Lophostemon confertus

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Read about Lophostemon confertus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Tristania conferta, R. Br. (Lophostemon arborescens, Schott). Brisbane Box. Fig. 3849. An umbrageous tree attaining 150 ft.: young shoots and calyx hoary-pubescent: lvs. 3-6 in. long, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, usually crowded at the ends of the branches and apparently verticillate: fls. mostly on the branches well below the lvs.; petals about 1/4 in. long, white and spotted, fringed. Queensland. B.R. 1839 (as T. macrophylla.). —A handsome evergreen shade tree, valuable for avenues in hot dry regions, as it withstands great drought; it also produces timber valued for strength and durability. Much grown in New S. Wales as a boulevard tree. Hardy in Cent. Calif., withstanding an exceptional temperature of 26° F. at Berkeley.

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