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The species of willows are readily propagated by cuttings. It has been suggested that the brittleness at base of twigs of some species, notably the black willow (S. nigra), is an adaptation to facilitate the natural distribution of the species. Certain it is that twigs broken from the tree by the wind are carried down streams and, becoming anchored in the muddy banks, grow readily. It is one of the most aggressive trees in occupying such places. Willows may also be propagated by seed. The seeds are very small and contain a green and short-lived embryo. A very short exposure of the seeds to the air will so dry them out that they will not germinate. The safest way to secure seedlings is to plant the seeds as soon as the capsule opens.
The species of willows are readily propagated by cuttings. It has been suggested that the brittleness at base of twigs of some species, notably the black willow (S. nigra), is an adaptation to facilitate the natural distribution of the species. Certain it is that twigs broken from the tree by the wind are carried down streams and, becoming anchored in the muddy banks, grow readily. It is one of the most aggressive trees in occupying such places. Willows may also be propagated by seed. The seeds are very small and contain a green and short-lived embryo. A very short exposure of the seeds to the air will so dry them out that they will not germinate. The safest way to secure seedlings is to plant the seeds as soon as the capsule opens.
S. aglaia, Hort.=S. daphnoides.—S. amygdalina, Linn. (S. triandra. Linn.). Usually shrubby, to 12 ft.: branchlets glabrous, rarely slightly silky: lvs. lanceolate, glabrous, pale green or bluish below, to 5 in. long: fls. shortly before or with the lvs.; stamens 3; ovary long-stalked, glabrous. Eu.—S. Bakeri, Seemen, is probably a form of S. lasiolepis.—S. Bockii, Von Seemen. An ornamental dwarf species: lvs. oblong or oval, 1/4-1/2 in. long, mucronate, dark green and glabrescent above, silvery with silky appressed hairs beneath: aments 1-2 in. long, produced in Oct. and Nov. before the fall of the lvs. China.—S. chrysocoma. Dode, is a hybrid between S. babylonica and S. vitellina.—S. daphnoides, Vill. Ten to 20 ft. high: twigs violet: lvs. narrow-oblong or linear-lanceolate, very acuminate. 3-6 in. long.—S. Hankensonii, Dode. Apparently a natural hybrid between a species of the group of S. nigra and one of the group of S. babylonica.—S. heterandra, Dode. Possibly hybrid between a species of the S. purpurea group and one allied to S. pentandra. Shrub: lvs. lanceolate-obovate or narrowly lanceolate, 3—4 in. long, remotely serrate, glabrous, light green above, whitish- glaucous beneath: male aments about 1 3/4 in. long: Caucasus.—S. hypoleuca, Seemen. Shrub, to 10ft.: lvs. elliptic to lanceolate, acute, glabrous at maturity, glaucous below, 1-2 in. long: aments with the lvs. 1-2 in. long. Cent. W. China.—S. japonica, Thunb. (S. babylonica var. japonica, Anderss.). Shrub, to 6 ft.: lvs. ovate-oblong to lanceolate, remotely serrate, glabrous, grayish green beneath, to 3 in. long: aments slender, 2 1/2-3 1/2 in. long; ovary glabrous. Japan.— S.lasiolepis, Benth. Arroyo Willow. Shrub or tree, 8-25 ft. high: lvs. oblong, suborbicular, obovate or linear acute, obscurely serrulate, 1 1/2-5 in. long: aments appearing before the lvs., sessile, densely silky-tomentose in the bud, suberect: caps. glabrous or puberulent, short-pedicelled. Calif.—S. lispocladus, Dode. Lvs. ovate-lanceolate, about 2 1/2 in. long, serrate, light green and shining above, whitish glaucous beneath: male aments appearing late. Caucasus.— S. magnifica, Hemsl. Shrub, to 20 ft.: lvs. oval to obovate, shortly and obtusely acuminate, glabrous, pale beneath, to 8 in. long and to 5 in. wide; petiole purplish: staminate aments to 7 in., pistillate to 11 in. long. W. China. A remarkable willow, but tender N. J. H.S. 39. p. 137, fig. 148.—S. Matsudana, Koidsumi (S. babylonica var. pekinensis, Henry). Tree, to 40 ft.: branchlets ascending or pendulous, greenish: lvb. narrowly lanceolate, serrulate, glabrous, 2-4 in. long: aments with the lvs., about 1/2 in. long. N. E. Asia.—S. Medemii, Boiss., of the Armenia-Persia region is an upright species 12 ft. and more high with oblong somewhat serrate lvs. abruptly pointed.—S. Medwedewii, Dode. Shrub or small tree: lvs. very narrow, up to 4 in. long: female aments appearing late, cylindric, 1 1/4 in. long. Caucasus.—P. oxica, Dode. Lvs. large, glaucescent, giving the tree a bluish appearance. Cent. Asia.—S. persica, Boiss. Similar to P. babylonica. Trunk pale ashy gray or brownish: lvs. very shortly stalked, somewhat falcate, long-acuminate, serrulate. Persia.—S. Rehderiana, Schneid. Shrub, to 10 ft.: branchlets sparingly hairy or glabrous: lvs. lanceolate, crenulate, whitish and silky beneath, with yellow midrib, 2-5 in. long: aments precocious, about 1 in. long; anthers purple at first; ovaries glabrous. W. China. —S. renecia is a hybrid, of which S. cinerea is a parent.—S. Tominii, Dode. Tree with spreading branches: lvs. obovate to lanceolate, 3 1/3- 4 in. long or more, remotely serrate: male aments at first conical and rosy at apex, afterward ovate-cylindric, 3/4 in. long. W. Asia.—S. triandra, Linn.=S. amygdalina.—S. Wallichiana, Anderss. Shrub or small tree: lvs. ovate- to oblong-lanceolate, entire, silky beneath like the young branchlets, 2-3 in. long: staminate aments 1 in. long, pistillate 3—5 in.: caps slender, silky. Himayalas, Cent. and W. China.—S. zygostemon. Hook. f. & Thorn. Probably a natural hybrid between S. purpurea and S. Medemii.—S. Wentworthii, Hort., is described as a tall upright rapid-growing willow with bright red bark: botanical position to be determined.

Revision as of 14:25, 1 May 2009

Weeping Willow

Plant Characteristics
Exposure: [[Exposure::full sunsn]]
Water: [[Water::lots of watersn]]
Sunset Zones: varies by species
Scientific Names

Salicaceae >

Salix >

Read about Willow in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 


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About 350, including:
Salix acutifolia - Violet Willow
Salix alaxensis - Alaska Willow
Salix alba - White Willow
Salix alpina - Alpine Willow
Salix amygdaloides - Peachleaf Willow
Salix arbuscula - Mountain Willow
Salix arbusculoides - Littletree Willow
Salix arctica - Arctic Willow
Salix atrocinerea
Salix aurita - Eared Willow
Salix babylonica - Peking Willow
Salix bakko
Salix barrattiana - Barratt's Willow
Salix bebbiana - Beaked Willow
Salix boothii - Booth Willow
Salix bouffordii
Salix brachycarpa - Barren-ground Willow
Salix cacuminis
Salix canariensis
Salix candida - Sage Willow
Salix caprea - Goat Willow
Salix caroliniana - Coastal Plain Willow
Salix chaenomeloides
Salix chilensis
Salix cinerea - Grey Sallow
Salix cordata
Salix daphnoides
Salix discolor - Pussy Willow
Salix eastwoodiae - Eastwood's Willow
Salix eleagnos
Salix eriocarpa
Salix eriocephala - Heartleaf Willow
Salix exigua - Sandbar Willow
Salix foetida
Salix fragilis - Crack Willow
Salix futura
Salix geyeriana
Salix gilgiana
Salix glauca
Salix gooddingii - Goodding Willow
Salix gracilistyla
Salix hainanica - Hainan Willow
Salix helvetica - Swiss Willow
Salix herbacea - Dwarf Willow
Salix hirsuta
Salix hookeriana - Hooker's Willow
Salix hultenii
Salix humboldtiana - Chile Willow
Salix humilis - Upland Willow
Salix integra
Salix interior
Salix japonica
Salix jessoensis
Salix koriyanagi
Salix kusanoi
Salix lanata - Woolly Willow
Salix lapponum - Downy Willow
Salix lasiandra - Pacific Willow
Salix lasiolepsis - Arroyo Willow
Salix lucida - Shining Willow
Salix magnifica
Salix matsudana - Chinese Willow
Salix miyabeana
Salix mucronata
Salix myrtilloides - Swamp Willow
Salix myrsinifolia - Dark-leaved Willow
Salix myrsinites - Whortle-leaved Willow
Salix nakamurana
Salix nigra - Black Willow
Salix pedicellaris - Bog Willow
Salix pentandra - Bay Willow
Salix petiolaris - Slender Willow
Salix phylicifolia - Tea-leaved Willow
Salix planifolia- Planeleaf Willow
Salix polaris - Polar Willow
Salix pseudo-argentea
Salix purpurea - Purple Willow
Salix pyrifolia - Balsam Willow
Salix reinii
Salix repens - Creeping Willow
Salix reticulata - Net-leaved Willow
Salix retusa
Salix rorida
Salix rosmarinifolia - Rosemary-leaved Willow
Salix rupifraga
Salix salicicola
Salix schwerinii
Salix scouleriana - Scouler's Willow
Salix sericea - Silky Willow
Salix serissaefolia
Salix serissima - Autumn Willow
Salix shiraii
Salix sieboldiana
Salix sitchensis
Salix subfragilis
Salix subopposita
Salix taraikensis
Salix tetrasperma
Salix thorelii
Salix triandra - Almond Willow
Salix udensis
Salix viminalis - Common Osier
Salix vulpina
Salix waldsteiniana
Salix wallichiana
Salix wilmsii
Salix woodii
Salix yezoalpina
Salix yoshinoi

Read about Willow in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 


The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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