decurrent lf.-bases. Near E. pteroneura.—E. spinosa. Linn. Umbellate sub-shrub or herb of S. Eu. Section Tithymalus.—E. stapeliformis, Hort. =E. stapelioides, Boiss.(?). A plant near E. bupleurifolia.— E. Stapfii, Berger. Spiny, succulent, 4-angled shrub.—E. stelIaespina, Haw. Spiny 10-13-ribbed succulent. Near E. cereiformis. —E. stellata. Wind. (E. uncinata, DC., referred here according to N. E. Br.). Spiny succulent with branches V-shaped in cross- section, and clustered on a short thick st.—E. tetragona. Haw. Spiny, succulent 4-angled tree. R.B. 39.—E. trigona, Haw. Spiny, succulent, 3-angled shrub, near E. antiquorum.—E. tuberculata, Jacq. Low succulent, near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. uncinata -—K. stellata.
The plants are [[annual plant|annual]] or [[perennial plant|perennial]] [[herb]]s, woody [[shrub]]s or [[trees]] with a caustic, poisonous milky sap ([[latex]]). The [[root]]s are fine or thick and fleshy or tuberous. Many species are more or less [[succulent plant|succulent]], thorny or unarmed. The main stem and mostly also the side arms of the succulent species are thick and fleshy, 15-91 cm (6-36 inches) tall. The deciduous [[leaf|leaves]] are opposite, alternate or in whorls. In succulent species the leaves are mostly small and short-lived. The [[stipule]]s are mostly small, partly transformed into [[spine (botany)|spine]]s or [[gland]]s, or missing.
Like all members of the family Euphorbiaceae, all spurges have unisexual [[flower]]s. In ''Euphorbia'' these are greatly reduced and grouped into [[pseudanthium|pseudanthia]] called [[cyathium|cyathia]].  
Other names used but not classified: E. Amelia, Hort.—E. articulata, Hort.—E. aurelia, Hort. (E. Amelia?).—E. Caput Commelinii, Hort. (E. Caput-Medusae?)—E. Caput-odorata, Hort.—E. Caput-Simiae, Hort.—E. capensis, Hort. (succulent).—E. colubrina, Hort.—E. cylindrica, Hort.—E. dentata, Hort.—E. de Smetiana, Hort.—E. erecta, Hort.—E. funalis, Hort.—E. gardeniaefolia, Hort. —E. gracilis, Hort.—E. Houlletiana, Hort.—E. Houlletii, Hort.—E. longifolia, Hort.—E. mangador, Hort. (E. mogador, Hort.?).—E. Milleri.—E. obtusa, Hort.—E. pavoensis, Hort.—E. pulchra., Hort. —E. Pulletiana, Hort.—E. Rebutii, Hort.—E. sahariensis, Hort.— E. waltoniensis,, Hort. J. B. S. Norton.
The majority of species are [[monoecious]] (bearing male and female flowers on the same plant), although some are [[dioecious]] with male and female flowers occurring on different plants. It is not unusual for the central cyathia of a [[cyme]] to be purely male, and for lateral cyathia to carry both sexes. Sometimes young plants or those growing under unfavourable conditions are male only, and only produce female flowers in the cyathia with maturity or as growing conditions improve.  
The [[bract]]s are often leaf-like, sometimes brightly coloured and attractive, sometimes reduced to tiny scales.
The [[fruit]]s are three (rarely two) compartment [[capsule (fruit)|capsule]]s, sometimes fleshy but almost always ripening to a woody container that then splits open (explosively). The [[seed]]s are 4-angled, oval or spherical, and in some species have a [[Elaiosome|caruncle]].
===Xerophytes and succulents===
In the genus ''Euphorbia'' succulence in the species has often evolved divergently and to differing degrees. Sometimes it is difficult to decide, and it is a question of interpretation, whether or not a species is really succulent or "only" [[xerophytic]]. In some cases, especially with [[geophyte]]s, plants closely related to the succulents are normal herbs. About 850 species are succulent in the strictest sense. If one includes slightly succulent and xerophytic species, this figure rises to about 1000, representing about 45% of all ''Euphorbia'' species.
=== Toxicity ===
The latex (milky sap) of spurges acts as a deterrent for [[herbivore]]s as well as a wound healer. Usually it is white, but in rare cases (e.g. ''[[Euphorbia abdelkuri|E. abdelkuri]]'') yellow. As it is under pressure, it runs out from the slightest wound and congeals within a few minutes of contact with the air. Among the component parts are many [[terpene|di- or tri-terpen]] [[ester]]s, which can vary in composition according to species, and in some cases the variant may be typical of that species. The terpen ester composition determines how caustic and irritating to the skin it is. In contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth) the latex can produce extremely painful [[inflammation]]. In experiments with animals it was found that the terpen ester [[resiniferatoxin]] had an irritating effect 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than [[capsaicin]], the "hot" substance found in [[chillies]]. Several terpen esters are also known to be [[cancer|carcinogenic]].
Therefore spurges should be handled with caution. Latex coming in contact with the skin should be washed off immediately and thoroughly. Partially or completely congealed latex is often no longer soluble in water, but can be removed with an emulsion (milk, hand-cream). A physician should be consulted regarding any inflammation of a mucous membrane. It has been noticed, when cutting large succulent spurges in a greenhouse, that vapours from the latex spread and can cause severe irritation to the eyes and air passages several metres away. Precautions, including sufficient ventilation, are required. Small children and domestic pets should be kept from contact with spurges.
Several spurges are grown as garden plants, among them [[Poinsettia]] (''E. pulcherrima'') and the succulent ''[[Euphorbia trigona|E. trigona]]''. ''[[Euphorbia pekinensis|E. pekinensis]]'' (Chinese: [[wikt:大|大]][[wikt:戟|戟]]; pinyin: dàjǐ) is used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]], where it is regarded as one of the [[Chinese herbology#50 fundamental herbs|50 fundamental herbs]]. Several ''Euphorbia'' species are used as food plants by the [[larva]]e of some [[Lepidoptera]] (butterflies and moths), including the [[Giant Leopard Moth]].
== Systematics and taxonomy ==
According to recent studies of [[DNA sequence]] data<ref name = dnaphylogeny>Steinmann & Porter (2002), Steinmann (2003), Bruyns ''et al.'' (2006)</ref> most of the smaller "satellite genera" around the huge genus ''Euphorbia'' nest deep within the latter. Consequently these [[taxa]], namely the never generally accepted genus '''''Chamaesyce''''' as well as the smaller genera ''[[Cubanthus]]'',<ref name = cubanthus> Steinmann, van Ee, Berry & Gutiérrez (2007) in Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid</ref> '''''Elaeophorbia''''', '''''Endadenium''''', '''''Monadenium''''', '''''Synadenium'''''
and '''''Pedilanthus''''' were transferred to ''Euphorbia''. The entire [[subtribe]] Euphorbiinae now consists solely of the genus ''Euphorbia''.
=== Selected species ===
See [[List of Euphorbia species]] for complete list.
* ''[[Euphorbia albomarginata]]'' &ndash; Rattlesnake Weed, White-margined Sandmat
* ''[[Euphorbia amygdaloides]]'' &ndash; Wood Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia antisyphilitica]]'' &ndash; Candelilla
* ''[[Euphorbia bulbispina]]''
* ''[[Euphorbia cyparissias]]'' &ndash; Cypress Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia decidua]]''
* ''[[Euphorbia elastica]]'' &ndash; (Mexican) Palo Amarillo
* ''[[Euphorbia esula]]'' &ndash; Leafy Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia franckiana]]''
* ''[[Euphorbia helioscopia]]'' &ndash; Sun Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia heterophylla]]'' &ndash; Painted Euphorbia, Desert Poinsettia, (Mexican) Fireplant, Paint Leaf, Kaliko
* ''[[Euphorbia labatii]]''
* ''[[Euphorbia lactea]]'' &ndash; Mottled Spurge, Frilled Fan, Elkhorn
* ''[[Euphorbia lathyris]]'' &ndash; Caper Spurge, Paper Spurge, Gopher Spurge, Gopher Plant, Mole Plant
* ''[[Euphorbia maculata]]'' &ndash; Spotted Spurge, Prostrate Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia maritae]]''
* ''[[Euphorbia milii]]'' &ndash; Crown-of-thorns, Christ Plant
* ''[[Euphorbia myrsinites]]'' &ndash; Myrtle Spurge, Creeping Spurge, donkey tail
* ''[[Euphorbia peplis]]'' &ndash; Purple Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia peplus]]'' &ndash; Petty Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia pulcherrima]]'' &ndash; Poinsettia, Mexican Flame Leaf, Christmas Star, Winter Rose, Noche Buena, Lalupatae, Pascua, ''Atatürk çiçeği'' ([[Turkish (language)|Turkish]])
* ''[[Euphorbia resinifera]]'' &ndash; Resin Spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia serrata]]''  &ndash; Serrated spurge, Sawtooth spurge
* ''[[Euphorbia tirucalli]]'' &ndash; Indian Tree Spurge, Milk Bush, Pencil Tree
* ''[[Euphorbia tithymaloides]]'' &ndash; Devil's Backbone, "Redbird cactus", ''cimora misha'' ([[Peru]])
* ''[[Euphorbia virosa]]''
=== Subgenera ===
[[Image:Euphorbiinae tree.png|thumb|right|242px|Simplified diagram of relations in subtribe [[Euphorbiinae]]]]
The genus ''Euphorbia'' is one of the largest and most complex genera of [[flowering plant]]s and several [[botanist]]s have made unsuccessful attempts to subdivide the genus into numerous smaller genera. According to the recent [[phylogenetic]] studies,<ref name = dnaphylogeny /> ''Euphorbia'' can be divided into 4 [[subgenera]], each containing several not yet sufficiently studied [[section (botany)|section]]s and groups. Of these, ''[[Esula]]'' is the most [[basal (evolution)|basal]]. ''[[Chamaesyce]]'' and ''[[Euphorbia (subgenus)|Euphorbia]]'' are probably [[sister taxa]] but very closely related to ''Rhizanthium''. Extensive [[xeromorph]] adaptations in all probability [[evolve]]d several times; it is not known if the common ancestor of the cactus-like ''Rhizanthium'' and ''Euphorbia'' lineages was xeromorphic - in which case a more normal morphology would have re-evolved namely in ''Chamaesyce'' - or whether extensive xeromorphism is entirely [[polyphyletic]] even to the level of the subgenera.
* '''Esula'''
Image:Light green flowers.jpg|[[Wood Spurge]]<br/>''Euphorbia amygdaloides''
Image:Zypressenwolfsmilch01.jpg|[[Cypress Spurge]]<br/>''Euphorbia cyparissias''
Image:Euphorbia esula.jpeg|[[Leafy Spurge]]<br/>''Euphorbia esula''
Image:Euphorbia myrsinites.JPG|[[Myrtle Spurge]]<br />''Euphorbia myrsinites''
* '''Rhizanthium'''
{{photo-sources}}<!-- remove this line if there are already 3 or more photos in the gallery -->
Image:E ferox ies.jpg|''[[Euphorbia ferox]]''
Image:E flanaganii ies.jpg|''[[Euphorbia flanaganii]]''
Image:E meloformis valida ies.jpg|[[Euphorbia meloformis|''Euphorbia meloformis'' ssp. ''valida'']]
Image:E obesa symmetrica ies.jpg|[[Euphorbia obesa|''Euphorbia obesa'' ssp. ''symmetrica'']]
* '''Chamaesyce'''
Image:Chamaesyce cyathia.jpg|''[[Euphorbia celastroides]]''
Image:Upload.png| photo 1
Image:Euphorbiaheterophylla1web.jpg|[[Painted Euphorbia]]<br />''Euphorbia heterophylla''
Image:Upload.png| photo 2
Image:E pulcherrima ies.jpg|[[Poinsettia]]<br />''Euphorbia pulcherrima''
Image:Upload.png| photo 3
Image:E rivae ies.jpg|''[[Euphorbia rivae]]''
* '''Euphorbia'''
Image:E actinoclada ies.jpg|''[[Euphorbia actinoclada]]''
Image:E attastoma attastoma ies.jpg|[[Euphorbia attastoma|''Euphorbia attastoma'' var. ''attastoma'']]
Image:E confinalis rhodesica ies.jpg|[[Euphorbia confinalis|''Euphorbia confinalis'' ssp. ''rhodesica'']]
Image:E lupulina ies.jpg|''[[Euphorbia lupulina]]''
== Footnotes ==
* {{aut|Bruyns, Peter V. & al.}} (2006): ''A new subgeneric classification for ''Euphorbia'' (Euphorbiaceae) in southern Africa based on ITS and psbA-trnH sequence data''. ''[[Taxon (journal)|Taxon]]'' '''55'''(2): 397–420. [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/iapt/tax/2006/00000055/00000002/art00013 HTML abstract]
*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
* {{aut|Buddensiek, Volker}} (2005): ''Succulent ''Euphorbia'' plus'' (CD-ROM). Volker Buddensiek Verlag.
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
* {{aut|Carter, Susan}} (1982): ''New Succulent Spiny Euphorbias from East Africa''
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
* {{aut|Carter, Susan & Eggli, Urs}} (1997): ''The CITES Checklist of Succulent ''Euphorbia'' Taxa (Euphorbiaceae)''
<!--- xxxxx  *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608  -->
* {{aut|Carter, Susan & Smith, A.L.}} (1988): ''Flora of Tropical East Africa, Euphorbiaceae''
* {{aut|[[Carolus Linnaeus|Linnaeus, Carolus]]}} (1753): ''[[Species Plantarum]]'' (1st ed.)
* {{aut|Noltee, Frans}} (2001): ''Succulents in the wild and in cultivation, Part 2 ''Euphorbia'' to ''Juttadinteria (CD-ROM)
* {{aut|Eggli, Urs (ed.)}} (2002): ''Sukkulentenlexikon'' (Vol. 2: Zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen (Dicotyledonen)). Eugen Ulmer Verlag.
* {{Cite book |last=Everitt |first=J.H. |coauthors=Lonard, R.L., Little, C.R. |title=Weeds in South Texas and Northern Mexico |publisher=Texas Tech University Press |location=Lubbock |year=2007}} ISBN 0-89672-614-2
* {{aut|Pritchard, Albert}} (2003): ''Introduction to the Euphorbiaceae''
* {{aut|Schwartz, Herman (ed.)}} (1983): ''The Euphorbia Journal'' Strawberry Press, Mill Valley, California, USA
* {{aut|Singh, Meena}} (1994): ''Succulent Euphorbiaceae of India''. Mrs. Meena Singh, A-162 Sector 40, NOIDA, New Delhi, India.
* {{aut|Steinmann, V.W.}} (2003): The submersion of ''Pedilanthus'' into ''Euphorbia'' (Euphorbiaceae). ''Acta Botanica Mexicana'' '''65''': 45-50. [http://www.ecologia.edu.mx/publicaciones/resumeness/ABM/ABM.65.2003/acta65(45-50).pdf PDF fulltext] [English with Spanish abstract]
* {{aut|Steinmann, V.W. & Porter, J.M.}} (2002): ''Phylogenetic relationships in Euphorbieae (Euphorbiaceae) based on ITS and ndhF sequence data''. ''Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden'' '''89'''(4): 453–490. <small>{{doi|10.2307/3298591}}</small> (HTML abstract, first page image)
* {{aut|[[Roger Turner (garden designer)|Turner, Roger]]}} (1995): ''Euphorbias - A Gardeners' Guide''. Batsford, England.
==External links==
==External links==
*[http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/tj.de.graaf/euphorbia%20engels.htm / Euphorbia]
*[http://www.euphorbia-international.org/ International Euphorbia Society]
*[http://www.euphorbia.de/indexe.htm Succulent Euphorbias]
*[http://www.volkerbuddensiek.de/en-lit.html A selection of important / new literature]
*[http://www.u4ba.nl/ U4BA - Euphorbia for you]
*[http://succulent.cool.ne.jp/ Euphorbia and the other succulents]
*[http://waynesword.palomar.edu/trmar98b.htm The Euphorbia Family]
*[http://www.itis.usda.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=28032 ITIS]
*[http://www.ipni.org/ipni/plantsearch?request_type=search&output_format=query&ret_defaults=on IPNI]
*[http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/efloras/multisearch.do;jsessionid=07C81D07C1A0198276E32A03DEAA5A6D Flora Zambesiaca: Euphorbia]
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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Euphorbia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Euphorbia (classical name; said by Pliny to be in honor of King Juba's physician; possibly from the Greek for fat). Eupharbiaceae. Milkweed (improperly) Wolfs-milk. Spurge. The last name, most often applied to the genus as a whole, belongs more properly to the common herbaceous species and especially to E. Lathyris. Of very diverse habit, from succulent cactus- like trees to low or prostrate herbaceous weeds; planted mostly in the open, but some kinds grown under glass as oddities and some as florist's plants.

The genus is characterized by the single pedicellate, pistilate fl. without floral envelopes, or with only a rudimentary calyx, surrounded by numerous staminate fls., each consisting of a single stamen separated from its pedicel only by a joint; the whole infl. surrounded by a more or less cup-shaped involucre with 5 lobes and 1-5 glands is called a cyathium. The involucre is regular or nearly so; the glands free from one another: the fr. an explosive caps., with 3 carunculate seeds; the staminate fls. are usually subtended by minute bracts. — One of the largest plant genera, of not less than 700 and probably over 1,000 species, occurring in most temperate and tropical regions. Many are desert plants and the greater number grow in dry and sterile places. Euphorbia is distinguished from the nearest related genera, Pedilanthus and Synadenium, by its regular or nearly regular involucre, which in Pedilanthus is protuberant on one side of the base and contains the glands, and by the free involucral glands which in Synadenium are united into a ring. Some of the fleshy species are very similar to succulent cacti and Asclepiadaceae. One long grown under the name of E. pendula, Boiss., is a Sarcostemma according to N. E. Brown. For E. tithymaloides. see Pedilanthus; for E. Grantii, Hort.. and E. arborea, Hort., see Synadenium.

Monographed by Boissier in DeCandolle's Prodromus, 15, pt. 2 (1862). See local floras and Norton, Kept. Mo. Bot. Card. 11, for native species. Sec also Fobe, in Monatsschrift fur Kakteenkunde, 8:42 (1898) and Berger, Sukkulente Euphorbien, a manual of the cactus-like species in cultivation. The recent work of N. E. Brown of Kew in Flora of Tropical Africa and Flora Capensis describes and gives keys to practically all the African species, which include nearly all the succulent ones, both wild and cultivated. Although the vegetative form varies remarkably, so that the various sections of the genus are considered of generic rank by many authors, the floral characters are very similar and so inconspicuous as to be of little importance generally in a horticultural work.

Most of the species have abundant milky juice, and the cactiform kinds have been thus distinguished from cacti, but many cacti also have milky juice. The juice of many species is acrid-poisonous, especially if it comes in contact with mucous membranes or open sores. The juice from some of the species is used in medicine as a purgative.

Many of the fleshy species are cultivated by lovers of succulents for their curious shapes; and a few are valuable for their ornamental foliage. The flowers are usually too minute to be noticeable. Some, like E. corollata (Fig. 1437), E. maculata, E. Cyparissias and E. marginata, are weeds in America, but not troublesome. The great majority of the species are insignificant herbs. The species are remarkably free from injurious insects, and are rarely attacked by a few fungi.

The fleshy species are grown much the same as cacti, but the culture is less difficult, and they do well with warmer treatment. In winter they are kept in a dry and cool house, 50° to 55° F., with good light and little water. Drips must be carefully avoided. In summer the pots should be plunged outdoors in hot dry situations, with a moderate supply of water and especially good drainage. It is better to protect them from continued rain, but most species do well without this. The more fleshy species, like E. Caput- Medusae, E. mammillaris, and E. meloformis, require more heat and better care than the others. They have to be watered with great care in winter. The air of most greenhouses is too damp for them if the requisite low temperature is maintained. The winter conditions of air and temperature in ordinary living - rooms make them ideal for the succulent euphorbias. Species like E. neriifolia need water in the growing season and dry Conditions after the flower is at leaves fall. The shrubby species, like E. atropurpurea and E. dendroides, do well with the treatment of the more fleshy kinds. See D. A. W. and F. S. Curtis, in Sharon Cactus Guide, March and May, 1897.

The few hardy species of ornamental value make good border plants or are suitable for the rockery. E. epithymoides usually known in gardens as E. polychroma, is one of the best herbaceous perennials, forming a hemispherical clump with beautiful yellow foliage of different shades when in bloom. E. palustris and related species are similar but erect and not compact.

The succulent species can nearly all be propagated by cuttings. These are taken best in early summer, allowed to dry somewhat and then planted in sand, charcoal or a mixture of these. Coal-ashes are used effectively by some. When seeds can be procured, they may be used in propagation. Grafting, as is sometimes practised with cacti, is possible. Potting soil need not be rich. A coarse sandy loam, or, some say, any kind of soil will do.

E. pulcherrima and E. fulgens are good winter-flowering greenhouse plants, and require special treatment. E. fulgens succeeds well in the warmest parts of the house, in pots, or best planted out like roses and trained upon the wall or strings. It is propagated from cuttings taken in June, when the old plants have started to grow, kept in a warm frame until rooted, and then kept growing with heat, any transfers being made with as little root disturbance as possible. If stocky show plants are wanted, several cuttings may be planted in one pot and checked two or three times during summer by repotting, and kept pinched back freely to secure branches. They are best kept cooler when in flower, but are very sensitive to cold or sudden changes in temperature. After flowering they are kept dry for a few months. For the cut sprays they are best grown from cuttings each year. They last very well when cut.

The culture of the poinsettia is very similar. To secure plants with large heads, the general plan is to grow from cuttings annually, but the old plants may be continued. Old plants that have been resting may be introduced to heat and moisture in late spring, and will soon give a liberal supply of cuttings, which are usually taken from the young wood. Successive sets of cuttings may be made at later periods if different- sized plants are wanted. When well started, the potted plants are plunged outdoors till September, with plenty of water, light and sunshine and good drainage. They do well in rich heavy loam in 5-7-inch pots. They are liable to drop their leaves if exposed to cold or other unfavorable conditions, lii autumn they are transferred to the greenhouse, with moderate temperature. When the bracts begin to appear, give more heat and some manure water to expand them. When in flower, reduce the temperature to preserve them longer. After flowering the pots may be stowed away in a dry warm place till spring,—under the benches will do. When the buds are cut the great objection is that they wilt easily. This may be obviated by keeping them in water for a few days before using. See Grieve, G.C. III. 9:106, and Hatfield in Garden and Forest 9:496. See article Poinsettia for further treatment.

Euphorbia splendens is another winter bloomer, and may be treated as the succulents, with more heat and water. It will do well in living-rooms, and bears some flowers all the year. It bears rough treatment well, and is propagated by cuttings from the young growth, which root with the greatest ease.

In tropical and subtropical regions many of the treelike or succulent euphorbias make fine outdoor ornamentals. The poinsettia is a magnificent landscape ornament in California, West Indies and so on. In Southern California the poinsettia is propagated by sticking canes 3 feet long in the ground from April on, these growing and blooming, often profusely, the first season. In the West Indies and Florida, some of the thorny tree-like forms, especially E. lactea, are grown as hedges, their thick, erect thorny branches making an almost impenetrable barrier. This and other species are grown also as specimen plants. See Succulents. CH

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Read about Euphorbia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 


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