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|image=Aspidistra elatior1.jpg
''[[Aspidistra elatior]]'' ("cast-iron plant") is a popular [[foliage]] houseplant, grown for its ability to survive neglect and very shady indoor conditions. Several other species and cultivars are also in cultivation.
Aspidistra (Greek, a small, round shield; referring, probably, to the shape of the stigma). Liliaceae. A popular florists' plant, grown for its stiff, shining, beautiful foliage, which is sometimes striped.
Aspidistra (Greek, a small, round shield; referring, probably, to the shape of the stigma). Liliaceae. A popular florists' plant, grown for its stiff, shining, beautiful foliage, which is sometimes striped.
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Aspidistra is invaluable to the florist in decorative work, owing to its ability to withstand rough usage, dust, heat, cold and drought. The foliage is very useful when cut for mixing with amaryllises when they are used as cut- f flowers, lasting for weeks in good condition; for such purposes the aspidistra may be planted under greenhouse benches in waste places for the production of leaves alone. The variegated variety is often seen, but a poor soil must be used or the variegation will speedily disappear. To increase the plants, divide in early spring when repotting, shaking out the old soil from the roots and separating the leaves, putting several in a pot of a useful size, a 6-inch being large enough to hold a number of leaves and their roots.
Aspidistra is invaluable to the florist in decorative work, owing to its ability to withstand rough usage, dust, heat, cold and drought. The foliage is very useful when cut for mixing with amaryllises when they are used as cut- f flowers, lasting for weeks in good condition; for such purposes the aspidistra may be planted under greenhouse benches in waste places for the production of leaves alone. The variegated variety is often seen, but a poor soil must be used or the variegation will speedily disappear. To increase the plants, divide in early spring when repotting, shaking out the old soil from the roots and separating the leaves, putting several in a pot of a useful size, a 6-inch being large enough to hold a number of leaves and their roots.
A. typica, Baill. Rootstock creeping: Lvs. elliptic-lanceolate, long-petioled, about 7-nerved: fls. greenish or whitish, speckled with red, purple inside, trimerous. China.  
| name = ''Aspidistra''
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit =    <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high =    <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin =    <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =    <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| exposure =    <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water =    <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features =    <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =    <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom =    <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones =    <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png  <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| regnum = Plantae  <!--- Kingdom -->
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| color = IndianRed
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<!--  This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
* ''Aspidistra acetabuliformis'' <small>Y. Wan & C. C. Huang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(5): 396 (1987).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
<!--  Usually in list format like this:   -->
* ''Aspidistra alata'' <small>Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 336 (2007).</small> Distribution: Vietnam (Cao Bang)
<!--  *''[[Freesia alba]]''  -->
* ''Aspidistra alternativa'' <small>D. Fang & L. Y. Yu.  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(2): 161 (2002).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
<!--  *''[[Freesia laxa]]'' (syn. ''Anomatheca laxa'', ''Lapeirousia laxa'')  -->
* ''Aspidistra arnautovii'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 314 (316, 335-336; fig. 1b-d). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Hai Phong)
* ''Aspidistra atroviolacea'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 317 (335-336; fig. 1i). (2005).</small> Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
* ''Aspidistra attenuata'' <small>Hayata.  Ic. Pl. Formosan. 2. 145 (1912).</small>  Distribution: Taiwan
* ''Aspidistra austrosinensis'' <small>Y. Wan & C .C. Huang.  Guihaia, 7(3): 221 (1987).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra bicolor'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 317 (335-337; figs. 1g, 2a-b). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Thai Nguyen)
* ''Aspidistra bogneri'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 317 (-318, 335-336; fig. 1e-f). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Ninh Binh)
* ''Aspidistra brachystyla'' <small>L. V. Averyanov & H.-J. Tillich, Feddes Repertorium 119 (1 - 2): 37 (2008).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam
* ''Aspidistra campanulata'' <small>Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 337 (2007).</small> Vietnam (Tuyen Quang)
* ''Aspidistra caespitosa'' <small>C. P'ei.  Contrib. Biol. Lab. Sc. Soc. China, Bot. Ser., 12. 101, fig. 4. (1939).</small>  Distribution: China (Sichuan)
* ''Aspidistra carinata'' <small>Y. Wan & X. H. Lu.  Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin, 9(2): 97, fig. 1. (1989).</small>  Distribution: China (N Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra carnosa'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 318 (335, 338; fig. 3h). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Lam Dong)
* ''Aspidistra cavicola'' <small>D. Fang & K. C. Yen.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 31(2): 180, fig. 1. (1993).</small>  Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra cerina'' <small>G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang.  Guihaia 22(4): 289, fig. 1. (2002). </small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra claviformis'' <small>Y. Wan.  Bull. Bot. Res. North-East. Forest. Inst., 4(4): 166 (1984).</small> Distribution: China (W Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra connata'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 318 (-319, 335, 337; fig. 2c-d). (2005).</small> Distribution: Vietnam (Gialai-Kontum)
* ''Aspidistra cruciformis'' <small>Y. Wan & X. H. Lu.  Guihaia, 7(3): 217, fig. 1. (1987).</small>  Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra cryptantha'' <small>Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 338 (2007).</small> Vietnam (Cao Bang)
* ''Aspidistra cyathiflora'' <small>Y. Wan & C. C. Huang.  Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 9(2): 100, fig. 3. (1989).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra daibuensis'' <small>Hayata.  Ic. Pl. Formosan. 9. 143 (1920).</small> Distribution: Taiwan
* ''Aspidistra dodecandra'' (<small>Gagnep.) Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 323. (2005). </small>  Distribution: Indo-China
* ''Aspidistra dolichanthera'' <small>X. X. Chen. Guihaia, 2(2): 77, fig. 1. (1982).</small> Distribution: China (SW Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra ebianensis'' <small>K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 492, fig. 13. (1999).</small>  Distribution: China (Sichuan)
* ''[[Aspidistra elatior]]'' <small>Blume. Tijdschr. 1. 76. t. 4. (1834).</small>  Distribution: Japan (Osumi Islands)
* ''Aspidistra fasciaria'' <small>G. Z. Li.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 484, fig. 13. (1999).</small>  Distribution: China (?Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra fenghuangensis'' <small>K. Y. Lang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 494, fig. 13. (1999).</small>  Distribution: China (W Hunan)
* ''Aspidistra fimbriata'' <small>F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16(1): 76, fig. 1. (1978).</small>  Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan)
* ''Aspidistra flaviflora'' <small>K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 20(4): 485, fig. 1. (1982).</small>  Distribution: China (SC Sichuan)
* ''Aspidistra foliosa'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 319 (335-336; fig. 1h). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
* ''Aspidistra fungilliformis'' <small>Y. Wan.  Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 4(4): 165, fig. 1. (1984).</small>  Distribution: China  (W Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra geastrum'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 319 (-320, 335, 337; fig. 2e-f). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
* ''Aspidistra glandulosa'' <small>(Gagnep.) Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 323. (2005).</small>  Distribution: Laos (La Khon)
* ''Aspidistra grandiflora'' <small>Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 341 (2007).</small> Vietnam (Hoa Binh)
* ''Aspidistra guangxiensis'' <small>S. C. Tang & Y. Liu.  Novon 13(4): 480, fig. 1. (2003).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra hainanensis'' <small>W. Y. Chun & F. C. How.  Fl. Hainan., 4: 533 (1977).</small>  Distribution: China (S Guangdong, EC Guangxi, S Hainan)
* ''Aspidistra hekouensis'' <small>H. Li, C. L. Long & Bogner.  Sendtnera 5: 15, fig. 1. (1998).</small>  Distribution: China (SE Yunnan)
* ''Aspidistra huanjiangensis'' <small>G. Z. Li & Y. G. Wei.  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 41(4): 384, fig. 2. (2003).</small>  Distribution: China (Gunangxi)
* ''Aspidistra insularis'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 145 (144; fig. 4). (2006).</small>  Distribution: Japan (Kuroshima Island)
* ''Aspidistra larutensis'' <small>W. J. de Wilde & A. Vogel.  Folia Malaysiana 6(3-4): 126 (125-130; figs. 1-5). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Malaysia (Perak)
* ''Aspidistra lateralis'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 320 (335, 338; fig. 3d). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
* ''Aspidistra leshanensis'' <small>K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu.  Acta Bot. Yunnanica, 6(4): 385, fig. 1. (1984).</small>  Distribution: China (SC Sichuan)
* ''Aspidistra leyeensis'' <small>Y. Wan & C. C. Huang.  Guihaia, 7(3): 219, fig. 2. (1987).</small>  Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra linearifolia'' <small>Y. Wan & C. C. Huang.  Guihaia, 7(3): 220, fig. 3. (1987).</small>  Distribution: China (W Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra lobata'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 141 (-142; fig. 2). (2006).</small>  Distribution: China (Sichuan)
* ''Aspidistra locii'' <small>Arnautov & Bogner.  Willdenowia 34(1): 203 (-208; figs.). (2004).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam
* ''Aspidistra longanensis'' <small>Y. Wan.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 23(2): 151, fig. 1. (1985).</small>  Distribution: China (WC Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra longifolia'' <small>Hook.f.  Fl. Brit Ind. 6. 326. (1892).</small>  Distribution: India
* ''Aspidistra longiloba'' <small>G. Z. Li.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 26(2): 156, fig. 1. (1988).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra longipedunculata'' <small>D. Fang.  Guihaia, 2(2): 78, fig. 2. (1982).</small>  Distribution: China (SW Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra longipetala'' <small>S. Z. Huang.  Guihaia, 6(4): 273, fig. 1. (1986).</small>  Distribution: China (C Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra luodianensis'' <small>D. D. Tao.  Acta Phytotax. Geobot., 43(2): 121, fig. 1 (1992).</small>  Distribution: China (NW Guangxi, S Guizhou)
* ''Aspidistra lurida'' <small>Ker Gawl.  Bot. Reg. 8. t. 628.  (1822).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangdong, NC Guangxi, SC Guizhou)
* ''Aspidistra lutea'' <small>Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 320 (-321, 335-336, 338; figs. 1k, 3c). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Son La)
* ''Aspidistra marasmioides'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 321 (335, 337; fig. 2h). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Hai Phong)
* ''Aspidistra marginella'' <small>D. Fang & L. Zeng.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 31(2): 182, fig. 1. (1993).</small>  Distribution: China (SW Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra minutiflora'' <small>Stapf.  Journ. Linn. Soc. 36. 113. (1903).</small>  Distribution: China (N Guangdong, Guangxi, ?Guizhou, Hainan, Hong Kong, SW Hunan)
* ''Aspidistra molendinacea'' <small>G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang.  Guihaia 22(4): 290, fig. 3. (2002).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangzi)
* ''Aspidistra muricata'' <small>F. C. How ex K. Y. Lang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 383, fig. 1. (1981).</small>  Distribution: China (NC & W Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra mushaensis'' <small>Hayata.  Ic. Pl. Formosan. 9. 144 (1920).</small>  Distribution: Taiwan
* ''Aspidistra nanchuanensis'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 139 (-141; fig. 1). (2006).</small> Distribution: China (Sichuan)
* ''[[Aspidistra nikolaii]]'' <small>L. V. Averyanov & H.-J. Tillich, Feddes Repertorium 119 (1 - 2): 37 (2008).</small> Distribution: Vietnam (Annamite Mts.)
* ''Aspidistra oblanceifolia'' <small>F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 20(4): 487, fig. 2 (1982).</small>  Distribution: China (S Guizhou, W Hubei, Sichuan)
* ''Aspidistra obliquipeltata'' <small>D. Fang & L. Y. Yu.  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(2): 162, fig. 1. (2002).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra oblongifolia'' <small>F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 476, fig. 13. (1999).</small>  Distribution: China (N Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra omeiensis'' <small>Z. Y. Zhu & J. L. Zhang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 386, fig. 1. (1981).</small>  Distribution: China (Sichuan)
* ''Aspidistra opaca'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 321 (335, 337-338; figs. 2g, 3a). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Khanh Hoa)
* ''Aspidistra papillata'' <small>G. Z. Li.  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 41(4): 382, fig. 1. (2003).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra patentiloba'' <small>Y. Wan & X. H. Lu.  Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 9(2): 99, fig. 2. (1989).</small>  Distribution: China (C Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra petiolata'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 321 (-322, 335, 338; fig. 3b, e). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
* ''Aspidistra pileata'' <small>D. Fang & L. Y. Yu.  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(2): 159, fig. 1. (2002).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra punctata'' <small>Lindl.  Bot. Reg. 12. t. 977. (1826).</small>  Distribution: China (Guandong, Hong Kong)
* ''Aspidistra quadripartita'' <small>G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang.  Guihaia 22(4): 289, fig. 2. (2002).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra recondita'' <small>Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 341 (2007).</small> (Vietnam but location not known)
* ''Aspidistra renatae'' <small>Bräuchler. Blumea 50(3): 527 (-529; photos). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (central)
* ''Aspidistra retusa'' <small>K. Y. Lang & S. Z. Huang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 379, fig. 1. (1981).</small>  Distribution: China (NE Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra saxicola'' <small>Y.Wan.  Guihaia, 4(2): 129, fig. 1. (1984).</small>  Distribution: China (WC Guangxi)
* ''Aspidistra sichuanensis'' <small>K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu.  Acta Bot. Yunnanica, 6(4): 387, fig. 1. (1984).</small>  Distribution: China (Guangxi, Guizhou, W Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan)
* ''Aspidistra spinula'' <small>S. Z. He.  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(4): 377, fig. 1. (2002).</small>  Distribution: China (Guizhou)
* ''Aspidistra stricta'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 322 (335, 338; fig. 3f-g). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Lam Dong)
* ''Aspidistra subrotata'' <small>Y. Wan & C. C. Huang.  Guihaia, 7(3): 223, fig. 5. (1987).</small>  Distribution: China (S & W Guangxi), Vietnam (Thai Nguyen)
* ''Aspidistra superba'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 323 (335, 338; fig. 3i,k). (2005).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Ninh Binh)
* ''Aspidistra sutepensis'' <small>K. Larsen.  Dansk Bot. Ark. 20(1). 41, fig. 1. (1961).</small>  Distribution: Vietnam (Paypa)
* ''Aspidistra tonkinensis'' <small>(Gagnep.) F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16(1): 77 (1978) &  Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Sin., 15: 19 (1978).</small>  Distribution: China (NW Guangxi, S Guizhou, SE Yunnan), Vietnam
* ''Aspidistra triloba'' <small>F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 380, fig. 1. (1981).</small>  Distribution: China (SC Hunan, W Jiangxi)
* ''Aspidistra tubiflora'' <small>Tillich.  Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 141 (143, 145; fig. 3). (2006).</small>  Distribution: China (Sichuan)
* ''Aspidistra typica'' <small>Baill.  Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris, 2. 1129. (1894).</small>  Distribution: China (SW Guangxi, SE Yunnan), Vietnam
* ''Aspidistra umbrosa'' <small>Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 342 341 (2007).</small> (Vietnam but location not known)
* ''Aspidistra urceolata'' <small>F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 381, fig. 1. (1981).</small>  Distribution: China (Guizhou)
* ''Aspidistra xilinensis'' <small>Y. Wan & X. H. Lu.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(5): 397, fig. 1. (1987).</small>  Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
* ''[[Aspidistra yingjiangensis]]'' <small>L. J. Peng.  Acta Bot. Yunnanica, 11(2): 173, fig. 1. (1989).</small>  Distribution: China (W Yunnan)
* ''Aspidistra zongbayi'' <small>K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu.  Acta Phytotax. Sin., 20(4): 486, fig. 1. (1982).</small>  Distribution: China (Sichuan)
* ''A. longifolia'' from India and ''A. attenuata'', ''A. daibuensis'' and ''A. mushaensis'' from Taiwan are poorly described in the literature.
* ''A. kouytchensis'' = ''A. lurida''.
* ''A. bimoda'' = ''A. fungilliformis''.
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*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
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Latest revision as of 23:34, 28 January 2010

Aspidistra elatior1.jpg

Plant Characteristics
Features: foliage
Scientific Names

Ruscaceae >

Aspidistra >

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Aspidistra elatior ("cast-iron plant") is a popular foliage houseplant, grown for its ability to survive neglect and very shady indoor conditions. Several other species and cultivars are also in cultivation.

Read about Aspidistra in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Aspidistra (Greek, a small, round shield; referring, probably, to the shape of the stigma). Liliaceae. A popular florists' plant, grown for its stiff, shining, beautiful foliage, which is sometimes striped.

Leaves all radical, many, long, gradually narrowed into petiole, the rhizome thick and sometimes creeping: fls. inconspicuous and borne close to the ground; perianth wide-campanulate, 8-lobed; stamens 8, attached on the tube, the filaments very short; ovary 4-celled: fr. a globose indéhiscent 1-seeded berry.— Three or 4 species in Himalaya, China and Japan. The casual observer never suspects that Aspidistra is a liliaceous plant. The parts of the fl. in monocotyledons are typically in 3's. The genus Aspidistra is considered abnormal, as usually having its parts in 4's. This tetramerous state (which is here considered the normal one, and described below) is pictured in B.M. 2499, but the species was first described upon a trimerous state, and pictured in B.R. 628. In A. lurido; the trimerous state must be regarded as an exceptional reversion: in A. typica, B.M. 7484, the trimerous state is thought to be constant.

Aspidistra is invaluable to the florist in decorative work, owing to its ability to withstand rough usage, dust, heat, cold and drought. The foliage is very useful when cut for mixing with amaryllises when they are used as cut- f flowers, lasting for weeks in good condition; for such purposes the aspidistra may be planted under greenhouse benches in waste places for the production of leaves alone. The variegated variety is often seen, but a poor soil must be used or the variegation will speedily disappear. To increase the plants, divide in early spring when repotting, shaking out the old soil from the roots and separating the leaves, putting several in a pot of a useful size, a 6-inch being large enough to hold a number of leaves and their roots.

A. typica, Baill. Rootstock creeping: Lvs. elliptic-lanceolate, long-petioled, about 7-nerved: fls. greenish or whitish, speckled with red, purple inside, trimerous. China.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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  • Aspidistra acetabuliformis Y. Wan & C. C. Huang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(5): 396 (1987). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra alata Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 336 (2007). Distribution: Vietnam (Cao Bang)
  • Aspidistra alternativa D. Fang & L. Y. Yu. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(2): 161 (2002). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra arnautovii Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 314 (316, 335-336; fig. 1b-d). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Hai Phong)
  • Aspidistra atroviolacea Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 317 (335-336; fig. 1i). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
  • Aspidistra attenuata Hayata. Ic. Pl. Formosan. 2. 145 (1912). Distribution: Taiwan
  • Aspidistra austrosinensis Y. Wan & C .C. Huang. Guihaia, 7(3): 221 (1987). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra bicolor Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 317 (335-337; figs. 1g, 2a-b). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Thai Nguyen)
  • Aspidistra bogneri Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 317 (-318, 335-336; fig. 1e-f). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Ninh Binh)
  • Aspidistra brachystyla L. V. Averyanov & H.-J. Tillich, Feddes Repertorium 119 (1 - 2): 37 (2008). Distribution: Vietnam
  • Aspidistra campanulata Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 337 (2007). Vietnam (Tuyen Quang)
  • Aspidistra caespitosa C. P'ei. Contrib. Biol. Lab. Sc. Soc. China, Bot. Ser., 12. 101, fig. 4. (1939). Distribution: China (Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra carinata Y. Wan & X. H. Lu. Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin, 9(2): 97, fig. 1. (1989). Distribution: China (N Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra carnosa Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 318 (335, 338; fig. 3h). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Lam Dong)
  • Aspidistra cavicola D. Fang & K. C. Yen. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 31(2): 180, fig. 1. (1993). Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra cerina G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang. Guihaia 22(4): 289, fig. 1. (2002). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra claviformis Y. Wan. Bull. Bot. Res. North-East. Forest. Inst., 4(4): 166 (1984). Distribution: China (W Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra connata Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 318 (-319, 335, 337; fig. 2c-d). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Gialai-Kontum)
  • Aspidistra cruciformis Y. Wan & X. H. Lu. Guihaia, 7(3): 217, fig. 1. (1987). Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra cryptantha Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 338 (2007). Vietnam (Cao Bang)
  • Aspidistra cyathiflora Y. Wan & C. C. Huang. Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 9(2): 100, fig. 3. (1989). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra daibuensis Hayata. Ic. Pl. Formosan. 9. 143 (1920). Distribution: Taiwan
  • Aspidistra dodecandra (Gagnep.) Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 323. (2005). Distribution: Indo-China
  • Aspidistra dolichanthera X. X. Chen. Guihaia, 2(2): 77, fig. 1. (1982). Distribution: China (SW Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra ebianensis K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 492, fig. 13. (1999). Distribution: China (Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra elatior Blume. Tijdschr. 1. 76. t. 4. (1834). Distribution: Japan (Osumi Islands)
  • Aspidistra fasciaria G. Z. Li. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 484, fig. 13. (1999). Distribution: China (?Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra fenghuangensis K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 494, fig. 13. (1999). Distribution: China (W Hunan)
  • Aspidistra fimbriata F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16(1): 76, fig. 1. (1978). Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan)
  • Aspidistra flaviflora K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 20(4): 485, fig. 1. (1982). Distribution: China (SC Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra foliosa Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 319 (335-336; fig. 1h). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
  • Aspidistra fungilliformis Y. Wan. Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 4(4): 165, fig. 1. (1984). Distribution: China (W Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra geastrum Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 319 (-320, 335, 337; fig. 2e-f). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
  • Aspidistra glandulosa (Gagnep.) Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 323. (2005). Distribution: Laos (La Khon)
  • Aspidistra grandiflora Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 341 (2007). Vietnam (Hoa Binh)
  • Aspidistra guangxiensis S. C. Tang & Y. Liu. Novon 13(4): 480, fig. 1. (2003). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra hainanensis W. Y. Chun & F. C. How. Fl. Hainan., 4: 533 (1977). Distribution: China (S Guangdong, EC Guangxi, S Hainan)
  • Aspidistra hekouensis H. Li, C. L. Long & Bogner. Sendtnera 5: 15, fig. 1. (1998). Distribution: China (SE Yunnan)
  • Aspidistra huanjiangensis G. Z. Li & Y. G. Wei. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 41(4): 384, fig. 2. (2003). Distribution: China (Gunangxi)
  • Aspidistra insularis Tillich. Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 145 (144; fig. 4). (2006). Distribution: Japan (Kuroshima Island)
  • Aspidistra larutensis W. J. de Wilde & A. Vogel. Folia Malaysiana 6(3-4): 126 (125-130; figs. 1-5). (2005). Distribution: Malaysia (Perak)
  • Aspidistra lateralis Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 320 (335, 338; fig. 3d). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
  • Aspidistra leshanensis K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu. Acta Bot. Yunnanica, 6(4): 385, fig. 1. (1984). Distribution: China (SC Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra leyeensis Y. Wan & C. C. Huang. Guihaia, 7(3): 219, fig. 2. (1987). Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra linearifolia Y. Wan & C. C. Huang. Guihaia, 7(3): 220, fig. 3. (1987). Distribution: China (W Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra lobata Tillich. Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 141 (-142; fig. 2). (2006). Distribution: China (Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra locii Arnautov & Bogner. Willdenowia 34(1): 203 (-208; figs.). (2004). Distribution: Vietnam
  • Aspidistra longanensis Y. Wan. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 23(2): 151, fig. 1. (1985). Distribution: China (WC Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra longifolia Hook.f. Fl. Brit Ind. 6. 326. (1892). Distribution: India
  • Aspidistra longiloba G. Z. Li. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 26(2): 156, fig. 1. (1988). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra longipedunculata D. Fang. Guihaia, 2(2): 78, fig. 2. (1982). Distribution: China (SW Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra longipetala S. Z. Huang. Guihaia, 6(4): 273, fig. 1. (1986). Distribution: China (C Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra luodianensis D. D. Tao. Acta Phytotax. Geobot., 43(2): 121, fig. 1 (1992). Distribution: China (NW Guangxi, S Guizhou)
  • Aspidistra lurida Ker Gawl. Bot. Reg. 8. t. 628. (1822). Distribution: China (Guangdong, NC Guangxi, SC Guizhou)
  • Aspidistra lutea Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 320 (-321, 335-336, 338; figs. 1k, 3c). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Son La)
  • Aspidistra marasmioides Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 321 (335, 337; fig. 2h). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Hai Phong)
  • Aspidistra marginella D. Fang & L. Zeng. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 31(2): 182, fig. 1. (1993). Distribution: China (SW Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra minutiflora Stapf. Journ. Linn. Soc. 36. 113. (1903). Distribution: China (N Guangdong, Guangxi, ?Guizhou, Hainan, Hong Kong, SW Hunan)
  • Aspidistra molendinacea G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang. Guihaia 22(4): 290, fig. 3. (2002). Distribution: China (Guangzi)
  • Aspidistra muricata F. C. How ex K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 383, fig. 1. (1981). Distribution: China (NC & W Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra mushaensis Hayata. Ic. Pl. Formosan. 9. 144 (1920). Distribution: Taiwan
  • Aspidistra nanchuanensis Tillich. Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 139 (-141; fig. 1). (2006). Distribution: China (Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra nikolaii L. V. Averyanov & H.-J. Tillich, Feddes Repertorium 119 (1 - 2): 37 (2008). Distribution: Vietnam (Annamite Mts.)
  • Aspidistra oblanceifolia F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 20(4): 487, fig. 2 (1982). Distribution: China (S Guizhou, W Hubei, Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra obliquipeltata D. Fang & L. Y. Yu. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(2): 162, fig. 1. (2002). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra oblongifolia F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(5): 476, fig. 13. (1999). Distribution: China (N Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra omeiensis Z. Y. Zhu & J. L. Zhang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 386, fig. 1. (1981). Distribution: China (Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra opaca Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 321 (335, 337-338; figs. 2g, 3a). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Khanh Hoa)
  • Aspidistra papillata G. Z. Li. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 41(4): 382, fig. 1. (2003). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra patentiloba Y. Wan & X. H. Lu. Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 9(2): 99, fig. 2. (1989). Distribution: China (C Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra petiolata Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 321 (-322, 335, 338; fig. 3b, e). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Thua Thien)
  • Aspidistra pileata D. Fang & L. Y. Yu. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(2): 159, fig. 1. (2002). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra punctata Lindl. Bot. Reg. 12. t. 977. (1826). Distribution: China (Guandong, Hong Kong)
  • Aspidistra quadripartita G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang. Guihaia 22(4): 289, fig. 2. (2002). Distribution: China (Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra recondita Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 341 (2007). (Vietnam but location not known)
  • Aspidistra renatae Bräuchler. Blumea 50(3): 527 (-529; photos). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (central)
  • Aspidistra retusa K. Y. Lang & S. Z. Huang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 379, fig. 1. (1981). Distribution: China (NE Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra saxicola Y.Wan. Guihaia, 4(2): 129, fig. 1. (1984). Distribution: China (WC Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra sichuanensis K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu. Acta Bot. Yunnanica, 6(4): 387, fig. 1. (1984). Distribution: China (Guangxi, Guizhou, W Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan)
  • Aspidistra spinula S. Z. He. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 40(4): 377, fig. 1. (2002). Distribution: China (Guizhou)
  • Aspidistra stricta Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 322 (335, 338; fig. 3f-g). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Lam Dong)
  • Aspidistra subrotata Y. Wan & C. C. Huang. Guihaia, 7(3): 223, fig. 5. (1987). Distribution: China (S & W Guangxi), Vietnam (Thai Nguyen)
  • Aspidistra superba Tillich. Feddes Repert. 116(5-6): 323 (335, 338; fig. 3i,k). (2005). Distribution: Vietnam (Ninh Binh)
  • Aspidistra sutepensis K. Larsen. Dansk Bot. Ark. 20(1). 41, fig. 1. (1961). Distribution: Vietnam (Paypa)
  • Aspidistra tonkinensis (Gagnep.) F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16(1): 77 (1978) & Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Sin., 15: 19 (1978). Distribution: China (NW Guangxi, S Guizhou, SE Yunnan), Vietnam
  • Aspidistra triloba F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 380, fig. 1. (1981). Distribution: China (SC Hunan, W Jiangxi)
  • Aspidistra tubiflora Tillich. Feddes Repert. 117(1-2): 141 (143, 145; fig. 3). (2006). Distribution: China (Sichuan)
  • Aspidistra typica Baill. Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris, 2. 1129. (1894). Distribution: China (SW Guangxi, SE Yunnan), Vietnam
  • Aspidistra umbrosa Tillich. Blumea 52 (2): 342 341 (2007). (Vietnam but location not known)
  • Aspidistra urceolata F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(3): 381, fig. 1. (1981). Distribution: China (Guizhou)
  • Aspidistra xilinensis Y. Wan & X. H. Lu. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(5): 397, fig. 1. (1987). Distribution: China (NW Guangxi)
  • Aspidistra yingjiangensis L. J. Peng. Acta Bot. Yunnanica, 11(2): 173, fig. 1. (1989). Distribution: China (W Yunnan)
  • Aspidistra zongbayi K. Y. Lang & Z. Y. Zhu. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 20(4): 486, fig. 1. (1982). Distribution: China (Sichuan)


  • A. longifolia from India and A. attenuata, A. daibuensis and A. mushaensis from Taiwan are poorly described in the literature.
  • A. kouytchensis = A. lurida.
  • A. bimoda = A. fungilliformis.


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