Verbascum densiflorum

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Read about Verbascum densiflorum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Verbascum thapsiforme, Schrad. (V. densiflorum, Bertol.). Biennial, about 2-5 ft. high, densely yellowish tomentose: radical lvs. oblong-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, crenulate, attenuate to the petiole; cauline lvs. narrowly decurrent from lf. to lf.: fls. in fascicles forming spike, large, yellow; calyx tomentose, segms. lanceolate; corolla rotate, rather flat. Eu. and Cent. Russia. Var. macrurum, Benth. (V. macrurum, Ten.), is white- tomentose and the cauline lvs. are more broadly decurrent. Italy.

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