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Well-rooted plants may be planted permanently in the greenhouse border.
Well-rooted plants may be planted permanently in the greenhouse border.
K. audomariensis, Hort., is probably a form of Hardenbergia monophylla. although reputed to be a hybrid between that species and K. prostrata var. major (K. Marryatae). Fls. rosy red. in racemes: lvs. ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, petioled: handsome. R.B. 27:25. — K. Beckxidna, F. Muell. Much like K. rubicunda, but peduncles 2-fld.: twining: lvs. 3-foliolate, the lfts. obovate to elliptic, to 3 in. long: fls. red with a green-yellow dark-margined blotch at base of standard, about 1 1/2in. long. S.W. Austral. B.M. 8358. A showy and striking plant. — K. caerulea, Hort.. is probably Hardenbergia Comptoniana. — K. Comptoniana, Link.=Harden- bergia Comptoniana. — K,. eximia, Lindl. Twining or prostrate, silky or becoming glabrous: lfts. 3, ovate, or obovate, not exceeding 1 in. long, very obtuse, fls. scarlet, not large, 2 or 3 more on a peduncle; standard very broadly obovate or nearly orbicular: pod usually curved. W. Austral. P.M. 16:35. H.F. 4:166. — K. longiracemosa, Lindl. =Hardenbergia monophylla. — K. macrophylla, Lindi.= Hardenbergia Comptoniana. — K. ovdta sims=Hardenbergia monophylla. — K. retrorsa, Hemsl. Twining, reddish hairy on the young growths: lvs. 3-6 in. long, 3-foliolate, petioled; lfta, oval to sub-orbicular: fls. rose-purple with white spot on standard, about Kin. across, borne in a peduncled raceme: pod retrorsely pilose. E. Austral. B.M. 8144. — K. Sttrlingii, Lindl. Hairy, trailing or twining: lvs. 3-foliolate, ovate to orbicular, very obtuse; stipules broadly cordate: fls. scarlet, in 1-3 pairs on axillary peduncles: pod very turgid. W. Austral. B.R. 1845. L.H.B.

Latest revision as of 11:02, 30 March 2010


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Read about Kennedya in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 


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