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| color = lightgreen
| name = Ash
| image = Fraxinus excelsior.jpg
|common_name=Ash tree
| image_width = 240px
| image_caption = European Ash (''Fraxinus excelsior'')
|Temp Metric=°F
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
|jumpin=If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
|image=Fraxinus ornus JPG1b.jpg
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| ordo = [[Lamiales]]
|image_caption=Fraxinus ornus
| familia = [[Oleaceae]]
| genus = '''''Fraxinus'''''
| genus_authority = [[Joseph Pitton de Tournefort|Tourn.]] ex [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
| subdivision_ranks = Species
| subdivision = See text
'''''Fraxinus''''' ({{pron-en|ˈfræksɨnəs}})<ref>''Sunset Western Garden Book,'' 1995:606–607</ref> is a [[genus]] [[flowering plant]]s in the [[olive]] and [[lilac]] family, [[Oleaceae]]. It contains 45-65 species of usually medium to large [[tree]]s, mostly [[deciduous]] though a few [[Subtropics|subtropical]] species are [[evergreen]]. The tree's common English name, '''Ash''', goes back to the [[Old English]] ''æsc'', while the generic name originated in [[Latin]]. Both words also meant "[[spear]]" in their respective languages.<ref>{{cite book |url=http://books.google.com/?id=tzU3RIV2BWIC |title=Encyclopedia of Indo-European culture |editor=J. P. Mallory, Douglas Q. Adams |publisher=Taylor & Francis |year=1997 |isbn=9781884964985 |page=32}}</ref> The [[leaf|leaves]] are opposite (rarely in whorls of three), and mostly [[pinnate|pinnately compound]], simple in a few [[species]]. The [[seed]]s, popularly known as ''keys'' or ''helicopter seeds'', are a type of [[fruit]] known as a [[samara (fruit)|samara]].  [[Rowan]]s or Mountain Ashes are unrelated to true ashes and belong to the [[Genus]] [[Sorbus]] though the leaves and buds are superficially similar.
[[Image:Ash flower.JPG|thumb|European Ash in flower]]
[[Image:Ash flower.JPG|thumb|European Ash in flower]]
[[Image:NarrowleafAsh.jpg|thumb|Narrow-leafed Ash (''Fraxinus angustifolia'') shoot with leaves]]
[[Image:NarrowleafAsh.jpg|thumb|Narrow-leafed Ash (''Fraxinus angustifolia'') shoot with leaves]]
[[Image:EurAshSeeds.jpg|thumb|Closeup of European Ash seeds]]
Fraxinus (ancient Latin name). Oleaceae. Ash. Interesting trees grown chiefly for their handsome pinnate leaves and some species also for the conspicuous panicles of white flowers.
[[Image:Koeh-062.jpg|thumb|19th century illustration of Manna Ash (''Fraxinus ornus'')]]
An '''ash''' can be any of four different tree [[genus|genera]] from four very distinct [[family (biology)|families]] (see end of page for disambiguation), but originally and most commonly refers to trees of the genus ''Fraxinus'' in the [[olive]] family [[Oleaceae]]. The ashes are usually medium to large [[tree]]s, mostly [[deciduous]] though a few subtropical species are [[evergreen]]. The [[leaf|leaves]] are opposite (rarely in whorls of three), and mostly pinnately-compound, simple in a few [[species]]. The [[seed]]s, popularly known as ''keys'', are a type of [[fruit]] known as a '''[[samara (fruit)|samara]]'''. The tree's common English name goes back to the Old English æsc.  
Deciduous: lvs. opposite, odd-pinnate, without stipules: fls. in panicles, dioecious or polygamous, with or without calyx or with calyx and a 2-6-parted corolla with generally linear segms.; stamens generally 2; ovary 2-celled: fr. a 1-seeded, winged samara.—About 50 species in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere south to Cuba; 16 of them occur in the U. S.
==Selected species==
The ashes are ornamental trees, most of them hardy, with rather large leaves and small flowers in panicles, either appearing before the leaves and greenish, or in the subgenus Ornus after or with leaves and whitish in showy panicles: the winged fruit is insignificant. They are valuable as street and park trees, and grow mostly into tall, pyramidal or broad-headed trees, with rather light green foliage, which turns yellow or dark purple in fall or remains green, as in F. excelsior and F. ornus. The ash is seldom severely injured, though a number of insects and fungi prey on the leaves and wood, of which two borers, and a fungus attacking the leaves are perhaps the most obnoxious. Most of the species are hardy North except those from the southern states, southern Europe and Himalayas; of the subgenus Ornus, F. bungeana and F. longicuspis seem to be the hardiest. The ashes are important forest trees, and the straight- grained and tough wood is much used for handles of tools, in the manufacture of carriages and wagons, for the interior finish of houses, and for furniture, for baskets and also for fuel. From F. Ornus manna is obtained as an exudation of the trunk, and some Chinese species, especially F. chinensis and F. mariesii, yield the Chinese white wax.
;Ashes of eastern [[North America]]
* ''[[Fraxinus americana]]'' White Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus caroliniana]]'' Water Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus nigra]]'' Black Ash or Swamp Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus pennsylvanica]]'' Green Ash (also includes Red Ash)
* ''[[Fraxinus profunda]]'' (syn. ''F. tomentosa'') Pumpkin Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus quadrangulata]]'' Blue Ash
;Ashes of western and southwestern [[North America]]
The ashes grow in almost any moderately moist soil, F. nigra being somewhat more moisture-loving, while F. oxycarpa, F. ornus, F. syriaca and F. cuspidata grow well even in drier situations. They are usually readily transplanted and grow rapidly when young. Propagation is by seeds gathered in fall and sown immediately, or stratified and sown in spring, covered with about 1 inch of good soil; sometimes they remain dormant until the second year. The varieties and rarer kinds are budded in late summer or grafted in spring on the seedlings of any of the common species.
* ''[[Fraxinus anomala]]'' Single-leaf Ash  
* ''[[Fraxinus cuspidata]]'' Fragrant Ash  
* ''[[Fraxinus dipetala]]'' Two-petal Ash  
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===Pests and diseases===
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Selected species{{wp}}:
;Eastern [[North America]]
* ''[[Fraxinus americana]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; White Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus caroliniana]]'' <small>Mill.</small> &ndash; Carolina Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus nigra]]'' <small>Marshall</small> &ndash; Black Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus pennsylvanica]]'' <small>Marshall</small> Green Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus profunda]]'' <small>(Bush) Bush</small> &ndash; Pumpkin Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus quadrangulata]]'' <small>Michx.</small> &ndash; Blue Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus tremillium]]''<small></small> &ndash; Indigo Ash
;Western and southwestern [[North America]]
* ''[[Fraxinus anomala]]'' <small>Torr. ex S.Watson</small> &ndash; Singleleaf Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus berlandieriana]]'' <small>DC.</small> &ndash; Mexican Ash  
* ''[[Fraxinus cuspidata]]'' <small>Torr.</small> &ndash; Fragrant Ash  
* ''[[Fraxinus dipetala]]'' <small>Hook. & Arn.</small> &ndash; California Ash or Two-petal Ash  
* ''[[Fraxinus dubia]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus dubia]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus gooddingii]]'' Goodding's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus gooddingii]]''<small></small> &ndash; Goodding's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus greggii]]'' Gregg's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus greggii]]'' <small>A.Gray</small> &ndash; Gregg's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus latifolia]]'' Oregon Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus latifolia]]'' <small>Benth.</small> &ndash; Oregon Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus lowellii]]'' Lowell Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus lowellii]]''<small></small> &ndash; Lowell Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus papillosa]]'' Chihuahua Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus papillosa]]'' <small>Lingelsh.</small> &ndash; Chihuahua Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus purpusii]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus purpusii]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus rufescens]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus rufescens]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus texensis]]'' Mountain Ash or Texas Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus texensis]]'' <small>(A.Gray) Sarg.</small> &ndash; Texas Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus uhdei]]'' Shamel Ash or Tropical Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus uhdei]]'' <small>(Wenz.) Lingelsh.</small> &ndash; Shamel Ash or Tropical Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus velutina]]'' Velvet Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus velutina]]'' <small>Torr.</small> &ndash; Velvet Ash
;Ashes of the Western [[Palearctic]] ([[Europe]], north [[Africa]] and southwest [[Asia]])
;Western [[Palearctic]] ([[Europe]], [[north Africa]] and [[Western Asia|southwest Asia]])
* ''[[Fraxinus angustifolia]]'' Narrow-leafed Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus angustifolia]]'' <small>Vahl</small> &ndash; Narrow-leafed Ash or Caucasian Ash
** ''[[Fraxinus angustifolia]]'' var. ''oxycarpa'' (syn. ''F. oxycarpa'') Caucasian Ash
** ''[[Fraxinus angustifolia]]'' subsp. ''oxycarpa''<small></small> &ndash; [[Claret Ash]] or Raywood Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus excelsior]]'' European Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus dimorpha]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus holotricha]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus excelsior]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; European Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus ornus]]'' Manna Ash or Flowering Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus holotricha]]'' <small>Koehne</small>
* ''[[Fraxinus pallisiae]]'' Pallis' Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus ornus]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; Manna Ash or Flowering Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus syriaca]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus pallisiae]]'' <small>Wilmott</small> &ndash; Pallis' Ash
;Ashes of the Eastern [[Palearctic]] (central & eastern [[Asia]])
;Eastern [[Palearctic]] ([[Central Asia|central]] and [[east Asia]])
* ''[[Fraxinus apertisquamifera]]''   
* ''[[Fraxinus apertisquamifera]]''   
* ''[[Fraxinus baroniana]]''   
* ''[[Fraxinus baroniana]]''   
* ''[[Fraxinus bungeana]]'' Bunge's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus bungeana]]'' <small>DC.</small> &ndash; Bunge's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus chinensis]]'' Chinese Ash or Korean Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus chinensis]]'' <small>Roxb.</small> &ndash; Chinese Ash or Korean Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus chiisanensis]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus chiisanensis]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus floribunda]]'' Himalayan Manna Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus floribunda]]'' <small>Wall.</small> &ndash; Himalayan Manna Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus griffithii]]'' Griffith's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus griffithii]]''<small>C.B.Clarke</small> &ndash; Griffith's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus hubeiensis]] ''  
* ''[[Fraxinus hubeiensis]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus lanuginosa]] ''  
* ''[[Fraxinus japonica]]''<small></small> &ndash; Japanese Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus longicuspis]]'' Japanese Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus lanuginosa]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus longicuspis]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus malacophylla]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus malacophylla]]''
* ''[[Fraxinus mandshurica]]'' Manchurian Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus mandschurica]]'' <small>Rupr.</small> &ndash; Manchurian Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus mariesii]]'' Chinese Flowering Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus mariesii]]''<small></small> &ndash; Maries' Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus micrantha]] ''
* ''[[Fraxinus micrantha]]'' <small>Lingelsh.</small>
* ''[[Fraxinus paxiana]] ''
* ''[[Fraxinus paxiana]]'' <small>Lingelsh.</small>
* ''[[Fraxinus platypoda]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus platypoda]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus raibocarpa]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus raibocarpa]]'' <small>Regel</small>
* ''[[Fraxinus sieboldiana]]'' Japanese Flowering Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus sieboldiana]]'' <small>Blume</small> &ndash; Japanese Flowering Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus spaethiana]]'' Späth's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus spaethiana]]'' <small>Lingelsh.</small> &ndash; Späth's Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus trifoliata]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus trifoliata]]''  
* ''[[Fraxinus xanthoxyloides]]'' Afghan Ash
* ''[[Fraxinus xanthoxyloides]]'' <small>(G.Don) Wall. ex DC.</small> &ndash; Afghan Ash<ref name="GRINspecies">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/splist.pl?4752 |title=Species Records of ''Fraxinus'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |publisher=United States Department of Agriculture |accessdate=2010-02-22}}</ref><ref name="ITIS">{{cite web |url=http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=32928 |title=''Fraxinus'' L. |work=ITIS Standard Reports |publisher=Integrated Taxonomic Information System |accessdate=2010-02-22}}</ref>
The [[emerald ash borer]] ''Agrilus planipennis'', a wood-boring [[beetle]] accidentally introduced to North America from eastern Asia with ash wood products in about [[1998]], has killed millions of trees in southeast [[Michigan]], adjacent [[Ontario]], and some isolated smaller areas on eastern North America. It threatens some 7 billion ash trees in North America. Ash is also used as a food plant by the [[larva]]e of some [[Lepidoptera]] species - see [[list of Lepidoptera which feed on Ashes]].
F. angustifolia, Vahl. Closely related to F. oxycarpa. Lfts. 7-13, elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, serrate, ½ - 1 ½ in. long: fr. obtuse at the base. S. Eu., N. Afr., W. Asia. Var. auttralis, Schncid. (F. australis, Gay). Lfts. below and rachia hairy. — F. argtntea, Loisel., is a variety of F. Ornus, not in cult., but in gardens often other ashes, especially variegated forms, are cult, under this name. — F . australis, Gay=F. angustifolia var. australis. — F. Berlandieriana, DC. Allied to F. lanceolata. Tree, to 70 ft. : lfts. 3-6, ovate or obovate, serrate, downy along the veins beneath, to 4 in. long. Texas to Mex.S.S. 6:273.— F. bracteata, Hemsl.=F. Griffithii. — F . coriacea, Wats. Allied to F. velutina. Tree, to 30 ft. : lfts. 5, sub-coriaceous, ovate to oblong, acute, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, glabrous or pubescent below. S.Calif, to Utah, Ariz., Nev. S.S. 14:713. F. dimorpha, Coss. A Dur.=F. xanthoxyloides var. dimorpha. — F . dipetala, Hook. A Arn. Allied to F. cuspidata. Shrub: lfts. 5-7. elliptic or ovate, serrate or entire, ½  - 2 in. long: fls. with 2 obovate petals. Calif., Men. S.S. 6:261. Tender. — F. floribunda, Wall. Allied to F. longicuspis. Tree, to 40 ft.: Ifts. 5-7, ovate- lanceolate, serrate, reticulate beneath, 2-4 in. long: panicles large, to 10 in. long; petals oblong. Himalayas. Tender. — F. floridana, Sarg.=F. pauciflora. — F. Greggii, Gray. Allied to F. cuspidata. Small tree: lfts. 3-7, oblong-obovate, crenately serrate, or entire, ½ -1 in. long: fr. linear-oblong, emarginate. 8.8.6:262. G.F. 2:451.— F. Griffithii, Clarke (F. bracteata, Hemsl.). Allied to F. mariesii. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 5-7, subcoriaceous, elliptic to ovate- lanceolate, lustrous above, bright green below and pubescent on the veins, 2—1 in. long: infl. 6-8 in. high, with persistent lanceolate bracts; petals 4: fr. spatulate. Cent. China, Himalayas, Java. — F. hololricha. Koehne. Allied to F. potamophila. Tree: lfts. 9-13, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, pubescent on both sides, 1 ½ -3 in, long: fls. in 10-fld. racemes; ovary pubescent. Origin unknown. — F. hybrida, Lingelsh. =F. pauciflora. — F. pauciflora, Nutt. (F. floridana, Sarg. F. hybrida, Lingelsh.). Allied to F. caroliniana. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 3-5, oblong, acuminate, cuneate at the base, tomentose below: fr. oblong-lanceolate, rounded or emarginate at the apex. Ga. to Fla. S.S. 14:717.— F. paxidna, Lingelsh. Allied to F. longicuspis. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 7-0. sessile, ovate, crenulate, 4-7 in. long: panicle large and dense: fr. 1-1 ¼ in. long, 1/5 in. broad. Cent. China, Himalayas. — F. platypoda, Oliver. Allied to F. americana. Tree: petioles enlarged and winged at the base; lfts. 5-7, ovate-lanceolate, finely serrate, hairy along the midrib below, 2-4 in.: fr. narrow-oblong, acute. Cent. China. H.I. 20:1929. — F. pro/Undo, Bush. Allied to F. pennsylvanica. Lfts. 7-9, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, 3-6 in. long, tomentose beneath: fr. 2-2 ½ in., with decurrent wing. Ind., Ark., to Fla. S.S. 14:714-5. — F. pubinersis. Blume. Allied to F. longicuspis. Lfts, usually 9, ovate to oblong-ovate, serrate with incurved teeth, pubescent on the veins below, 3-5 in. long: fr. oblanceolate. Japan.—F. raibocarpa, Regel. Shrub; lfts. 3-7, oblong or oblong-obovate, usually entire, obtuse, 1-2 in. long: fr. strongly falcate with obovate not decurrent wing. Turkestan, Bukhar.—F. retusa, Champ. Allied to F. mariesii. Tree: lfts. about 5, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, reticulate, 2-3 in. long. Hongkong. Var. Henryana, Oliver. Shrub or tree, to 35 ft.: lfta. slender-stalked, oblong to lanceolate, serrulate, 3-5 in. long: panicle dense, 4-6 in. long: ¼ - 1 in. long, emarginate. Cent. China. H.I. 20:1930. Only the variety is in cult.—F. sogdiana, Bunge. Allied to F. potamophila. Lfts. 7-11, ovate-lanceolate, bright green: fr. 1 ¼  in. long, obtuse or emarginate. Turkestan.—F. texensis. Sarg. Allied to F. americana. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 5, broadly oval or ovate, rounded or acute at the apex. 1 ½ - 2 ½ in. long. Texas. S.S. 6:270.—F. theophrastii, Nouv. Duh., is a variety of F. ornus, but in gardens other forms are sometimes cult, under this name.—F. xanthoxyloides, Wrall. Shrub or small tree, to 25 ft.:
rachia narrowly winged: lfts. 5-9, oblong, crenulate-serrate,
glabrous, ½ - 1 ½ in. long: fls. from axillary leafless buds, usually perfect, with calyx: fr. oblong. Himalayas. Var. dimorpha, Lingelsh. (F. dimorpha, Coss. A Dur.). Lfts. sessile, roundish oval to oblong, pubescent on the midrib below. N. Afr. Var. dumosa, Lingelsh. (F. dimorpha var. dumosa, Carr.). A low shrubby form of the preceding variety, with small lfts.—This species belongs to the section Sciadanthus, having perfect apetalous fls. with calyx.
The [[wood]] is hard (a [[hardwood]]), tough and very strong but elastic, extensively used for making [[bow (weapon) |bows]], [[tool]] handles, quality wooden [[baseball bat]]s, [[hurley (stick)|hurley sticks]] and other uses demanding high strength and resilience. It is also used as material for the bodies of guitars, known for its bright, cutting tone and sustaining quality. It also makes excellent [[wood fuel#Firewood|firewood]]. The two most economically important species for wood production are White Ash in eastern North America, and European Ash in Europe. The Green Ash is widely planted as a street tree in the United States. The inner bark of the Blue Ash has been used as a source for a blue [[dye]].
The cortex (bark) of ''Fraxinus rhynchophylla'' HANCE (Chinese: Ku li bai la shu), ''Fraxinus chinensis'' ROXB. (Chinese: Bai la shu), ''Fraxinus szaboana'' English (Chinese: Jian ye bai la shu) and ''Fraxinus stylosa'' English (Chinese: su zhu bai la shu)are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for diarrhea, dysenteric disorder, and vaginal discharge. It is also good for the eyes where there is symptoms of redness, swelling, and pain. The dosage is 6-12 grams.
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==Cultural aspects==
In [[Norse mythology]], the World Tree [[Yggdrasil]] is commonly held to be an ash tree, and the first man, [[Ask and Embla|Ask]], was formed from an ash tree (the first woman was made from [[elm]]). Elsewhere in Europe, [[snake]]s were said to be repelled by ash leaves or a circle drawn by an ash branch.  Irish folklore claims that shadows from an ash tree damage crops. In [[Cheshire]], it is said that ash could be used to cure warts or rickets. See also [[Æ|the letter ash]].
Image:EurAshSeeds.jpg|Closeup of European Ash seeds
Image:Koeh-062.jpg|19th century illustration of Manna Ash (''Fraxinus ornus'')
Image:Upload.png| photo 3
In [[Greek mythology]], the [[Meliai]] were nymphs of the ash, perhaps specifically of the Manna Ash (''Fraxinus ornus''), as [[dryad]]s were nymphs of the oakMany echoes of archaic Hellene rites and myth involve ash trees.
*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432 -->
<!--- xxxxx  *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608  -->
==Other name uses (Green Tree)==
==External links==
In [[North America]], the name "Mountain ash" is applied to species of the genus ''[[Sorbus]]'', more commonly known in the UK as [[Rowan]]s and [[Whitebeam]]s, and the name "[[Prickly ash]]" is applied to ''[[Zanthoxylum]] americanum''. In [[Australia]], many common [[eucalyptus]] species are called ''ash'' because they too produce hard, fine-grained timber. The best known of these is the [[Eucalyptus regnans|Mountain Ash]], the tallest [[angiosperm|broadleaf]] tree in the world..

Latest revision as of 02:04, 5 August 2010

Fraxinus ornus

Plant Characteristics
Habit   tree
Scientific Names

Oleaceae >

Fraxinus >

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Fraxinus (pronounced /ˈfræksɨnəs/)[1] is a genus flowering plants in the olive and lilac family, Oleaceae. It contains 45-65 species of usually medium to large trees, mostly deciduous though a few subtropical species are evergreen. The tree's common English name, Ash, goes back to the Old English æsc, while the generic name originated in Latin. Both words also meant "spear" in their respective languages.[2] The leaves are opposite (rarely in whorls of three), and mostly pinnately compound, simple in a few species. The seeds, popularly known as keys or helicopter seeds, are a type of fruit known as a samara. Rowans or Mountain Ashes are unrelated to true ashes and belong to the Genus Sorbus though the leaves and buds are superficially similar.

Read about Ash tree in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 
European Ash in flower
Narrow-leafed Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) shoot with leaves

Fraxinus (ancient Latin name). Oleaceae. Ash. Interesting trees grown chiefly for their handsome pinnate leaves and some species also for the conspicuous panicles of white flowers.

Deciduous: lvs. opposite, odd-pinnate, without stipules: fls. in panicles, dioecious or polygamous, with or without calyx or with calyx and a 2-6-parted corolla with generally linear segms.; stamens generally 2; ovary 2-celled: fr. a 1-seeded, winged samara.—About 50 species in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere south to Cuba; 16 of them occur in the U. S.

The ashes are ornamental trees, most of them hardy, with rather large leaves and small flowers in panicles, either appearing before the leaves and greenish, or in the subgenus Ornus after or with leaves and whitish in showy panicles: the winged fruit is insignificant. They are valuable as street and park trees, and grow mostly into tall, pyramidal or broad-headed trees, with rather light green foliage, which turns yellow or dark purple in fall or remains green, as in F. excelsior and F. ornus. The ash is seldom severely injured, though a number of insects and fungi prey on the leaves and wood, of which two borers, and a fungus attacking the leaves are perhaps the most obnoxious. Most of the species are hardy North except those from the southern states, southern Europe and Himalayas; of the subgenus Ornus, F. bungeana and F. longicuspis seem to be the hardiest. The ashes are important forest trees, and the straight- grained and tough wood is much used for handles of tools, in the manufacture of carriages and wagons, for the interior finish of houses, and for furniture, for baskets and also for fuel. From F. Ornus manna is obtained as an exudation of the trunk, and some Chinese species, especially F. chinensis and F. mariesii, yield the Chinese white wax.

The ashes grow in almost any moderately moist soil, F. nigra being somewhat more moisture-loving, while F. oxycarpa, F. ornus, F. syriaca and F. cuspidata grow well even in drier situations. They are usually readily transplanted and grow rapidly when young. Propagation is by seeds gathered in fall and sown immediately, or stratified and sown in spring, covered with about 1 inch of good soil; sometimes they remain dormant until the second year. The varieties and rarer kinds are budded in late summer or grafted in spring on the seedlings of any of the common species. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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Pests and diseases

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Selected specieswp:

Eastern North America
Western and southwestern North America
Western Palearctic (Europe, north Africa and southwest Asia)
Eastern Palearctic (central and east Asia)

Read about Ash tree in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 


The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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External links

  1. Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
  2. J. P. Mallory, Douglas Q. Adams, ed (1997). Encyclopedia of Indo-European culture. Taylor & Francis. p. 32. ISBN 9781884964985. http://books.google.com/?id=tzU3RIV2BWIC. 
  3. "Species Records of Fraxinus". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved on 2010-02-22.
  4. "Fraxinus L.". ITIS Standard Reports. Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved on 2010-02-22.