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| color = lightgreen
| name = ''Alstroemeria''
| image = Alstromeria aurantiaca0.jpg
|common_name=Alstroemeria, Peruvian Lily
| image_width = 240px
| image_caption = ''Alstroemeria aurantiaca'' (Peruvian Lily)
|Min ht box=6
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
|Min ht metric=in
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
|Max ht box=5
| classis = [[Liliopsida]]
|Max ht metric=ft
| ordo = [[Liliales]]
|origin=S America
| familia = [[Alstroemeriaceae]]
|poisonous=causes dermatitis if allergic
| genus = '''''Alstroemeria'''''
| genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
| subdivision_ranks = Species
| subdivision =  
|features=flowers, naturalizes
See text.
|flower_season=mid spring, late spring, early summer, mid summer
|Temp Metric=°F
|sunset_zones=5-9, 14-24, 26, 28, 31, 32*, 34*
|image=Alstromeria aurantiaca0.jpg
|image_caption=''Alstroemeria aurantiaca'' (Peruvian Lily)
[[Image:Flower2293.JPG|thumb|200px|An ''Alstroemeria'' cultivar.]]
[[Image:Alstroemeria pod opening.jpg|thumb|200px|An ''Alstroemeria'' seed pod opening.]]
Alstroemeria (Baron Alstroemer, friend of Linnaeus). Amaryllidacéae. Alstremeria. Coolhouse and stove plants, with tuberous roots, treated as bulbs; and some of them also grown in the open for summer bloom.
'''''Alstroemeria''''' ([[synonymy|syn.]] ''Alstremeria''), commonly called the '''Peruvian Lily''' or '''Lily of the Incas''', is a [[South America]]n genus of about 50 species of [[flowering plant]]s. Almost all of the species are restricted to one of two distinct centers of diversity, one in central Chile, the other in eastern Brazil. Species of ''Alstroemeria'' from Chile are winter-growing plants while those of Brazil are summer-growing. All are long-lived perennials except ''A.'' (''Taltalia'') ''graminea'', a diminutive annual from the Atacama Desert of Chile.
Showy tall or slender plants with the red, purple or yellow blossoms in simple or compound umbels terminating the st.: fls. small (2 in. or less long), comparatively narrow, with 6 segms., parted nearly or quite to the ovary, often irregular; stamens mostly declined; stigma 3-cleft; sta. slender and leafy, weak, or even disposed to climb, arising from a root of thickened fibers. — Perhaps .50 species in S. Amer. There are garden hybrids. The alstremerias are not now very much grown. Monogr. by Baker, Handbook of the Amaryllideae.
The genus was named for the [[Sweden|Swedish]] baron [[Clas Alströmer]] (Claus von Alstroemer) by his close friend [[Carolus Linnaeus]]The plant was first described by the French botanist [[Louis Feuillée]]The plant's seeds were among many collected by Alströmer on a trip to [[South America]] in [[1753]].
Some of the alstremerias have survived the winters in Washington of late years only when a heavy mulch has been given, as A. aurantiaca and its form A. áurea, A. chilensis and its forms. Evidently among the hardiest are A. brasiliensis and A. pulchetta, although some of the others have not been tried. For outdoor planting, alstremerias are at their best in a partly shaded position, and at all times during their growth the roots must have an abundance of water. In fact, there is little use in attempting their cultivation out-of-doors when these conditions cannot be given.—In colder climates, the alstremerias can be grown very successfully by planting out in spring, and, as soon as they die down, lift, and keep over winter in a place from which frost is excluded. An annual lifting, or, when grown in pots, an annual shaking-out, should be given, because they increase to such an extent that the younger and smaller crowns are apt to take the nourishment from the large flowering crowns. The largest ones ought to be separated from the smaller ones, and either grown in pots or planted outside when the proper time arrives. In this way the genus will become much more popular than it now is. either for cutting or for the decoration of the border.— The best soil is largely composed of vegetable humus; when this is not to be had old well-decayed cow- or stabler-manure should be incorporated with the soil. When they are planted outside, the tubers should be put deep in the ground, and the soil should be well worked for at least 15 inches. The tubers are slightly egg-shaped, attached to a common stem; the roots are from the ends of the tubers, and also from near the growing points of the crowns.—For greenhouse work one of the best is A. Pelegrina val. alba. The roots may be potted up in autumn in large pots, and treated as other tender late winter tuberous or bulbous plants are treated. See Bulbs. Some of the Van Houtte hybrids are extremely pretty, but, with the others, they are rather unsuitable for pot culture, owing to the peculiar formation of the roots.—The species are easily raised from seeds, which should be sown rather thinly in deep pans, and allowed to remain without pricking off or shifting for the first season; also by division of the roots.
Most species are great in herbaceous or mixed borders, though species like A. pygmaea and A. hookeri may be better off in an alpine house.  Many Alstromeria make excellent cut flowers.  For evergreen varieties, the entire flower stalk should be gently twisted from roots when gathering cut flowers.
Erect stems with mid to gray-green leaves produce showy, funnel shaped, 6-tepaled flowers.  Flowers are about 1.5-4 inches (4-10 cm) long, but can be smaller in dwarf-type speciesBlooms mainly in summer, but this varies by species as wellBlooms come in loose, many times compound clusters (terminal umbels) which are 3-5in (8-13cm) across.  Stems grow from fleshy or [[rhizome]]-like [[tuber]]s, spreading to form clumps.
The plants are distinctive vegetatively, with a rootstock consisting of a slender rhizome or group of rhizomes (the "crown"). Storage roots consist of sausage-like water storing structures "suspended" from the rhizome by major roots. In this way the root system resembles that of dahlias. Above-ground shoots may be very short in some alpine Andean species (a few cm tall) or up to about 1.5 m tall in other species. Each year (more often in some hybrids) up to 80 new shoots are produced from the rootstock and each terminates in an umbel of a few up to 10 or so flowers.
| color = IndianRed
| name = Alstroemeria
| jan =
| feb =
| mar =
| apr = sow
| may =
| jun = transplant
| jul = flowering
| aug = flowering
| sep = flowering
| oct = divide
| nov =
| dec =
| notes =
Tubers should be planted 8in (20cm) deep in late summer or early fall. Handle them with care, as they are extremely fragile. In growing season, water freely and fertilize monthly with balanced fertilizer.  In winter water very little.
Perhaps the most fascinating- and telltale- morphological trait of ''Alstroemeria'' and its relatives is the fact that the leaves are resupinate, that is, they twist from the base so that what appears to be the upper leaf surface is in fact the lower leaf surface. This very unusual botanical feature is easily observed in the leaves on cut flowers from the florist.
Outdoors they should be grown in moist, well drained and fertile soil, either in full sun, or in afternoon shade where very hot.  Mulch the plants the first two years, and where there are winter freezes, plant near a warm wall and give extra winter protection with a dry mulch.  Alstroemeria 'Sweet Laura' is a newer variety that is said to grow as far north as USDA Zone 5, and also has scented flowers.  A. aurea and A. ligtu, as well as hybrids of these species can tolerate short drops in temperature to 5[[Fahrenheit|°F]] (-15[[Celsius|°C]]). Plants form clumps when left undisturbed.
The flowers of Alstroemeria are generally showy and appear to be suited to pollination by bees (?). All six tepals ("tepal" denotes either petal or sepal when both are similar, as in lilies, amaryllis, etc.) are roughly similar. In some species two tepals are enlarged and vividly colored and act as "flags" for pollination. The ovary is inferior and the seeds are hard and rounded.
In an alpine house, grow in mix of loam, leaf mold and sharp sand. In cool greenhouses use a soil-based potting mix.
See also ''Bomarea'', the other major genus in the Alstroemeriaceae. They are essentially twining alstroemerias (though some species are upright), with most species occurring in the Andes.
Established clumps can be divided in fall or very early spring.  Plants can be grown from seed sown in containers as soon as ripe.  Seedlings should be planted out by the pot (rather than separated at time of planting) to avoid damage to the delicate tubers.
;Selected species
===Pests and diseases===
Gray mold may appear on flowers, and the plant may be affected by a number of viruses.  [[Spider mites]] and [[slugs]] are also a problem.
*''Alstroemeria aurea'' - Lily of the Incas.  
*''Alstroemeria aurea'' - Lily of the Incas.  
*''Alstroemeria aurantiaca'' - Peruvian Lily
*''Alstroemeria aurantiaca'' - Peruvian Lily
Line 40: Line 74:
*''Alstroemeria pulchella'' - Parrot Lily, Parrot Flower, Red Parrot Beak, New Zealand Christmas Bell  
*''Alstroemeria pulchella'' - Parrot Lily, Parrot Flower, Red Parrot Beak, New Zealand Christmas Bell  
===Cultivation and uses===
[[image:Alstroemeria ligtu 1.jpg|thumb|Alstroemeria ligtu]]
<!-- For plants with a lot of photos - a gallery can be added below, otherwise remove this section!  -->
Many hybrids and about 190 [[cultivar]]s have been developed, with different markings and colors, ranging from white, golden yellow, orange, to apricot, pink, red, purple and lavender. The most popular and showy hybrids commonly grown today result from crosses between species from Chile (winter-growing) with species from Brazil (summer-growing). This strategy has overcome the problem of seasonal dormancy and resulted in plants that are evergreen or nearly so and flower for most of the year. This breeding work derives mainly from trials that began in the United States in the 1980s. The flower, which resembles a miniature lily, is very popular for bouquets and flower arrangements in the commercial cut flower trade. They have a vase life of about two weeks. It is sometimes called 'Ulster Mary' (as a word corruption). <br clear = left>
Image:Alstroemeria ligtu 1.jpg|Alstroemeria ligtu
Image:Flower2293.JPG|An ''Alstroemeria'' cultivar.
Image:Alstroemeria pod opening.jpg|An ''Alstroemeria'' seed pod opening.
Image:Alstroemeria ligtu-3131.jpg
Image:Alstroemeria aurantiaca-962.jpg
Image:Alstroemeria caryphyllaea II-4060.jpg
Image:Alstroemeria sp.-2156.jpg
Image:Alstroemeria gardneri-257.jpg
Image:Flores de Alstroemeria-3152.jpg
Image:Alstroemeria de couleur rose-7125.jpg
Image:Alstroemeria aurea (Peruvian lily)-3163.jpg
Image:Alstromeria sp. (Huasco)-5141.jpg
Image:Princess lilies-1708.jpg
Image:Flower III-1930.jpg
Image:Butterfly on Alstroemeria-8612.jpg
Image:Alstroemeria psittacina-2470.jpg
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881926248  -->
*American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432
*Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608
==External links==
===Other published names===
*''Alstroemeria achirae, Alstroemeria albiflora, Alstroemeria altoparadisea, Alstroemeria amazonica, Alstroemeria anajeana, Alstroemeria anceps, Alstroemeria angustifolia, Alstroemeria annapolina, Alstroemeria apertiflora, Alstroemeria aquidauanica, Alstroemeria araucana, Alstroemeria argento-vittata, Alstroemeria arnicana, Alstroemeria atrorubra, Alstroemeria aulica, Alstroemeria aurantiaca, Alstroemeria bahiensis, Alstroemeria bakeri, Alstroemeria berteroiana, Alstroemeria bilabiata, Alstroemeria bracteata, Alstroemeria brasiliensis, Alstroemeria burchellii, Alstroemeria butantanensis, Alstroemeria caiaponica, Alstroemeria campaniflora, Alstroemeria cantillanica, Alstroemeria caudiculata, Alstroemeria chapadensis, Alstroemeria chilensis, Alstroemeria chillanensis, Alstroemeria chiloensis, Alstroemeria chorillensis, Alstroemeria ciliata, Alstroemeria cordifolia, Alstroemeria crispata, Alstroemeria cuiabana, Alstroemeria cultrifolia, Alstroemeria cunea, Alstroemeria curralensis, Alstroemeria damaziana, Alstroemeria decora, Alstroemeria denticulata, Alstroemeria despuenta, Alstroemeria diazi, Alstroemeria didierana, Alstroemeria diluta, Alstroemeria discolor, Alstroemeria distichifolia, Alstroemeria douradensis, Alstroemeria edulis, Alstroemeria epulauquensis, Alstroemeria espigonensis, Alstroemeria fiebrieiana, Alstroemeria firmulifolia, Alstroemeria flava, Alstroemeria floribunda, Alstroemeria fluminensis, Alstroemeria foliosa, Alstroemeria fuscovinosa, Alstroemeria garaventae, Alstroemeria gardneri, Alstroemeria gayana, Alstroemeria glaucandra, Alstroemeria graminea, Alstroemeria grandifolia, Alstroemeria hassleriana, Alstroemeria huemulina, Alstroemeria hygrophila, Alstroemeria ibitipocae, Alstroemeria igarapavica, Alstroemeria inaequalis, Alstroemeria inconspicua, Alstroemeria inodora, Alstroemeria insignis, Alstroemeria involucrosa, Alstroemeria isabellana, Alstroemeria itabiritensis, Alstroemeria itatiaica, Alstroemeria jacobi, Alstroemeria jequitiana, Alstroemeria jocunda, Alstroemeria kunziana, Alstroemeria lacrima-solis, Alstroemeria lactilutea, Alstroemeria latifolia, Alstroemeria lineatiflora, Alstroemeria litterata, Alstroemeria longaviensis, Alstroemeria longistaminea, Alstroemeria longistyla, Alstroemeria lutea, Alstroemeria macraeana, Alstroemeria macrocarpa, Alstroemeria magenta, Alstroemeria magna, Alstroemeria magnifica, Alstroemeria malmeana, Alstroemeria meyeniana, Alstroemeria modesta, Alstroemeria monantha, Alstroemeria monticola, Alstroemeria mutabilis, Alstroemeria nana, Alstroemeria nervosa, Alstroemeria nidularis, Alstroemeria nubigena, Alstroemeria ochagavii, Alstroemeria odorata, Alstroemeria orchidioides, Alstroemeria oreas, Alstroemeria pallens, Alstroemeria parviflora, Alstroemeria parvula, Alstroemeria patagonica, Alstroemeria pauciflora, Alstroemeria paupercula, Alstroemeria pavoniana, Alstroemeria pelegrina, Alstroemeria philippii, Alstroemeria piauhyensis, Alstroemeria plantaginea, Alstroemeria platyphylla, Alstroemeria poetica, Alstroemeria polpaicana, Alstroemeria polyphylla, Alstroemeriapubiflora, Alstroemeria pudica, Alstroemeria punctata, Alstroemeria pygmaea, Alstroemeria radula, Alstroemeria reclinata, Alstroemeria reflexa, Alstroemeria regnelliana, Alstroemeria revoluta, Alstroemeria riedelliana, Alstroemeria rosea, Alstroemeria roseoviridis, Alstroemeria rubra, Alstroemeria sabulosa, Alstroemeria salsilloides, Alstroemeria scaberula, Alstroemeria schenkiana, Alstroemeria schizanthoides, Alstroemeria sellowiana, Alstroemeria sierrae, Alstroemeria sotoana, Alstroemeria soukupii, Alstroemeria spathulata, Alstroemeria spectabilis, Alstroemeria stenopetala, Alstroemeria subrosulacea, Alstroemeria talcaensis, Alstroemeria timida, Alstroemeria umbrosa, Alstroemeria venusta, Alstroemeria versicolor, Alstroemeria violacea, Alstroemeria virginalis, Alstroemeria viridiflora, Alstroemeria volckmanni, Alstroemeria werdermannii, Alstroemeria xanthina, Alstroemeria xavantinensis, Alstroemeria yaelae, Alstroemeria zamioides, Alstroemeria zoelneri''.

Latest revision as of 20:05, 12 January 2010

Alstroemeria aurantiaca (Peruvian Lily)

Plant Characteristics
Habit   bulbous

Height: 6 in"in" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. to 5 ft"ft" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 5.
Lifespan: perennial
Origin: S America
Poisonous: causes dermatitis if allergic
Bloom: mid spring, late spring, early summer, mid summer
Exposure: sun
Water: moderate
Features: flowers, naturalizes
USDA Zones: 7 to 10
Sunset Zones: 5-9, 14-24, 26, 28, 31, 32*, 34*
Scientific Names

Alstroemeriaceae >

Alstroemeria >

Read about Alstroemeria in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Alstroemeria (Baron Alstroemer, friend of Linnaeus). Amaryllidacéae. Alstremeria. Coolhouse and stove plants, with tuberous roots, treated as bulbs; and some of them also grown in the open for summer bloom.

Showy tall or slender plants with the red, purple or yellow blossoms in simple or compound umbels terminating the st.: fls. small (2 in. or less long), comparatively narrow, with 6 segms., parted nearly or quite to the ovary, often irregular; stamens mostly declined; stigma 3-cleft; sta. slender and leafy, weak, or even disposed to climb, arising from a root of thickened fibers. — Perhaps .50 species in S. Amer. There are garden hybrids. The alstremerias are not now very much grown. Monogr. by Baker, Handbook of the Amaryllideae.

Some of the alstremerias have survived the winters in Washington of late years only when a heavy mulch has been given, as A. aurantiaca and its form A. áurea, A. chilensis and its forms. Evidently among the hardiest are A. brasiliensis and A. pulchetta, although some of the others have not been tried. For outdoor planting, alstremerias are at their best in a partly shaded position, and at all times during their growth the roots must have an abundance of water. In fact, there is little use in attempting their cultivation out-of-doors when these conditions cannot be given.—In colder climates, the alstremerias can be grown very successfully by planting out in spring, and, as soon as they die down, lift, and keep over winter in a place from which frost is excluded. An annual lifting, or, when grown in pots, an annual shaking-out, should be given, because they increase to such an extent that the younger and smaller crowns are apt to take the nourishment from the large flowering crowns. The largest ones ought to be separated from the smaller ones, and either grown in pots or planted outside when the proper time arrives. In this way the genus will become much more popular than it now is. either for cutting or for the decoration of the border.— The best soil is largely composed of vegetable humus; when this is not to be had old well-decayed cow- or stabler-manure should be incorporated with the soil. When they are planted outside, the tubers should be put deep in the ground, and the soil should be well worked for at least 15 inches. The tubers are slightly egg-shaped, attached to a common stem; the roots are from the ends of the tubers, and also from near the growing points of the crowns.—For greenhouse work one of the best is A. Pelegrina val. alba. The roots may be potted up in autumn in large pots, and treated as other tender late winter tuberous or bulbous plants are treated. See Bulbs. Some of the Van Houtte hybrids are extremely pretty, but, with the others, they are rather unsuitable for pot culture, owing to the peculiar formation of the roots.—The species are easily raised from seeds, which should be sown rather thinly in deep pans, and allowed to remain without pricking off or shifting for the first season; also by division of the roots.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Most species are great in herbaceous or mixed borders, though species like A. pygmaea and A. hookeri may be better off in an alpine house. Many Alstromeria make excellent cut flowers. For evergreen varieties, the entire flower stalk should be gently twisted from roots when gathering cut flowers.

Erect stems with mid to gray-green leaves produce showy, funnel shaped, 6-tepaled flowers. Flowers are about 1.5-4 inches (4-10 cm) long, but can be smaller in dwarf-type species. Blooms mainly in summer, but this varies by species as well. Blooms come in loose, many times compound clusters (terminal umbels) which are 3-5in (8-13cm) across. Stems grow from fleshy or rhizome-like tubers, spreading to form clumps.


Alstroemeria calendar?
April: sow
June: transplant
July: flowering
August: flowering
September: flowering
October: divide

Tubers should be planted 8in (20cm) deep in late summer or early fall. Handle them with care, as they are extremely fragile. In growing season, water freely and fertilize monthly with balanced fertilizer. In winter water very little.

Outdoors they should be grown in moist, well drained and fertile soil, either in full sun, or in afternoon shade where very hot. Mulch the plants the first two years, and where there are winter freezes, plant near a warm wall and give extra winter protection with a dry mulch. Alstroemeria 'Sweet Laura' is a newer variety that is said to grow as far north as USDA Zone 5, and also has scented flowers. A. aurea and A. ligtu, as well as hybrids of these species can tolerate short drops in temperature to 5°F (-15°C). Plants form clumps when left undisturbed.

In an alpine house, grow in mix of loam, leaf mold and sharp sand. In cool greenhouses use a soil-based potting mix.


Established clumps can be divided in fall or very early spring. Plants can be grown from seed sown in containers as soon as ripe. Seedlings should be planted out by the pot (rather than separated at time of planting) to avoid damage to the delicate tubers.

Pests and diseases

Gray mold may appear on flowers, and the plant may be affected by a number of viruses. Spider mites and slugs are also a problem.


  • Alstroemeria aurea - Lily of the Incas.
  • Alstroemeria aurantiaca - Peruvian Lily
  • Alstroemeria caryophyllacea - Brazilian Lily
  • Alstroemeria haemantha - Purplespot Parrot Lily
  • Alstroemeria ligtu - Lily-of-the-Nile
  • Alstroemeria psittacina - Lily of the Incas, White-edged Peruvian Lily
  • Alstroemeria pulchella - Parrot Lily, Parrot Flower, Red Parrot Beak, New Zealand Christmas Bell



  • American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432
  • Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608

External links