Vitis heyneana

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Read about Vitis heyneana in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Vitis pentagona, Diels & Gilg. Climbing, the tendrils interrupted: sts. and lvs. reddish gray-tomentose: lvs. long-petioled, the blade membranaceous, ovate, usually 5-angled, the base truncate or shallowly emarginate, the apex acute, the margin repand and minutely denticulate, lightly pubescent on nerves above but reddish tomentose beneath: thyrse elongated. China. —Allied to V. lanata. It appears to have been distributed in cult. as V. Thunbergii. Var. bellula, Rehd. & Wilson. Lvs. much smaller, 1-2 in. long: very similar to V. flexuosa var. parvifolia, but lvs. tomentose beneath.

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