Tulipa altaica var. altaica

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Read about Tulipa altaica var. altaica in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Tulipa kolpakowskiana, Regel. Tunics of the bulb fuscous, strigose-pilose toward the apex inside: sts. 3-lvd., 1-fld.: lvs. erect-spreading or spreading, undulate, obscurely cartilaginous margined, margin smooth or scaberulous, lower lvs. narrowly lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, upper rather linear (sublinear): peduncle glabrous: perianth erect; sepals spreading, elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, all acute or rarely rather obtuse, yellow, outer ones very often becoming reddish or greenish dorsally or entirely purple in a variety, apex and base glabrous; stamens glabrous. Turkestan. B.M. 6635 and G.C. III. 27:309 (both as T. Borszczowii).— Nearly allied to T. Gesneriana, Linn., which differs in the 3-4-lvd. st., the broader immarginate lvs. and in the campanulate-connivent frequently obtuse segms. of the perianth.

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