Acacia decurrens

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Acacia decurrens in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Acacia decurrens, Willd. Green Wattle. A handsome tree, glabrous or more or less tomentose-pubescent with branches more or less prominently angled: pinnae 8-15 pairs or more (sometimes reduced to 5 or 6); lfts. 30-40 pairs or more, linear, from under 2 to nearly 5 lines long, according to the variety: fls. 20-30 in a head, mostly 5-merous: pods 3-4 in. long, about 1/4in. broad, more or less contracted between the seeds. Wattles and Wattle-barks, p. 55. Brown, For. Fl. of S. Austral.— There is much confusion regarding this group among nurserymen and others.

Var. normalis, Benth. Sydney Black Wattle. Lfts. 1/4-1/3in.long. Restricted range on the coast of Austral. According to Maiden, var. normalis difers from type in having sepals as long as petals and cilia on interior of lobe: in A. decurrens, the petals have a midrib and a short, broadly lobed ciliate calyx.

Var. mollis, Lindl. (A. mollissima, Willd.). Black Wattle. A tree 20-50 ft. high, with reddish bark showing under the fissures: pinnae 8-20 pairs, shining on upper surface, 2-6 in. long; lfts. 30-60 pairs, closely crowded, not 1/8in. in length; gland between each pair of pinnae and generally additional ones on internodes between: fl.-clusters in racemes, 30-36 in a head, 5-merous; peduncles 1/8-1/4in. long: pods dark, pubescent. 2—4 in. long, not 1/4in. wide, constricted and contracted between the seeds; seed longitudinal; funicle filiform, enlarged to a light-colored cap over seed; ripe June- Oct. Fie. pale yellow, blooming profusely in June and intermittently at other times. B.R. 371.—Distinguished from var. dealbata by its later blooming period, by its lighter fls., its characteristic pubescent pods and smaller seeds and by the short lfts., shining above, which sit close together.

Var. dealbata, F. v. M. (A. dealbata, Link). Silver Wattle. Fig. 75. A tree 50 or more ft. hind, with smooth bark and gray pubescent branchlets: lvs. silver-gray to light green, 3-6 1/2in. long; pinnae 13-25 pairs; lfts. 30—40 pairs; glands 1 between each pair of pinnae: racemes often compound, 30 fls. in a head, 5-merous; sepals united; petals with faint midrib; peduncles 1/4 in. long: pods 1 1/2-4 1/4 in. long, 3/8-1/2in. wide, smooth, a rich brown; seeds longitudinal; funicle as long as seed, filiform half its distance and ending in silvery club-shaped aril; ripe July, Aug. Fls. Feb., March. A.F. 13:880. R.H. 1896 p. 502.—Mts. in its native country. It is sometimes given specific rank as A. dealbata, but intermediate forms occur.


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