Nicotiana tomentosa

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Nicotiana >

tomentosa >

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Read about Nicotiana tomentosa in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Nicotiana tomentosa, Ruiz & Pay. (N. colossea, Andre). Herbaceous or woody, perennial, viscid-pubescent: st. reaching 10 to 20 ft., diffusely branched from the base upward: branches leafy, terete, ascending: Lvs. 10-18 in. long by 4-6 in. wide, obovate-oblong, acuminate, narrowing into a very broad undulate, winged petiole with a clasping base, pale green above, paler beneath, with conspicuous midrib and veins: panicle terminal, nearly a foot long and broad, branches ascending, loose- fld., tubercled at the articulations of the pedicels; bracts narrow, caducous; pedicels ½-⅔ in. long; fls. inclined, 1½ in. long; calyx broadly terete, ½ in. long, smooth, green, base rounded; lobes unequal narrow, obtuse, shorter than the tube; corolla slightly incurved, pale green and pubescent without; tube somewhat exceeding the calyx-lobes; lobes ovate, obtuse, spreading, yellowish tinged with red within; stamens suberect, twice as lone as the corolla-lobes; ovary conical, glabrous; style longer than the stamens, reddish; stigma 2-lobed. Brazil. B.M. 7252. G.C. 111. 9:83. Gng. 1: 97.—A remarkably valuable plant for large and rapid growth. Very useful in making subtropical effects. Re-described by Andre from plants that came up in soil received with Brazilian orchids which were sent to France. It began to attract attention in France about 1899. It usually has reddish sts. which add to the bold effect. Seeds should be started under glass. Var. variegata, Hort., has mottled and margined foliage. R.H. 1893, p. 9. G.M. 37:61.

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