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|image_caption=Oreopanax capitatus
'''''Oreopanax''''' is a [[genus]] of [[flowering plant]]s in the [[family (biology)|family]] [[Araliaceae]], comprising between 80 and 150 [[species]] depending on source. ''[[Sinopanax]]'' was formerly included herein.
Oreopanax (i. e., mountain Panax). Araliaceae. Tropical American shrubs and trees grown in the greenhouse.
Oreopanax (i. e., mountain Panax). Araliaceae. Tropical American shrubs and trees grown in the greenhouse.
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*''[[Oreopanax acerifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax albanensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax allocophyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax anchicayanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax andreanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax angularis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax anomalus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax apurimacensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax aquifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax arcanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax argentatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax artocarpoides]]''
*''[[Oreopanax atopanthus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax avicenniifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax bogotensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax boliviensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax brachystachyus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax brunneus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax bullosus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax candamoanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax capitatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax catalpifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax cecropifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax cheirophyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax cissoides]]''
*''[[Oreopanax compactus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax confusus]]''{{Verify source|date=November 2009}}<!-- "confusum"? -->
*''[[Oreopanax corazonensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax coriaceus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax costaricensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax crassinervius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax crataegodorus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax cumanensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax cuspidatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax cyclophyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax dactylifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax deinocephalus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax diguensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax discolor]]''
*''[[Oreopanax divulsus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax donnell-smithii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax duquei]]''
*''[[Oreopanax dussii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax echinops]]''
*''[[Oreopanax ecuadorensis]]''{{Verify source|date=November 2007}}<!-- very often spelled "ecuadoriensis", but version without i is supported by IUCN -->
*''[[Oreopanax ellsworthii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax epificus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax epremesnilianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax eriocephalus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax farallonensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax flaccidus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax fontqueranus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax fulvus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax gargantae]]''
*''[[Oreopanax geminatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax glabrifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax gnaphalocephalus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax grandifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax grosseserratus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax guatemalensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax hederaceus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax hedraeostrobilus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax herzogii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax humboldtianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax hypargyreus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax ilicifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax impolitus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax incisus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax integrifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax iodophyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax ischnolobus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax jatrophifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax jelskii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax killipii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax klugii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax kuntzei]]''
*''[[Oreopanax lawrancei]]''
*''[[Oreopanax lechleri]]''
*''[[Oreopanax lehmannii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax lempiranus]]''{{Verify source|date=November 2007}}<!-- lempirianus seems to be lapsus -->
*''[[Oreopanax liebmannii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax lindenii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax macleanii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax macrocephalus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax mathewsii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax membranaceus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax microflorus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax mutisianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax nicaraguensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax niger]]''
*''[[Oreopanax nubigenus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax nymphaeifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax obscurus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax obtusilobus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax oerstediana]]''<!-- oerstedianus is lapsus -->
*''[[Oreopanax oroyanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax pachycephalus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax palamophyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax pallidus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax pariahuancae]]''
*''[[Oreopanax parviflorus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax pavonii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax peltatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax pentlandianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax pes-ursi]]''
*''[[Oreopanax platanifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax platyphyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax polycephalus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax pycnocarpus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax raimondii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax ramosissimus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax reticulatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax ripicolus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax robustus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax rosei]]''
*''[[Oreopanax ruizanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax ruizii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax rusbyi]]''
*''[[Oreopanax salvinii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax sanderianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax sandianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax santanderianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax schultzei]]''
*''[[Oreopanax sectifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax seemannianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax sessiliflorus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax simplicifolius]]''
*''[[Oreopanax spathulatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax standleyi]]''
*''[[Oreopanax steinbachianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax stenodactylus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax stenophyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax steyermarkii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax striatus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax sucrensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax superoerstedianus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax thaumasiophyllus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax tolimanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax trianae]]''
*''[[Oreopanax trifidus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax trollii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax turbacensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax urubambanus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax velutinus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax venezuelensis]]''
*''[[Oreopanax vestitus]]''
*''[[Oreopanax weberbaueri]]''
*''[[Oreopanax williamsii]]''
*''[[Oreopanax xalapensis]]''

Latest revision as of 16:59, 24 February 2010

Oreopanax capitatus

Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Araliaceae >

Oreopanax >

If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!

Oreopanax is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araliaceae, comprising between 80 and 150 species depending on source. Sinopanax was formerly included herein.

Read about Oreopanax in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Oreopanax (i. e., mountain Panax). Araliaceae. Tropical American shrubs and trees grown in the greenhouse.

Leaves simple or compound, entire or toothed, thick: fls. in dense heads which are arranged in racemes or panicles; calyx with minute or obsolete limb; petals 4-7, usually 5, the stamens of the same number and with ovate or oblong anthers; ovary 3-7-loculed, the styles rather long and bearing a flat, not thick, stigma: fr. globose and berrylike.—Some ninety species-names have been referred to this genus, but the number of species is probably much less than this number. In the trade, the species of Oreopanax are usually known as aralias, but in the Aralia tribe the petals are imbricate in the bud, whereas in Oreopanax they are valvate. Few species of Oreopanax are known in cult. Harms (Engler & Prantl, Pflanzenfamilien) divides the species into 3 groups,—lvs. digitate, Lvs. lobed, Lvs. not lobed. The species described below are those which are now most often mentioned in gardening literature, but only the first seems to be much known here.

Propagation is by cuttings and seeds, any time during January, February and March, the earlier the better. Half-ripened growth of the extreme tops should be placed in a warm propagating-bed with a bottom heat of about 80°. Keep them covered with glass and give sufficient moisture and plenty of shade. When the roots are about ½ inch long, they may be lifted carefully and potted off into 2- or 2½ inch pots, using a mixture of loam, leaf-mold and peat in equal parts, adding enough sand to make it friable. Keep them shaded close and moist until well established, when they may be brought out into full sun. Increase their pot room until they are in 6- or 7-inch pots. They can be kept in fair condition for some time if fed with liquid manure once or twice a week during the spring and summer. During the summer (they will need syringing on all bright days. Always give enough ventilation to keep the growth from becoming too soft, or the atmosphere from becoming too humid. They thrive in an intermediate temperature, in winter from 55° to 60" with a 15° rise during bright days; in spring and summer 60° to 68° for night, with 75° to 80rf with sun. They will require some shade when the sun becomes powerful, but not so much as to make them soft. A good compost to use for bigger shifts would be fibrous soil four parts, leaf-mold and well-decayed cow-manure one part each. Give them plenty of good drainage in order to keep the mixture from becoming sour. Do not let them become dry at the roots. In the winter they will need less water and syringing. Keep thrips down by syringing and fumigations.—Oreopanax can also be increased from seed. This seed can be secured through some of the European firms in the spring. It may be sown in pans, using a mixture of loam, peat and sand in equal parts. Cover the seeds about three times their size with finely sifted compost. Place a glass over each pan and keep shaded and moist. They will come better if placed over bottom heat. When large enough to handle, pot off into small pots, using a little heavier mixture than the seed was sown in. They may be shifted and grown on under the above cultural directions.

O. pedunculatum was once Hated in Calif., with following description: "Lvs. palmate, tinged with red; makes a fine foliage plant. Guatemala. It turns out to be Koelreutcria paniculata.—O. trilobum, Hon., a plant offered abroad, may belong here.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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