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Evonymus (ancient Greek name). Often spelled Euonymus. Celastraceae. Spindle-tree. Woody plants, erect or climbing, grown chiefly for their handsome foliage and the attractive fruits.
Evonymus (ancient Greek name). Often spelled Euonymus. Celastraceae. Spindle-tree. Woody plants, erect or climbing, grown chiefly for their handsome foliage and the attractive fruits.
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The spindle-trees are not particular as to the soil and are well adapted for shrubberies. Propagation is by seeds which are usually stratified and sown in spring, or by cuttings of ripened wood in fall. The evergreen species grow readily from cuttings of half- ripened wood under glass in fall or during the winter in the greenhouse. Varieties are sometimes grafted or budded on stock of their typical species.
The spindle-trees are not particular as to the soil and are well adapted for shrubberies. Propagation is by seeds which are usually stratified and sown in spring, or by cuttings of ripened wood in fall. The evergreen species grow readily from cuttings of half- ripened wood under glass in fall or during the winter in the greenhouse. Varieties are sometimes grafted or budded on stock of their typical species.
E. Aquifolium. Loes. & Rehd. Evergreen shrub, to 10 ft.: lvs. coriaceous, nearly sessile, ovate to ovate-oblong, spiny sinuate- dentate: fr. globed, usually solitary. W. China. One of the most striking species on account of its holly-like Lvs. — E. echinata. Wall Usually creeping or climbing, with rooting branches: Lvs. ovate- lanceolate: fr. spiny. Himalayas. B.M. 2767. — E. fimbriata, Hort.. not Wall.=E. pendula. — B. grandiflora, Wall. Shrub, to 12 ft.: lvs. obovate or obovate-oblong, finely and acutely serrate: fls. white ⅘ in. across: fr. globose, yellow; aril scarlet. Himalayas, W. China. — E. Hamiltoniana. Wall. Allied to E. Maackii. Small tree: Lvs. oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, finely and irregularly serrulate, 2½-4 in. long: anthers yellow: fr. pink, turbinate, 4-lobed. Himalayas. Probably not in cult.: the plant cult. under this name is E. Maackii. — E. lanceifolia, Loes. Allied to E. hians. Shrub or tree, to 30 ft.: Lvs. firm at maturity, lanceolate to elliptic-oblong. crenately serrulate, 3-6 in. long: anthers purple: fr. 4-lobed, pale; aril orange, open at the apex; seed crimson. Cent, and W. China. — E. macroptera, Rupr. Allied to E. latifolia. Lvs. obovate or obovate-oblong, cuneate at the base: cymes many-fid.: fr. with 4 narrow wings ½-¾ in. long. Japan. N. E. Asia. I.T. 6:121. Hardy. — E. occidentdlis, Nutt. Shrub, to 15 ft.: winter-buds rather large: Lvs. ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, irregularly serrulate: fls. 5-merous, purple: fr. slightly lobed. Ore., Calif. — E. oxyphylla, Miq. Shrub or small tree: Lvs. ovate or obovate, acuminate, rather large, serrulate: fls. 5-merous, purple or whitish: fr. globose. Japan. — E. pendula. Wall. (E. fimbriata, Hort.). Evergreen, small tree, with pendulous branchlets: lvs. oblong-lanceolate, sharply serrate. shining, 3-6 in. long: fr. with 4 tapering wings. P.F.G. 2:55. F.S. 7, p. 71. — E. planipes, Koehne. Allied to E. latifolia. Lvs. cuneate at the base; petioles fiat, not grooved: fr. acutely 5-angled. scarcely winged. Japan. M.D. 1906, p. 62. Gt. 53, p. 29. — E. sacchaliensis, Maxim. Allied to E. latifolia. Lvs. ovate-oblong, crenate-serrulate: cymes very long-peduncled ; fls. purple: fr. distinctly winged, convex at the apex. N. E. Asia. — E. Sargentiana, Loes. & Rehd. Evergreen shrub: lvs. obovate to oblong-obovate, abruptly acuminate, remotely crenate-serrate, 2-3½ in. long: fr. oblong-obovoid, 4-angled. W. China. — E. Semenovii, Regel & Herd. Allied to E. europaea. Small shrub: lvs. lanceolate, serrulate: cymes usually 3-fld.: fr. 4-lobed with obtuse lobes. Turkestan. — E. semiexserta, Koehne. Allied to E. Maackii. Lvs. oblong or oblong-lanceolate, crenate-serrate, 2-5 in. long: fr. light pink; aril orange, open, with the blood-red seed almost half exposed. Japan. — E. Sieboldiana, Blume. Allied to E. Maackii. Lvs. slender-petioled, elliptic to oblong, acuminate, serrulate: fr. not lobed. strongly 4-ribbed. Japan. M.D. 1906, p. 62. Not in cult.; the plants cult. under this name belong to E. yedoensis. E. patens or E. Bungeana var. semipersistens. Alfred Rehder.
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<!-- This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
E. Aquifolium. Loes. & Rehd. Evergreen shrub, to 10 ft.: lvs. coriaceous, nearly sessile, ovate to ovate-oblong, spiny sinuate- dentate: fr. globed, usually solitary. W. China. One of the most striking species on account of its holly-like Lvs. — E. echinata. Wall Usually creeping or climbing, with rooting branches: Lvs. ovate- lanceolate: fr. spiny. Himalayas. B.M. 2767. — E. fimbriata, Hort.. not Wall.=E. pendula. — B. grandiflora, Wall. Shrub, to 12 ft.: lvs. obovate or obovate-oblong, finely and acutely serrate: fls. white ⅘ in. across: fr. globose, yellow; aril scarlet. Himalayas, W. China. — E. Hamiltoniana. Wall. Allied to E. Maackii. Small tree: Lvs. oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, finely and irregularly serrulate, 2½-4 in. long: anthers yellow: fr. pink, turbinate, 4-lobed. Himalayas. Probably not in cult.: the plant cult. under this name is E. Maackii. — E. lanceifolia, Loes. Allied to E. hians. Shrub or tree, to 30 ft.: Lvs. firm at maturity, lanceolate to elliptic-oblong. crenately serrulate, 3-6 in. long: anthers purple: fr. 4-lobed, pale; aril orange, open at the apex; seed crimson. Cent, and W. China. — E. macroptera, Rupr. Allied to E. latifolia. Lvs. obovate or obovate-oblong, cuneate at the base: cymes many-fid.: fr. with 4 narrow wings ½-¾ in. long. Japan. N. E. Asia. I.T. 6:121. Hardy. — E. occidentdlis, Nutt. Shrub, to 15 ft.: winter-buds rather large: Lvs. ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, irregularly serrulate: fls. 5-merous, purple: fr. slightly lobed. Ore., Calif. — E. oxyphylla, Miq. Shrub or small tree: Lvs. ovate or obovate, acuminate, rather large, serrulate: fls. 5-merous, purple or whitish: fr. globose. Japan. — E. pendula. Wall. (E. fimbriata, Hort.). Evergreen, small tree, with pendulous branchlets: lvs. oblong-lanceolate, sharply serrate. shining, 3-6 in. long: fr. with 4 tapering wings. P.F.G. 2:55. F.S. 7, p. 71. — E. planipes, Koehne. Allied to E. latifolia. Lvs. cuneate at the base; petioles fiat, not grooved: fr. acutely 5-angled. scarcely winged. Japan. M.D. 1906, p. 62. Gt. 53, p. 29. — E. sacchaliensis, Maxim. Allied to E. latifolia. Lvs. ovate-oblong, crenate-serrulate: cymes very long-peduncled ; fls. purple: fr. distinctly winged, convex at the apex. N. E. Asia. — E. Sargentiana, Loes. & Rehd. Evergreen shrub: lvs. obovate to oblong-obovate, abruptly acuminate, remotely crenate-serrate, 2-3½ in. long: fr. oblong-obovoid, 4-angled. W. China. — E. Semenovii, Regel & Herd. Allied to E. europaea. Small shrub: lvs. lanceolate, serrulate: cymes usually 3-fld.: fr. 4-lobed with obtuse lobes. Turkestan. — E. semiexserta, Koehne. Allied to E. Maackii. Lvs. oblong or oblong-lanceolate, crenate-serrate, 2-5 in. long: fr. light pink; aril orange, open, with the blood-red seed almost half exposed. Japan. — E. Sieboldiana, Blume. Allied to E. Maackii. Lvs. slender-petioled, elliptic to oblong, acuminate, serrulate: fr. not lobed. strongly 4-ribbed. Japan. M.D. 1906, p. 62. Not in cult.; the plants cult. under this name belong to E. yedoensis. E. patens or E. Bungeana var. semipersistens.

Latest revision as of 18:58, 1 October 2009


Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Evonymus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Evonymus (ancient Greek name). Often spelled Euonymus. Celastraceae. Spindle-tree. Woody plants, erect or climbing, grown chiefly for their handsome foliage and the attractive fruits.

Deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees with usually more or less 4-angled branches, mostly erect, rarely creeping or climbing by rootlets: winter-buds usually conspicuous with imbricate scales: Lvs. opposite, petioled, usually serrate, and mostly glabrous: fls. small, in axillary cymes. 4-5-merous, generally perfect; style and stamens short, the latter inserted on a disk: fr. a 3-5-lobed, somewhat fleshy caps., each dehiscent valve containing 1 or 2 seeds inclosed in a generally orange-colored aril; the seed itself is white, red or black.—About 120 species in the northern hemisphere, most of them in Cent, and E. Asia, extending to S. Asia and Austral.

The spindle-trees are of upright or sometimes procumbent or creeping habit, with rather inconspicuous greenish, whitish or purplish flowers in axillary cymes; very attractive in fall, with their handsome scarlet, pink or whitish, capsular fruits, showing the bright orange seeds when opening, and with the splendid fall coloring that most of the species assume, especially E. alata, E. Maackii, E. sanguinea, E. verrucosa, E. europaea and E. atropurpurea. The wood is tough, close-grained and light-colored, often almost white, and used, especially in Europe, for the manufacture of small articles. The bark of E. atropurpurea has medical properties.—Most of the cultivated deciduous species, except those from Himalayas, are hardy North, while of the evergreen ones only E. radicans is fairly hardy, and, on account of its greater hardiness, is often used North as a substitute of the ivy for covering walls, rocks and trunks of trees, climbing if planted in good soil, to a height of 15 and sometimes 20 feet. E. europaea, and South, the evergreen E. japonica are sometimes used for hedges.

The spindle-trees are not particular as to the soil and are well adapted for shrubberies. Propagation is by seeds which are usually stratified and sown in spring, or by cuttings of ripened wood in fall. The evergreen species grow readily from cuttings of half- ripened wood under glass in fall or during the winter in the greenhouse. Varieties are sometimes grafted or budded on stock of their typical species. CH

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Read about Evonymus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 


The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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