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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Utricularia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Utricularia (Latin, a little bag or skin, referring to the bladders). Lentibulariaceae. Bladderwort. As known to gardeners, the bladderworts are of two rather distinct groups—the aquatic mostly native kinds sometimes used in pools and aquaria, and the tropical terrestrial kinds sometimes grown in warmhouses with orchids and other special plants. The whole group is of little importance horticulturally.

As commonly understood, Utricularia is a genus of some 200 aquatic and terrestrial herbs, of cosmopolitan distribution. Recently, however, the genus has been split into several genera, and the name Utricularia retained for certain aquatic species; with this taxonomic innovation, however, we are not concerned in this brief account. Under the older and prevailing definition, Utricularia comprises plants with numerous slender wiry scapes bearing one or many fls.: calyx large, 2-parted or 2-lobed; corolla with a spur which is usually long and curved under the fl.; posterior lip erect, entire, emarginate or 2-fid; anterior lip often large, broad, and showy, spreading or reflexed, entire, crenate or 3-lobed, or the middle lobe various: lvs. of the aquatic species much dissected, sometimes disappearing at flowering-time, very delicate: plant floating or rooting in the mud, the lvs., branches, and sometimes the roots bearing minute bladders; lvs. of terrestrial species linear or spatulate and rosulate at base of plant. The bladders trap small aquatic animals. These bladders have a valve-like door through which the animals enter when looking for food or when trying to escape from other creatures; they are most numerous and effective in the species which float in stagnant water. They are fewer in the marsh-inhabiting species. The terrestrial kinds often have minute deformed and useless bladders; these kinds are common in the tropics and are characterized by erect foliage of the ordinary type. These often form little tubers by which they may be propagated. The native aquatic species propagate themselves by seeds and also by winter buds. (A winter bud of another aquatic plant is figured under Elodea, p. 1110). Some of the utricularias are epiphytic in a way. Those who are familiar with bromeliaceous plants know how the water gathers in the axils of the lvs. These bromeliads are themselves often epiphytic, perching on high trees in moisture-laden tropical jungles. In the miniature ponds supplied by the lf .-axils of Vriesia and other bromeliads live certain utricularias with fully developed and effective bladders. Occasionally they send out a long "feeler" or runner-like shoot which finds another bromeliad and propagates another bladderwort.

The aquatic utricularias are sometimes cultivated in aquaria, but their flowers are not showy, nor are those of any of the hardy kinds. A number of them are native in lakes and ponds in the United States and Canada. The showy species are the terrestrial and epiphytic kinds of the tropics. These, for complexity of floral structure, beauty of color and lasting qualities, vie with certain orchids. In fact, they are usually grown by orchid-lovers in orchid-houses. Perhaps the most desirable of the genus are U. montana, U. Endresii, and U. longifolia, each of which represents a different color. Well-grown baskets of these plants have numerous scapes a foot or so high bearing five to twenty flowers, each 1 1/2 to 2 inches across. In general, such plants are grown in warmhouses, U. Endresii requiring a stove temperature, while some of the others may thrive in an intermediate house. As a class they are grown in baskets, near the light, using a compost of fibrous peat and sand. The plants are kept constantly wet during the growing season and until the flowers are gone. During the winter they are rested, being kept in a cooler place and given just enough water to keep the tubers from shriveling. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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