Viburnum dentatum var. venosum

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Read about Viburnum dentatum var. venosum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Viburnum venosum, Brit. (V. molle, Auth., not Michx. V. Hanceanum, Dipp., not Maxim. V. nepalense, Hort.). Fig. 3925. Shrub, to 8 ft., with grayish brown branches; young branchlets stellate-pubescent: lvs. ovate to orbicular, coarsely and sharply dentate, glabrous or nearly so above, stellate-pubescent beneath, particularly on the veins, 2-5 in. long, with prominent veins beneath; petioles 1/4 – 3/4 in. long, pubescent: cyme long-stalked, slightly pubescent, 2 1/2 - 4 in. across: fr. globose or globose-ovoid, 1/4 in. long, bluish black. June, July; fr. in Sept. Mass. to Va. S.T.S. 1:43. G.F. 4:29 (adapted in Fig. 3925). M.D.G. 1891:267. Var. Canbyi, Rehd. (V. laevigatum, Hort., not Ait.). Lvs. thinner, less pubescent beneath, larger and broader, the pair below the infl. often 2-3 in. broad: cymes larger. Del. to Pa. M.D.G. 1904:217 (habit). This is a very handsome variety on account of its larger bright green lvs. and larger cymes. Var. longifolium, Rehd. (V. dentatum var. longifolium, Dipp.). Lvs. narrower and longer, generally ovate-oblong, pubescent on both sides, more densely beneath: infl. glabrous or pubescent. Blooms several weeks before the type.

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