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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Gazania in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Gazania (after Theodore of Gaza, 1393-1478, translator of Aristotle and Theophrastus; by some considered to be derived from Greek, riches, owing to the splendid floral coloring). Compositae. Showy plants grown in a cool greenhouse or in the open border in summer.

Herbaceous, mostly perennial, rarely annual, with short sts. or none: lvs. crowded at the crown of the root, or scattered along the St.: involucral scales in 2 or several rows, cup-like at the base, toothed at the apex: achenes wingless, villous; pappus in 2 series of very delicate, scarious, toothed scales, often hidden in the wool of the achene.—Species 24-30. This group contains some of the finest of the sub-shrubby composites from the Cape of Good Hope. They have a wide range of color,—pure white, yellow, orange, scarlet, and the backs of the rays are in some cases rich purple, and even azure-blue. Their foliage is often densely woolly beneath, and the range of form is unusual. The group is also notable for the spots near the base of the rays of G. pavonia and some others. These markings suggest the eyes of a peacock's tail. The plants are also remarkable for their behavior at night, when they close their fls. and turn their foliage enough to make the woolly under sides of the lvs. more conspicuous.

Gazanias are now rarely met with in some of the oldest-fashioned florists' establishments. Few of the more prominent firms keep them now, and they may be said to be practically out of the trade in America. All the kinds described below are old garden favorites abroad, particularly G. rigens, a common bedding plant, cultivated for nearly a century and a half, but whose precise habitat has never been ascertained. They are of easy culture in the cool greenhouse, and are commended for summer use in the borders of those who can keep them under glass in winter. They can be rapidly propagated in midsummer by cuttings made from the side shoots near the base and placed in a close frame.

A hybrid between G. nivea, Less., and G. longiscapa, DC., known as G. hybrida, has been described as a very profuse bloomer, flowering continuously from June to late autumn. K.II. 1900:209. Clt. 47:134.—G. longiscapa, DC. (G. stenophylla. Hort.), is a white- woolly perennial with a glabrous peduncle which is shorter than the lvs.: involucre glabrous.—G. nivea, DC. Very dwarf, almost woody: lvs. crowded, hoary-tomentose on both sides: peduncle not exceeding the lvs.: involucre tomentoee. Last two probably not cult, in Amer. Wilhelm Miller. N. Taylor. CH

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