Iris domestica

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Read about Iris domestica in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Belamcanda chinensis, DC. (Gemmingia chinensis, Kuntze. B. punctata, Moench. Ixia, chinensis, Linn. Morsei chinensis,Thunb. Pardanthus chinensis, Ker. P. sininsis, Van Houtte). Fig. 534. Height 2-3 ft.: rootstock short, stoloniferous Lvs. about 6, equitant, stri- ate, 1-1½ ft. long, 1 in. broad: outer spathe- valves ½-1 in. long: pedicels 1-2 in. long: caps. 1-1½ in. long; valves reflexing, persistent. China and Japan. B.M. 171 (as Ixia). F.S. 16:1632. L.B.C. 19:1874.—The seed-stalks are sometimes used with dried grasses for decoration. It is said that the birds sometimes mistake the seeds for blackberries.

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