Acacia longifolia

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Acacia longifolia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Acacia longifolia, Willd. Sydney Golden Wattle. Fig. 72. A tall shrub or small tree: phyll. oblong-lanceolate, either acute or obtuse, narrowed to the base, 2-3 in. or even 4-6 in. long and from 1/4-1/2in. wide; 3 or 4 longitudinal nerves, reticulately veined between; gland very near base: fls. in spikes 3/4-2 1/4 in. long, 4-merous: pods l 1/2-3 3/4 in. long or more, about 1/4in. broad, coriaceous, terete until fully ripe when their valves flatten, separate, become dark and curled and persist on the tree; seeds longitudinal, black, fat and shining; funicle silvery, not enfolding seed but bent upon itself several times, dilated and fitted like a cap over one end of the seed; ripe Aug, Sept. Fls. Feb., March. B.R. 362. B.M. 2166. R.H. 1896, p. 504. Wattles and Wattle-barks, p. 51.—A valuable ornamental as well as a good tree for narrow streets; also used as a tan for heavy leathers.

Var. Sophorae, F. v. M. (A. Sophorae, R. Br.). Phyll. shorter, and with rounded apex, 1 1/2-3 1/2in. long, 3/4-1/12in. broad: spikes generally shorter, l-l 1/2in.; blooms later and seed matures later than type. Brown, Fl. of S. Austral.—Under cult, it becomes difficult to distinguish this from the type, but in general its foliage is shorter and more rounded at apex.

Var. floribunda, F. v. M. A tall shrub or small tree, with the foliage all at the ends of the branches, giving the tree a thin, delicate appearance: phyll. 2 1/2-31/4 in. long, 1/8-1/4in. wide, or more, linear-lanceolate, ending in oblique point, acuminate, striate, several nerves more prominent than others: spikes 1 l/2 in. long, flowering to base; fls. whitish yellow: pods contracted and long-constricted between seeds; seed longitudinal; funicle silvery, not encircling seed but folded like a cap; ripe July, Aug. Fls. Feb., March. B.M. 3203 (as A. intermedia).—This varies so much from the type that it is difficult to conceive of its relationship, but since all variations between this and the type can be traced, it can be given only varietal rank.


The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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